HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-1954 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA HELD T " UESDAY. AUGUST 17. 195~ 31, Prestent: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Maguire, Minor and Pounds Absent; Mayor Salisbury A quorum present. I The meeting was called to order by Chairman Maguire at 8:10 P.M. and the minutes of the last.regular.meeting held August 3rd and special meeting held August ~~ 1954 were read and approved. Councilman Minor made a, motion to approve the payemnt of the following bills. (a) Erom' General Fund: c: o:-J-' ~ < l--~ Mrs. B. H. King, meals for pOlice dept. Harold D. Maguire, fees W. H. Wurst, fees S. Z. Fields, gas & S~l, pOlice dept. M. W. Bailey, Police dept. C. L. McKendree', Gas and. Oil, POlice dept. Anthony Sholes, steeet dept. Anthony sholes, street dept. Richard Bodiford, atreet dept. A. V. Perritte, Police to 9-l-5~ E. L. Phillips, street dept. Richard Bodiford, street dept. W. H. Wurst, Clerk to aQ-54 (b) From Interest & Sinki~ Fund The Bond Buyer, Bond holders notice Orlando Sentinel Sta; Bond holders notice (c) From Utilitv Tax Fum First National Bank, W.G. fire truck payment Sam Oliver, street dept. to 9-4-54 (d) From Cigarette Tax Fund 16.35 27.00 9.00 24.70 7.51 29.90 36.75 36.75 37.50 88.20 36.75 36.75 61.25 ~ 31.60 3.85 I 63.00 49.00 Sam Oliver, water dept. Sam Oliver, water dept. B. H. King, Police to 9 -1-54 (e) From Emer~encv Fund State Bank of Apopka, water dept. ~9.00 48.00 107.80 115.00 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from aove ment ioned funds was, seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Councilman Freeman made amotion to go ahead and proceed with bringing in Mr. Jernigan's property being Lot 19, block 4, Town of Ocoee as has been started. Motion died for lack ofa second. I After a very lengthly discussion on the Jernigan ~estion, in which ~e asked the Council to recing Ordinance No. 138. Councilman Freeman " made a motion to recimd Ordinance No. 138, this motion was seconded' by Councilman Minor. Upon a vote, Councilman Pounds and Minor voted AYE, Councilman Fields and Freeman voted NO. Chairman Maguire voted NO. to break the tie. Chairman Maguire relieved Councilman Freeman as head of street dept. add placed Councilman Mi nor is Hreeman' s place, and placed Freeman as Minor's assistandJ. Continued on page 3a. 3'2 Councilman Fields made a motion to adopt Ordinam e No. 139, an Ordinance' being entitled, An Ordinance declaring the intentions o~ the City of Ocoee, Florida, to annexing a certain tract of un- incorporatedland lying contiguous w the municipal boundaries of' the- Clhty of Ocoee: and situated in Orange County, Flor ida., to -wit. Lot 4. of R. A. Rewis addition to Ocoee" addording to plat thereof, recorded' in,Plat Book "H", page'109, Public records of Orange County, Florida. now being the property of G. A. Larson. This motion was seconded by Council~an Freeman, voted and carried. There being no further busimess, Councilman Fields made a motion, that the, meeting be'ad~ourned. This motion was seconded by Counci+man Minor I' voted and carried. Thereuporr~ the Council adjourned, at 10:55 P.M. ATTEST: . /~~?C;~ . Ci ty Clerk l~tJ~:~ , . h~1pan r \. I I