HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-1953 'I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR 1,lEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GeOEE, FLORIDA, HELD vlliDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4th 1953. 437 Pre sent: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Haguire, 14inor and Pounds, Also, Mayor Salisbury. . , Absent: None' A quorum pre sent. The meeting was called to order' by Chairman, }1aguire at 8: 00 P .r.1. and the' minutes of'the last regular meeting held' October 20, 1953' were read and approvedr. COuncilman r.1inor'made.a motion to approve the payment of the following bills: (a) From General Funds: Cash paid out, garbage hauling Mrs. Belle Kerr, Election Expense ~lrs. Walker Creel,' e~ection expense r-Irs. O. L. Sanders, election expense' l-'lrs. H. M. Daniel, elec.tion e'xpense' J. T. Lindsey, election deputy C. ~. Stevens, 'el~ction deputy J. A. Thornton, meales, election eRpense O. L. Sanders, Police dept. Florida 1'eil:eph5flep. pht'JIBf! bills to 10:";1:0:-53 Richard Bodiford, street labor to 11-7-5~ J. R. Cox, street labor, 45 hrs @ .75~ Richard Bodiford, street labor to 11-14-53 w:J.' TE,,"l'l1,:trst,,-'ClEmk to 11-15-5:7 George H. Horton, Police to 11-15-53 (b) From Utility Tax Fund First National Bankr W.G. Fire truck pyt. (c) From Cigarette Tax Fund-; 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 I" .85 5.00 15.72' 40.63' 33.75 40.63 61.56 98.50 -4 63.00 Cities Service Station, street dept. D. A. Walker, Street dept. Roger Henry, street dept. \Ivinter Garden' Lumher Co., s,trect dept. W. H. Wurst Agency, City Clerk Sond Orlando-Sentinel Star, Election Exp. R.J. Mobley, Street dept. Hood Tractor Co., s~reet dept. Brax Hdwe Co~, street dept. W. S. Hyrons, Electronics, Water dept. J. R. Cox, street labor, 46 hrs ~ .75~ 3.00 55.86 9.3'0 46.70 50.00 17.70 23'.10 15.80 6.80 '38.20 34.50 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from gbove mentioned funds was seconded by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. ~et.ters read by Clerk from Derby and Greene of Daytona Beach ad Pribble Wells & Laney of Orlando regarding the auditing t.he City books for the year of 1953, after sone discussion, Councilman Fields made a motion to table them, motion seconded by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. At this time the Clerk read the results of the Clerk and Inspectors of the City's General Election on NovemtTer 3rd 1953, to elect the Mayor and three ConTlC iImen, total vote::3 cast 157 \'l hich read as follo\'ls: Sam T. Salisbury for r5ayor 150 votes for term of t\'lO years, Harold' D. r.1aguire 144 votes for unexpired' term of one year; C. R. "Cliff" Freeman and John T. !\linor for Councilman for term of t':lO years.. Councilman l,linor made a motion to accept the Election Board c'ount, this motion \iaS sec:ond'ed by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. 146 votes in favor of the City continueing its efforts to take in Exclud~d Property, and 8 voted ~~ainst. Earlier in the day, Ivlayor Salisbury was' sworn in by Justice of the- Peace C. }.\. Tucker, district 3 l Orange County, and at this time rJIayor Salisbury swore in the three Councl1men duly elected. Counc;ilman Minor made a motion that H8rold IJIaguire be appointed as Chairman,. motion was seconded by C~uncilman Fields, \Toted and carried. (())ver) - 438 CONTINUED FRCJ1.l PAGE 437 ~ ~ . -,. ... ....,.... .,. Councilman Freeman made a motion that ~ouncilman Fields be aPDointed Vmce-Chairman, motion seconded by Councilman' ~1inor, voted and" carried. Chaimman r,laguire appointed all Councilmen to serve on various Committees and departments as befor~. ., There being no further business, COuncilman Minor made a mot~on that the meeting be adj ourned. This motion was seconded by COuncilman Fielc1.s, vo:ter:l and carried. Thereupon, the Council adj ourned: at 9: 50 P .T'-1. ATTEST: ~ p~~ City Clerk ~~~~ r.1ayor' ~- ------ .... .~ III 'I I~ I ~I ~ 435 OATH OF OFFICE. "T, SAM T. SALISBURY do solmenly swea.r (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the Consitution and Govermnent of the' Urritedn states and of the State of Florida against all enemies,domestic or foreign, and that I wi 11 bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold offic~ under the eonstitution; that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of l'-lAYOR of the City of Ocoee, on \':hich I am about to enter, So help me Gocf." ~~~~~ S\'lorn to and subsc-ribed to before me this 4th day of November A.D. 1953. ( SIgned) G .r-I. Tucker', Justice of the Peac:e', Dist,. 3, Orange County Florida "I, C. R. "GliffTl Freeman, do solemnly swear (oraffirm) that I "'fill support, protect and defend the COnsitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies,domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and a'llegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold offi~e under the Constitutionj' that I ''Till faithfully perform all the duties of the office of COUNCIUIAN of the City of Ocoee', on vJhi~h I am ab'out to enter, So held me God;.1t ~'~ G_f. - li/JAAtLH) Approved by me this 4th day or November A.~., 195}. ~~~~) Jl.layor "I; . JOHN T. NINOn. , do solmnly swear (or affirm) th&t I ,,'!ill support, protect and defend the COnstitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies,domestic or' foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution! that I will faithfully perform all the duties of t:he office of COUNvILAN ;:p~::e:i::y:: ::~::~t:nd::i:~. I am about to e~~p~ ~~ r\ovember a.D., 1953. . ~'-- , ~~ ~~~ I\;layor. "I, HAROLD D. r-1AGUIRE. do solemnly swea'r (or affirm) that I ''lill support, protect anQ ee~end the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic' 'or' foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the samel and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution; t.hat I ''li 1 faithfully perform all the dlities of the office of CQUOrlILf\'lAN of the City of Ocoee', on which I am about to..l~uP/il~ Approved by me this 4th day of November A.D. 195}. \~r\ ~~ ...