HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-1954 I C) ,j- ~J ~~ ;-, v < 1 I:'. ~"'; MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF T. HE CI'.DY COUNCIL OF THE CITY uF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, APRIL,6. 1954 11' Pre sent.:: CQuncilmen Fields, Freeman, Ivlaguire, Minor and Pounds, Absent: Mayor salisbury A quorum present. The meetin~ was called'to order br Vice-Chadlrman Fieiids Cl!t 8:00 P.M. and the mlnutes of the last regu. ar meeting hedl March 16, 1954 were reau and apnroved~. Councilman r.Unor made a motion to approve the payment of the fol101'ring b-ills: (a) From General Fund: C~sh paid out, street dept. ~. F. Ga~, street dept~ '?lorida PO\'ler Corp. power &. Lights to 3-9-54 s. z. Fields,$1.50 water dept.$4.86 ?olice$11.75 Street ROEer Henry, Fire Dept.$1.25 St.l.OO,Police $lJ.35 Calfee Service Sta tion" street dept. Bowness Station, water dept. Noah Wood, 10 City maps, reprint 'vi. H. 1;Turst Agency, Insuranc-e' ~erby and Greene, apply on audit Hood Tractor Co. stre0t dept. Pounds Pharmacy, street dept. R. J. Mobley, Street dep.t J. A. Thormston, Policy Dept. ~inter Garden Lbr Co. Street dept. Bray Hadwe Co. Street dep.t Florida Telephone Co. bills to 3-10-54 Sam Oliver, Hater dept. to 4-10-54 G. R. Freer.1an, Street dept., 28 Hrs Labor @ .8$ rt o. A. cagle, street dept. Richard Bodiford, street dept. ~!. !!. 1:!urst Clerk to 1+-15-54 B. H. ring, Polic, to 4-15-54 A. V. Perritte, Police to 4-15-54 Harold B. l1aguire, 10 C'Rse s B. H. King, 10 cases 1,'!. H. '1urst, 10 case S' Sam Oliver, water dept. to 4-17-54 Richard Bodiford, street dept. O. A. cagle, street dep.t Johnnie Smith, street dep.t mowing, 5 hrs @ $1.50 (b) Fr~ Utj.lJ_ty ,TCi,:: .F.~.np--=- Florida Power Corp. power & Lights to 3-8-54 Delma E. Fields, fire calls Ed'rfin H. Pounds, John T. Hinor Harold J. T:aC:ldre 1. C. ilicKinney F. B. Holmes 1)alker Creel C. R. Freeman First National Bank, WG, fire truck payment , ~ "" ( c) .From~ Cigarette Ta.:: F'lnd: J. J. Boggan, water dept. 3.75 10.29 37.61 18.11 15 . 60, 15.}7 1.50 S.77 41.00 400.00 1.45 19.66 23.37 21.10 5.80 1.70 15.12' 1~ 9.00 20.19 36.75 40.42 61.25 98.00 98.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 49.00 40.42' 36.75 7.50 71.37 11~ .00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 63.00 22.75 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from above mentioned funds was seconded by Councilman rounds, voted and carried. Councilman J]ounds made a motion for City Attorney to make u~ an Ordinance to govern illegal parking within the corpor~te limits of o coee', thi s motion \'Vas se conded by COund,lm3.n l..Iitior, voted and carried. , Condinued to page 12, f2 " "'" -- & Councilman Pounds made a Motion that no e~cluded property be attaempted to ~c brought in the City without first giving them notice in person or by letter before any notices are posted on the property. this mction was seconde1 by r.ouncilman Freeman, voted and carried. There being no. further business, Councilnl3.n Hinor made a motiorn that I the meeting be adjourned, This motion was second.ed by Councilman Pounds, voted ~nd carried, Thereupon, The Cbuncil adjourned at'lO:15 P.l'-1. ATTEST: .~~ . City Clerk ~ ~--!.J.Il! Vi c e - Bfiiirman I I