HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 904 e iJ ..c OJ Q) ~ co H :z; 0....... LI"'i \0 ....... r--. N ..("f') Q) Q) o . u CO 0,...., ~ 4-4 o .. Q) :>'Q) -IJ 0 .,.., U UO - ..., Paid 9.oc THOMAS H. LOCKER, Orange County Comp~roUer/ By' : !'i- c. ,,/__ . DeP6tY.; Clerk $ $ $ $ 27191680RANGE CO. fL. 10,Ol:49AM 03/12/87 c/_ 00 . OR 3860 FG I 343 ORDINANCE NO. 904 First Reading Second Reading 6/17/86 8/05/86 I I il I \ I :I ! :1 il i'l I I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO EXTEND THE TERRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 171.044 THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED LAND SITU- ATED AND BEING IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND PETITIONED BY FLORIDA AIR CONDITIONERS, INC.; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING FOR DIRECTION OF THE CITY CLERK; CONFLICTS; EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, FLORIDA AIR CONDITIONERS, INC., has petitioned the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida to annex property located North of Maguire Road approximately t mile South of Story Road in Orange County, Florida; and WHEREAS, Florida Statute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida pro- vides that a municipal corporation may annex property into its corporate limits, upon voluntary petition of the owners and by passing and adopting a non-emergency ordinance to annex said property; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the municipality to include the subject property pursuant to Florida Statute 171.044. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described property, being situated and in Orange County, Florida totaling approximately 0.844 acres be and the same is hereby annexed into the City of Ocoee, Florida, pursuant to the voluntary annexation provisions of Chapter 171.044, Florida Statute and other applicable laws. From the SE corner of the NE l of the SEl of Section 19, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, run S89023'12"W along the South line thereof 183.20 feet to the Northerly Right-of-way of Maguire Road, thence from a tangent bear- ing of N51006'41"W run Northwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the SW and having a radius of 468.73 feet, an arc distance of 131.30 feet to the P.T., thence N67009'41"W 719.07 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave to the NE having a radius of 490.87 feet, thence along the arc thereof 174.58 feet and through a central angle of 20022'40" to the Point of Beginning, then N58012'12"E 766.37 feet to the Westerly Right-of-way of S.C.L. Rail- road, thence N35038'41"W along said Right-of-way, 50.11 feet, thence S58012'12"W 773.64 feet to the Easterly Right-of-way of Maguire Road thence Southeasterly along a curve with a radius of 490.87 feet through a central angle of 5058'09" for an arc length of 51.14 feet to the Point of Beginning. Section 2. That the corporate territorial limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to update and supplement official City maps of the City of Ocoee, Florida to include said land herein described and annexed. Section 4. That the land herein described and future inhabitants of the land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subject to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regula- tions of the City of Ocoee, Florida and be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other areas of the City. Section 5. That if any section or portion of a section or subsection of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or subsection or part of this Ordinance. e Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adoption, thereafter the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of the ordinance with the Secretary of the State of Florida and the appropriate agencies in and for Orange County, Florida. ENACTED THIS.;k~ DAY OF f2v.r . 1986. City of Ocoee, Florida tR~ ATTEST; ~'\,' ,~: ,::f ,':".;,'.< ',,< ~ CITY CLERK .~~-S~~~~(.l!...! lE~.(~O Ylr~t~~!A) c--~;l'-,;---v5!l- J~JN~ 11 ,/cX-f~ I County Cl)i!lptloJLa,:,. uu.1.j'><}:'J c~ n. - DR 3868 PG I 344 . . "" -- ''\~ . ,( .& ." ~/ C\, J'.t <'6>- , ~"c9,. ((40 / ~/~ ", . ~o "-. '~\) 'c~" ~ ~'" \ '''", .J 0.,'?J<t;: ..Q~~ \)~'" .". ~,1:';" . ---'~'l:l1.,.lI:rt. , (..,. MAGIIIR-:::-f--z/~..... SECor. ~~ ROAD ~.~ ~~\14 ~ :i? R.,,~ 'J.J.~", S,c,I9.22.2 - ____ 8,iJK... 163.20' :; 69023"2""'- - ~ From tho SE cornor of th/!l O:f\RI:/lth~ SE y. of Sect io~9, Township 22 South, Rango 28 East, run S89'2J'12uW along tho South Ilno thoroof 183.20 foot to tho Northerly Right of way of Magulrf!l Road, thonce from a tangont b/!laring of N51'06'~/uW run Northwostorly along tho arc of a curvo concaV/!l to tho SW and having a radius of ~68.73 fO/!lt, an arc distanco of 131.30 fe/!lt to tho P. T.,' thonC/!l N67'09'~/"W 7.19.07 feet to the P.C. of a 'curve con~ve to the N[ having a radius of ~90.87 feet, thence along tho arc thereof 17~.58 feet and through a central angle of 20'22'~O" to the Point'of Beginning, thonce N58' 12'12"[ 766.37 feet to the Westerly Right of Way of S.C.L. Railroad, thence N3Y38'~/uW along said Right of Way, 50./1 feet, tnence S58' 12'12uW 773.6~ f/!let to the Easterly Right of,Way of Maguire Road thence Sout~Baster!y along a'curvo ~ith a ra~ius of ~90.87 feet through, a central anglo of 5'58'09" for an a,rc lel1'}th (If' 51. I~ .reet to tha 'point of Beginning. ""T "" VALID Unl... embo."erj _tfh Surv..,or', ..01 v.-;l C:J, FOR I L.F. a MARY ELLEN SCALE I ,". lOa' [)oA.- 5.5. DATE' 10-4-8~ Joe HO. e~-24~ ..~"I."'I , , her. by cert"y Ihg, 'hll Ske'ch 0' Oe.crlp':on i. In accordanc. .,Ih Ihe I.Chnlcol tlQndordl "'oDlllh," by Rul, 21 HH.., Florldo Ad...,ftll'rOIl'Je Co~,. POlio. 864 J.-f/M..:? '" / /- //<. L-- ;~ hl,phon, (30:))816 -l.~ n FLOHIDA fl~ LAND SURvOCll No ...,n"........,F IOrI"O 321116 ~ \ . '~.-. ," . . ':, -.Ii ;., ,. ;i