HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-1954 .' J I 447, lvlINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1954 . Pre sent: Councilmen1 F'i elds, Freeman, Maguire and Pounds . Absent : Councilman Min0r A ~uorum present The meeting was called to order by Chairman Magui~e at 8:15; P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held JanuaFy 5, 1954 were read and approved. Councilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of the. following bill s: (aJ) From General Fund: CCIlSh p31id out '- $15. street dept .$13.80 water dept. S. Z. Fields1 Gas' and oil - water dept. State Bank or Apopka, Safe Deposit Bos rent for 1954 Winter Garden Lumber Co. Street dent. R. A. Kerr, Water dept. . R. J. MObley, Water Dept. Maguire Grove Service, street dept. Richard Bodiford, street labob to 1-23-54 C. R. Freeman, Street dept. 41 hrs at .85i Richard Bodiford, street labor to 1-30-54 w. H. Wurst, Clerk to 2-1-54 A. v. Perrit~e, Police to 2-1-54 (~) From Utility Tax FUnd First Nalt ional Bank, Winter GardelJln F'~re Dept. (c) From Cigarette Tax Fund Florida Lea8ue of Municipalities, 1954 dues Winter Garden Hdwe Co. water dept. Benjamin T. Shuman, Legal fees in fu11 Chffirlie Bodiford, Water Dept. Opey Peterson, water Dept. Dud Stokes, water dept. (4) From Emergenct-~g~ State Bank of Apopkal, "'later dapt. payment on note' 2S . 80 10.8a: 9.60 6.20 12.50 10.64 12.37 40.42 34.15 40.4~ 61.25 98.00 68.00 25.00 16.65 250.00 J9.00 37.50 76.69 115.00 A motion t 0 pay aforesaid bil]s from above mentioned funds was seconded' I b~ Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. Councilman F; elds made a motion that th~ sanitary and dra'inage inspecto~' take a look at damage claimed by M. C. Bryan and report at next meeting, this motion was sendonded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Councilman Freeman made a motiorn to hire Shuman as City Attorney, motion died for lack of ~ sedonrl. Councilman Fields made a motion that the Council accept the petition from A. E. Holmes ana Myrti~e Holmes, his wife to bring into the City their' Lot 12 B:Qock "Aft, Esther Heightsl this being exclude property which borders other property iru the City, th~s motion was seconded by Councilma~ Freeman, Voted and carried. this to include the nec'essary passing of the ordinance and to post necessary notices to the public. Councilman Pounds made a motioll11 that the Ch:rirman be allo\'led to sign checks and sign other City papers in the absence of the r.1ayor and notify the Bank of Apopka ac-cordingly, t hE motion \'w s seconded by C'ouncilman Fields, voted and carried. There being no further business,Councilman Freeman made a motio~ that the meeting be I!egessed~) This motion \-Tas,- seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council ~e~eesed to ~;OO P.M. Thursday. ATTEST: ,~~ ~ }, Gl..ty Clerk BLur /~/ , 1) ~ a~rman