HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-1953 I I ... . '439 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR l/iEETING OF THE CI1'Y COUHCIL OF THE CITY l,F OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1953 Present: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, M~guire, Minor' and Pounds Also, Mayor Salisbury Ab sent: None A quorum present The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jl.'laguire at. 8: 20 P .H. and the' minutes of the last regular meeting hela November 4th, 1953 were read' and approved. CounQilman Fields Made a.motion to aDpro~ the payment of the following bills, except that of Iserman and Co. (a) From 'General.Fund: ... Cash paid out, garbage hauling Florida Power C rp. power and lights to 10-9-53 Tesco Chemical 80. 300 Ibs HTH@~29.75-1 crock $18.50- Rich~rd Rodifor&,street labor through 11-21-53 Governmental Guide, 1954 subscription Rich~rd Bodiford, street labor throueh 11-28-53 \'J. H. i/Jurst, Clerk to 12-1-5} George P. Horton, Police to 12-1-53 (b) From Cigarette T~~ Fund: 15.50 106.36, 107.75 40.63' 3.00 40.63 61.56 98.50 ~Hnter Garden Hdw9 Co., i'later d ept. Torn West Fruit Bins, Street dept. 3 loads of shell Finley Municipal Supply Co., water dept. Davis I'Ieter Repair Co., water dE"pt. C. ~. Freeman, street dept. 65 hrs @ .85~ 8.40 150.00 38.63 13.00 55.25 A motion to pay aforesaid bills rrom above mentioned fund~ was seconded by COUilC ilmen Freeman, voted and c'arried. Counc ilnan Ffelds made e. motion to contact I-lr. Cloud vli th the Florida Power Corp about. his survey on street lights around the' lake, and change. all street light,i' bulbs from 150 \'lats to 75 ~'latts, this motion vi as seoonded by COunilman Minor, voted'and carried. Councilman Minor made a motion to have more Christmas lights put up, motion was seconded by Councilm~rr Pounds, voted and carried. Councilman Pounds made a motion to accept the COntract with the Florida Power Corp. as to the W3.ter pump subject to the approwd of the Mayor, motion w~s seconded by Councilman Fields, ~oted and carried. Council~nn Freeman made a motion that all dogs be innoculated and have tags' by January 15th 1954 for rahies and prove ownership of eac'h dog. This motion 11as seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and'c~rried. . Councilman Freeman made a motion to rehire'll. H. Wurst as Clerk for another year, since there Here no other applicants, motion was sec'onded by Counci- lIlU!lI1 ~1inor, voted and carried. Councilman Ivlinor made a motion to accept the f'.1ayonls recommend:.ltion to rehire' r,lr. H orton as Chief of Police for another year, motion \vas sec'onded' by COuncilman Fields, voted and .cBrrie&. There being no further business, COuncilman Hinor'made a motion that the meeting be adjourned;. This motion was seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council adj ourned at 9: 40 P.!lI. A 1'TEST: .~~e~~ ~~~~~ "--- City Clerk Hayor'