HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-16-1954 I OJ .q. ~ <t ~-:J <r I I --;:.';.:\ 5f. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI IT OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELa TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 19~4 Present: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Holmes, Minor and Pounds. Absen t: None A quorum present The meeting was call~d to order by Chairman Minor at 8:00 P.M. and the minutef? of the last regular meeting held November 2" 1954 were read and approved. C:ouncilman Fields made a motiollll to approve the payment "of 'the following &ills: 4a.) From General Fund: F. M. Kenn4dy, police to 11-15-54 Cash paid out, $12.75 Street dept.$5.00 postage .65t police dept. Johnl T. Minor, Mayor Pro Tern fees, 10 aases~ W. H. Wurst, Clerk fees' 10 cases Florida Power Corp. Power & Lights to 10-8-54 Governmental Guide, 1955 guide wj H. Wurst Agency, Insurance Wood's Cabinet Shop, Police dept. Pounds Motor co., Water Dept. Atlantic Chemical, Inc., water dept. E. L. Phillips, street dept. Anthomp Sholes, street dept. Sam Oliver, water dept. Anthony Sholes, s'eeet dept. E. L. Hi~pips, street dept. Sam Oliver, water dept. W. H. Wurst, Clerk to 12-1-54 A. V. Perritte, Police to 12-1-54 Tommie C:. Sanders, to 12-1-54 Sam Oliver, water dept. E. L. Phillips, street dept. Anthomy Sholes, street dept. (b) From Cigarette Tax Fund State Bank of Apopka, Police car payment Southern Pipe and Supply Co.Water dept. Knight and Wa&l Co. Water dept. Board of County C:Ommissioners, 25 loads of <day @$l. 75 (c) From Emergency fund: State Bank of Apopka, Water line payment 98.00 18.40 30.00 10.00. 104.11 3 ..00 50.00 9.01 10.40 32.50 39.20 39.20 51 ..45 39.20 39.20 51.45 61.25 9g.00 98.00 51.45 39.20 39.20 71.12 143.65 64.95 43.75 115.00 A motio~ to pay aforesaid bills from above mentioned funds was sec~onded by C uncilman Holmes, voted and carried. " Cou:m~cilman Fie'lds made a motion to have Councilman Pounds be custodian of the upstairs of the Fire Station, this motion was secondeed by Councilm~ Holme~, voted and carried. Councilman Pounds made a motion for Councilmen Fields and Freeman be elected to represent the City on the next Central Florida E~pedition in Orlando" This motion was sec~mded by C;ouncilman Holmes', Voted and carried. Councilman Pounds mad e a motion that Mr. Oliver fi~ a petitioro between the water pump and the .Jail, this motion was sec'onded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion for Councilmand Pounds to look into th~ Police Radio Setup, this motion was see:onded by Counc'ilman Hilmes, voted and carried. Councilman Pounds made a motion for Councilman Minor to see about getting Christmas lights for the streets, this motion was seconded by Councilmanl Fields, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion to have the streets marked, motion seconded by COuncilman Freeman, voted and carried. Councilman Freeman made a motion to hire W. H. Wurst as Clerk, motion seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and c.9.rried. 52 Councilman Fields made a motion to appoint Harold D. Maguire as Mayor acc'ording to the City Cha rter, this motion was seconded by rrouncilman Pounds, Upon a vote of the Council. ~ouncilman Freeman, Pounds and 'Fields voted AYE, C:ouncilman Holmes voted NO. Motion carried:. There being no further business, Councilman Fields made' a motion to recess until further notice, this motion was seconded' by Councilman I Freeman, vted and ~arried. Thereupon, the Council recessed' at 11:30 P.M. ATTEST:' ~~ :p &tvfl ~ ~irmgn ~ City Clerk. , . I I