HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-1954 I (.."':') ~ ~ " ~r. ~-::' ~ I I 27. IvlINUTES OF THE REGULAR IvlEETING OF T HE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF.OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD , TUESDAY, AUGUST 3. 1954 Present: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, r,1aguire and Pounds. Absent: Councilman Minor and Mayor Salisbury A quorum present The meeting was called to order.' by Chairman r.1aguire~ at 8: 10 P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held July 20, 1954 were read and apyroved. . Oounc&lman Freeman made amotion to approve the payment of all bill~ as far as' the money goes. (a) From General Fund: B. H. King, Police to 8-1-54 A. V. Perritte, Police to 8~1-54 w. H. Wurst, Olerk to 81.-54 The Bugress Press, water dept. 2000 water cards Anthony Sholes, street dept. E. L. Phillips9 street dept. Harold Lindsey, street dept. Abthony Sholes, street dept. E. L. Phillips, street dept. Harold Lindsey, street dept. W. H. Wurst, Olerk to 8-15-54 B. H. King, Police to 8-15-54 A. V. Perritte, S~lice to 8-15-54 Florida felephone Vo. bills to 7-10-54 (b) From Utilitv Tax Fund: Florida Power Corp. Power & Lights to 7-9-54 (c) From Cigarette Tax Fund: 107.80 88.20 61.25 16.35 36.75 36.75 7.50 36. 75 36.75 7.50 61.25 107.80 88.20 21.62 112.09 Sam Oliver, water dept. Sam Oliver, water dept. Roger Henry, $7.26 Policei$2.14 water md. $5.10 Street dept. Pounds Motor Co. water dept. Harry P. Leu, Inc., water dept. Davis Meter Repair Co. water dept. Knight & Wall Co. water dept. State Bank of Apopka, Police car payment 49.00 49.00 14.50 8.53 18.68 30.49 21.12 71.12 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from above metnioned fWlds was~ seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion to adopt resolution to advertize for Bonds in the Orlando Evening Star and the Bond Buyer in New York, N. Y., Date set fo open bids is Sept. 7th 1954 at 8.00 P.M. Mot~Qlwas seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion to accept amendment No.1, to Ordinance No. 76, being an Ordinance regulating the time and place of holding May or Court of the City of Ocoee, this motion was seconded by Councilma.n Pounds, voted and carried. Oouncilman Fields made a motion to accept Ordinance No. 136, an. Ordinanee being entitled, An Ordinance declaring theintentions of the City of Ocoee to annex acertain tract of unincorporated land lying contiguous to the Municipal boundaries of the City of Oc06,e and situated in Or~e County, Floridato-wit, Lot 39 of B. M. Sims' Subdivision of Block 1, of the Town of Ocoee, assording to plat there&f recorded in Pla.t Book "F", page 126, Public records of Orange County, Florida, being the property of Lester J. Trought and J. R. Lassiter, this motion was seconded by Councilmen Pounds, voted and carried. .".'1 . 28,: Councilman Fields made, amotion to accept Ordinance No. 137, An Ordinance entitled, An Ordinance declaring the intention, of the City of Ocoee to annex a certain tract of Unincorpprated land lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries: of the City of Ocoee~ andsituated in Orang~ County~ Florid&, to-wit, Lot 14, Block B, Pounds addition to Ocoee, according to Plat thereof recorded, in Plat Book N, page 14, public records of Orange County, Florid~. -and being the property &f Porter Fox. This motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion to accept Ordinance No. 138, An Ordinance entitled, An Ordinance: declaring the intention of the, Oi ty I of Ocoee to annex a certain tract of unincorporated land lying contiguous to the~ municipal boundaries of the City of Oeoee and situated in Orange County, Florida, to-wit: Lot 19, Block 4, of the Town of Ocoee, according to plat thereof recorded in Pla,t Book It A" , pages 100-101, Pub~~oL~~Of Orange County, Florida. This meing the propert of ~~ '~son, This motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. .' . . There being no further business; Councilman Fields made a' motion- that the meeting be repessed~. This'motion was seconded by Oouncilman Freeman, voted and carried. Therepon, the Council recessed subject to call'at 10:25 P.M. ATTEST: /' & ~r:kd .-ee~ City Olerk ~~;,~ . Ohai~ I I