HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-1954 J .1 445 Jl'lINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIN.G OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCUEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1954 Present: Councilmen Fieads, Freeman, Maguire and Pounds, Also, Mayor' Salisbury. Absent: Councilman Minor' k quorum pr~sent The meeting was ca11ed to order by Chairman .Maguire' at 8:00 P .r4. ansd the minuteS' of la;st regular meeting h~d December 15, 1953 we-reread and approvl\! Council FieldS'made a motiollll to ,NY all hills in.cluding the Iserman bills subject to the approval of the Mayor on the Iserman bill as follows: (m) From General Fund: Sam T. Salisbury, mayors fee on 6 cases 18.00 W..H. Wurst, Clerk'S' fee on 6 caseS' 6.00 George H. Horton, Police fees on 6 cases 12.00 O. A. S. I. Contrubution FUnd Social Security taxes. 54.73 Cash paid out, Street dept.t33'.J8, office Exp.7..65 41.0.3" Florida Pow~r Corp. Power & Lights to 12-9-53 5.65 s. A. ReeveS', Street dep.t 76.47 C. Clark, street dept. .33.22 s. Z. Fields, Street dept. 36.34 Roger Henry, Police dept. 26.33 w. H. Wurst Agency, City Hall Insurance 55.90 The B,rgess Press, Printimg 24.70 Flori~a Telephone C'Orp. Bills to 12-10-53 18.32 Richard Bodifor~, street labor through 1-9-54 40.42 C. R. Freeman, reading meters $23.80,. Street dept.$54.80/76.64 . W. H. Wurst, Clerk to 1-15-54 61.25 A. V. Perritte, Police to 1-15-54 98~00 Richard Bodiford, street dept. 40.42 Charlie Bodiford, Water dept. $19.12 Streets $7.50 26.62 Opey Peterson, water dept. 27.19 (b) .From Utility Ta.oc Fund: Florida Power Cor p. to 12-9-53 Motor Vehicle Commissioner - 3,1954 X tags Iserrnan & Co. Fire.Dept. all accts in full F'irst Nat. Bank W.G. Fire Dept. (c:) From Cigarette Tax- Fmui: J. J. Boggan~ water dept. (d) From Emergency Fund: Farm a nd Home Machinery Co. Water dept. all Account s in full 84.17 6.75 56.40 68.00 93 .11 3 , l~69 .03) A motion to pay aforesaid bills from above mentioned funds was seconded by,Councilman Freeman, woted and carried Councilman Freeman mad~ a motion to deny the ~200.00 bill for damage by \"rater to J,i. c. Bryan's fruit trc~s: caused b)T heavy rains;. this motion wa\s sec:onded by C'ouncilman Pounds, voted and carried. b~ Councilman Freeman made a motion to have a fencre/constructed:six.: fie>t high around the lot contaimling the' water tank and barTIl. this motion \18.S se'condect by COuncilman Fields, voted and carried. Councilman Fiel~s made a motion to approve the Mayor's appointment or A. V. Perritte as Police as of January 1st 1954. this motion was .seconded by Councilman Freeman, voyed and carried. There' being no further business, Coun~ilman Fields made a motio~ that th~ j mee'ting be adjourned, Thi s motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, uoted and carried. Thereupon, the C'ounc:il a dj ourned at 9: 40 P .~1. ATTEST: ~ ~ r_ City Clerk ~,,-1~ ~.~ .c~~