HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-20-1954 I t..., '-}.} te:t" ~r ~ >-- v <: I I ')'"': ....0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR. rvlEETING OF 'fHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA) HELD TUES~AY,. JULY 20 t' 1954 Present: Councilmen Fields', Freeman, Maguire ancF Pounds. Absent: Councilman Minor and Mayor Salisbury A quorum present The meeting was called to orde~ by Chairman Maguire' at 8:30 P.M. and the.minute~r of the last regular meeting held July 6, 1954 were' read and approved. Councilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of all bills ~$ far ~s the momey goes. (a+ Yrom General Fund 40.65 7.35 2'5.50 36.00 12.00 16.50 36.75 36.75 7.50 15.05 CIDsh paid out, $40. water dept. post cards.65iColice dept. Bailey Service Station, police dept. C. Clark, gas and oil, street dept. HaTold D. Maguire, fees W. H. Wurst, fe e's · J. N. Peacock, 22 hrs labor, water dept. @ .75~ Anthony Shole 5:, street dept. E. L. Phillips, street dept. Harold Lindsey, street dep~ C~sh paid ou~, $7.55 office expo $7.50 street Ibr, (b) From Utility Taoc Fund S. Z. Fields, $12.15 Police',$3.04 Street, 1. 52: water dept. Hood Tractor Co. street dept., repair tractou' Knight and vIall Go. wta:er dept. Davis f.1eter Repair Co. water dept. tpf7 'f. Royal Typewriter Co. v ~ I. (c) From Ci~arette T~ FUnd Sam Oliver, water dept. Anthony Sholes, street dept. E. L. Phillips, street dept. Sam Oliver, water dept. Bank charges, Check book (d) From Emergency Fund state Bank of Apopka, water dept. 115.00 bills' A motion to pay aforesaid/from above mentioned funds w~s seconded by Counailman Freeman, voted upon and carrie~. 16.71 63.44+ 18.55 13.00 70 . 00 ,....- 49.00 36.75 36.75 49.00 4.90 Councilman Fields made a motio~ that if anyone moves' away oweing water bill and later comes back, that he must pay the old bill in full and put up $5.00 deposit before water is turned on, this motion was se~onde~ by Councilman Pounds, voted and carrie~. Councilman Pounds made a motion to accept ordinance? No. 135being an Ordi- na!llJce entitled', An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee', Florida, Annexing a certain tract of mnimcorporated land lying co~uguous to the munieipal b{)Undaries of the City of Ocoee and situated' in Orange County, Florida', to-wit. Lots' 20 and 21, Block q. of the Town of Ocoee, according to plat thereof rec.orded in plat trook "An, pages; 100-101, Public; records of Orang County, Floridal property being Mrs. Washie Hudso~, This motion' w~s sec~ onded by C'ounci man Freeman, votedl upon and carried. There beirng no further business, Councilman Freeman made a motion that the meeting be arljourned. This motion' was seconded by Councilman Pounds voted and C'arIl'ied1. Thereupon, the Counc'il adjourned at 9: 55 PM. ATTEST: .~7V--~~ City Clerk #vJ LJ~J / Chair