HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-1954 I 0~ ~ ~ < .,...-, ~, <.( I I MINUTES OF THE RE,GULAR MEETING OF THE CIn COUNCIL OF THE G;;ITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDt, HELD: TUESDAY, SEPTEIvlBER 7. 1954 :33 Present: C'ouncilmen F-'ields, Freeman, Maguire, Minor and' Pou~ds Absent: Mayor Salisbury' A quorum present The meeting was called to order by Chairman Maguire at 8:05 P.M. and th'e minutes of the last regular meeting held August 17~' 1954 were re'ad and approved. Councilman Freeman made a motiore to ~provett~~c~~i~is~fa~~lwhen the Cigarette Taoc eheek comes, for Councilman Fmelds to examine other bills for payment, this motion was se~nded by Councilman Minor, voted and carrie (~) From General Fund: Cash paid out, $30. Street, $.30 postage,$5.00 fire dept. Little Bargamn Store, police dept. S. Z. Fields, $13.75 Police, $51.47 water $1.58 St.dept. Henrys Station, $22.32 street, $6.95 Police dept. R. J. Moaley, street dept. Ocoee Service Station $15.61 police' $21.41 S~.dept. B. H. King, meals for police dept. Florida Telephone Co. bills to 8-10-54 E. L. Phillips, street dept. Richard Bodiford, street dept. B. H. King, Police to 9-15-54 A.. W. Perritte', police to 9-15-54 w. H. Wurst, Clerk to 9-15-54 , Sam Oliver, water dept. to 9-1S-54 E. L. Phillips, street dept. Richard Bodiford, street dept. l'b)' "'Frbm)Ut;j.l:i:ty Tax.,:Fund: First Nmtional Bank, WG. (c) From Cigarette Tax Fund: Sam Oliver, water dept. state Bank of Apopka, police dept. recording lien Florida Power C'orp. Power &, Lights to 8-10-54 Royal Typewriter Co. W. H. Wurst Agency, Fire Dept. Insurance State Bank of Apopka , Police car payment 39.30 6.32; 20.80 29.2.7 7.60 37.02 5.95 2.'1 . 3 7 36.75 36.75 107.S0 88.20 61.25' 49.00 36.75 36.75 6s.18' 4.9.00 1.00 104.74 70.00 65.00 71.12 A motion to pa~ aforesaid bills from above mentioned funds was seconde~ by COuncilman Minor, voted and carried. Counc~ilman Pounds made a motion, to get a bush and bob and fix up Center Street in Lakeview Sub. motion was sec-onded by Councilman Minor, voted' and C'arried. Coun~iman! Pounds made' ID to have an ordinance dr~~ up to se~l him th~ 30~0 feet c~rner of Lot 18 blk 3, Town of Ocoee., no a~ion taken. Councilman Freeman made a motion to hire Sam Oliver as City Manager, this motion was seconded by Councilman minor, voted and car~ed. Councilman Freeman made a motion to adopt ordinance' No. 141, being an Ordinanae of the City of Ocoee, Floridm, Annexing a cer.t~in tract of un- inc:prporated land lying contiguous to the munic'ipaJ.. bounaaries of the City of Ocoee' and situatted in Orange C:ounty, Florida, to-wit: Lot 39 of N.M Sims t Subdivision of Block 1, of the Twon of Ocoee;, according to Plat thereof rec:orded i01 Plat Book F, Page 126, Public rec'ords of orange County, Florida. Being that of ,L. J. Trought and J. R. La~S5eter. This moti! n was se~onded bY Councilman Pounds: voted and carried. Councilman Freeman made a motion to a dopt ordinanc~ No 140, An Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florid~, annexing a certain tract of unincorporated land lying Contiguou5 to the municipal bounaaries of the City of Ocoee and situated in Orange County, Florida, to-\iit: Lot 19, ~ock 4, Town of Ocoee, acc:ording to plat thereof recorddd1 im Plat Book nA", pages- 100-101 Public records of Orange County, Florida, now owned by L.T. Jernigan, This motion w~ seaonded by Councilman Pounds voted and carried. ~on~inued on page 34 ~34' Councilman Freeman made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 142~ An Ordinance of the Gity of Ocoee), Florida, annexdng a c:ertian tract of unincorporated land lying contuguoug to the municipal bounaaries of the City of Ocoee and situated in Orange C:OUnty, Floridw, to-\'fit. Lot 14, Block B, .Pounds add1ition to Ocoee:, according to Plat thereof recorded in PIa:; t Book lI',page 14, pub~i~ re~ords of Orange county, Floridm, property now being Porter Fox. This motion was seconded by Coun~ilman Pounds, voted and carried~ Councilman Pounds made- aJ motion to adopt ordinance No. 143', b.eing an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance declaring the intentions of the C:ity of Ocoee to annex a certain tract of unincorporated' land lying ~omtiguous to the municipa~ boundarmes of the City of Oc~e~ and 'situated in Orange County, I Florida, to-wit. Lot'22, Block 4, of the Town of Ocoee, according to plat thereof recx>rded in Plat book "A", Pages 100-101, Public Records of Orange Gounty~ Florida. this motion, was se~unded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Council~an Pounds ,ade a motion to' adopt Ordinance No. 144, b~ing an Ordinan~e entitled and Ordinance declabing the intention~ of the City of Ocoe& tp annex a certain tract of unincurporatea land lying contiguous to the municipal Boundaries of the City of Ocoe&., and situated in Orange County ,. Florida, to-\'fit: Lot 5;, Block "Aft' of Pounds Addition to Ocoee:, ad:cording to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "N", page 14, Public: re- eurds of Orange County, Florida. this motion was seconded by COuncilman Minor, voted and carried. GouncilPtan Pounds made a motion to adopt Ordinance Nol 145, being an Oddinan~e entitled, anx Ordinanc~ declaring the intention of the City of Ocoee' t"o annex: a ~'ertain tract of unincorporated1 land lying contiguous to the municipal boundarmes of the aity of Ocoee and situated' in Orange County,. Florida, to-wit: Lot 13, Block' "B" of Pound's Addition to Ocoee" accrording to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "Nw, page '14, Public rec~rds of orange County, Florida. This, motion was seconded by, Councilman Minor, voted and carried. . , , There fieing no further business, Councilman Freeman made a motiore to adjou rn until 8: 00 P.M. Sept, 8 1954 for special meeting, this motion was .. I Seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Thereupon, the 'Council adjourn~d at 10:25 P.M. ' ATTEST: ~~i/-r..Le.."I),C,~.- tr\1' City Clerk . ~JA iiftj_iAI ( a~rm' This being an addition to above minutes. At this meeting there were no Bonds offered for sale to City for redemption as per advertizement in th~ Bond Buyer and Orlando Reporter Star. "-' I