HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-1954 I (J': ~j- 7 ~ p........ ~ <<::r I I 13 t,lINUTES OF THE HEGULAR I\'lEETING OF T HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OGOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 20. 1954 Present: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Maguire, Minor and Pounds. Absent: Mayor salisbury A quprum present. The meeting \vas called to order by Vice-Chairman Fielcts at 8: 00 P:r-l, and the minute s of the last regula'r meeting held APril 6, 1954 were read and approved: Councilman flino~ made a motion to approve the paynent of the following bills: (a) From Gcn~r~l Fund: Cash paid out .~14..25 street- ~?3. postage J. H. Fox, Dolice dept. Henrys ~tatlon~ ~12.47 ~tree~, t6.70 P~lic~ $3.96 fire, S. Z. F1elds7 ;;>1.61 pol1ce', .:28.82 St. ;?9.13 \'l:1ter Finley r.lunic1pal Supply Co. laater dept. Sam Oliver water dept. Richard BoAiford, stceet dept. Harold' D. I\18i,;uire, fee g B. H. K in~ , lee s' \'!. E. ~'lurst, fee s O. A. Cagle, street dept. Richard Bodlford, street dep.t O. A. Cagle, street dept. Sam Oliver, ~ater dept. A. V. PerritA, police to 5-1-54 B.. H. King, police to 5-1-54 ~. H. Wurst, clerk to 5-1-54 Spencer c. Cross, l~g~l exp 1 7 . 25 23 .62' 23.13 19).56 11.00 1" 9.00 40.42'. 12.00 3.00 1".00 40.42' 40.42. 1,,0. .~2: 4.9..00 98.00 98.00 61.25 35.00 (b) From Cigarette Tax Ftind: Derby and Greene, apply on audit (c) From Emergency Fund: State Bank of Apopka, 300.00 115.00 A motion to P8Y ~foresaid bills from above mentioned funds was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Councilman Freeman made a motion to retain Derby and Greene to compl~te the audit end to set up proper books to meet any requirements, the maximum ~ost to be '~JOO.OO anc1. to employ them to make nudit for 1953 and 1954 for $200.00, this notion was seconded by Cou~cilman Minor, voted and carried'. Councilman Minor m3de a motion to make up resolution to authorize the financing the the new police c~r with the State Bank of Apopka, and to make check from the CiGarette '.rax Fund for the necessary dO\ffi p.J.Yr'lCnt Amount to be fin.:lnced lS f?1550.00 nnd ~~156.37 forintercst for two Ye!ars, this motion wa;; seconded by Cour;c~1n'~n Pounds, voted and carried. Councilman Fr~Qr1[ln made a motion to disc;ont.:,:i.nue thcj2.00 fee to the Police for C~3es of convictions, and that the salaries to remnin the same, this motion was seconded by councilman Minor, votbd and carried. CounciJ.man Pounds made a motion to have oalr tree taken dmm in front of his lots and the oak in front of the barber shop. motion s8condei by ~cuncilman Minor, votc~ and carrird. Councilman Freeman made a motion to have tot 3, Poun~s Addition, bei~~ th&t of the water tank and city barn, surveyed before it is fenced, this motion seconded by COuncilman Pounds, voted ~nct carried. Councilman Freeman made a motion to fire the entire Police department, his motion died for lack of a second. Continued on page 14, 14 Councilm&n J~inor made a motion to buy 30 eallons of F~nole spray, mot ieIT' seconded by C'ounc ilmCln Freeman, voted <"nd carried. There being no further businesff, Councilman Freeman made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. This motion WClS seconded by Councilman !'ounc.s, vot8d and carried. Thereupon, the Council adjourned at 11:10 I P.M. until May 5th. ATTEST: ~ ~, City Clerk. tJg)~fr~~ Vice-Chairman I I