HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-1954 I C" '. ~ ~ <: ~-- .. c:1 I I ~UNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CI TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCDEE, FLORIDA., HELD TBESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1954 41 Present: Councilmen Firlds, Freeman, Maguire, Minor and Pounds, Absent: Mayor Salisbury A quorum present. The meeting was aalled to order by Chairman Maguire a~ 8:15 P.M. and the minutes of the last regular mmting held October 6, 1954 were read and approved: Councilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of all bills and as follows: (a) From General Fund: Cash paid out, $7. postage $10.50 Police dept., N. H. Wurst, Clerk fees on 26 cases Harold D. Maguire, Mayor Pro-Tern fees~ 26 cases J. G. Friedland, Lots 5-6~7, Blk 5, Town of Ocoee, Pounds Pharmacy, $10.06 police dept. $12. street dept. The Burgess Pres~, $35.aO police dept. $14.45 water dept. $23.15 office e~pense, tax forms Bray Hardware-Co. Police dept. Knight & Wall Co. water dept. Sam Oliver, Water dept. E. L. Phillips, street labor Richard Bodiford, street labor Spencer C. Cross,-Legal Exp. 23 Ordinances and Retainer fess to Octoher 1st 1954 Sam Oliver, Water Dept. E. L. Phillips, Street labor Richard Bodiford, street labor (b) From Cigarette Tax Fund: State Bank of Apopka, Police car payment Winter Garden Lumber Co., Street dept. Finley Municipaly Supply Go. Water dept. 17.50 26.00 78.00 336.00-- 22.06 73.40 4.15 21.12 51.45 39.20 39.20 300..00 51.45 39.20 39.20 71.12 203.80 38.40 ~~motion to pay aforesaid bills from above metnioned funds was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and carried. Councilmen, Minor, Freeman and Fields was designated as a committe to inspect Franklin Street for repairs and possible purchase the corner from Mr. Wellman to straighten out curve. Councilman Minor made a motion to give the old jail on West McKey Street to Mr. Bra cewell if he will tear it down, this motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Mose Bryan ask the Council that it be put into the minutes pertaining to holding the regular City Election on November 2nd 1954 as prescribed by Ordinance NQ. 109 and that there be a way made for those to qualify for City Council, either by a write-in-vote or repeal this ordinance. Councilman Pounds made a motion to give the Lions Club a 5 year lease of the 2nd story of the fire station, this motion was seconded by Councilman Minor, voted and ~rried. Councilman Pounds made a motion to have a new Ordinance drawn for any canditate for Council in next regular election to qualify on or before October 26, 1954 and that the qualification fee' to remain the sane, this I motion was sec'Onded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion to accept Ordinance No. IIt-6, an Ordinance' being an Ordinance entitled and Ordinance of the C'i ty of Ocoee, Florida:, annexing a certain tract of unincorporate~ land lying contiguous to the: Municipal Boundaries of the City of Ocoee' and situated in Orange C'ounty Florida1, to-\"lit1 Lot 5, Block "AR of Pounds addition to ucoee', accord'ing to plat thereof recordedl in P, at Book "Nit', page 14, Public' records of Orange County, FloridaJ. being-that of Windell Hohnson, Thos motion was Seconded bY Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. 42 .J Coun~ilman Fields Made a motion to accept Ordinance No; 147, an~ Ordinance oftth~seity of Ocoe~, F,orida , annexing a ~ertain tract of ftnirtcorporate~ land lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee. and situated in Orange County, Floridw, to-wit: Lot 13, Block "B" of Pounds Addition to Ocoee, according to plat thereof recroeded in Plat EIlook."N", Page 14, Public Records of Orange County, being that of J. H., Fox, 'fbms motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. .J Councilman Fields made a motion, to accept Ordinance No. 148, and Ordinance entitled and Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Floridffi, annexing a certairn tra~t of Unincorporated land lying contiguous to the Municipal Boundaries of the City of Ocoee and situated1 in Orange C:ounty, Florida, to-wmt: Lon 22, Block 4 of Twon of Ocoee!, according to plat thereof rec>orded' in Plat Book "AIt, Pages 100-101, Public recorr s of Orange County, FlQr!2a. _ his motion '~as s~conded by Counc ilman P0unds, voted and carried ~k.~'---~::!t.. Councilman F.~lds made a motion to accept Ordinance No. 149, an Oddinance entitled and'Ordinance of the City of ucoee, Florida to annex a certairn tract of Unincorporatea land lying contiguous,to the munQcipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee and situated in Orange-County, Florida, to-wit: Lot - 9, Block itA" of Esther Heights, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book no", Page 95, Public Recurds of-Orange County, Florida. being that of L. J. Edge, This motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. 'I There bing no further businessi Councilman Fields made ~ motiorn that the meeting,be recessed untilll:Ou A.IvI. October 20,1954. This motion wa's seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Thereupom, the COuncil recessed at lm:~O. P.M. AT~~ City Clerk !.kJl eI j) 11'? ;Jt/ / Chalrman t I I