HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 858 ORDINANCE NO. ~~___ First Reading __11-2:9-85 Second Reading~~:~~-~5 e AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE REMOVAL OF TREES FROM PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR FINES AND PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATIONS THEREOF, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee Board of Commissioners has determined that it is in the interest of the health, welfare and safety of its citizens to provide for the protection of the trees and vegetation in the City of Ocoee, Florida; NOW THEREFORE, be it enacted by the City of Ocoee, Florida, as follows: Article I @gng~s! A. Findings of Fact and Statement of Purpose Statement of Purpose The Board of City Commissioners of Ocoee, Florida, has determined that requirements for protection of trees in the City of Ocoee are not only desirable, but are essential to ensuring the health and general wellbeing of the community and that the required use of such restrictions is a proper use of the police powers. The general removal of trees should be appropriately controlled and where possible, existing trees should be preserved on-site as property is developed. Findings of Fact Ca) Trees are proven producers of oxygen, element for the survival of mankind; levels of carbon monoxide in the air, pollutants and reduce noise pollution; a necessary reduce the dilute air Cb) Trees playa pronounced and important role in City- wide soil conservation, soil enrichment, and erosion control; Cc) Trees enhance the value of property by providing valuable psychological and visual counter-point man-made changes during land development urbanization; a to and e Cd) Trees provide wildlife habitat and play important ecological roles. other B. Definitions 1 1. g!~~~!ng- The removal of a tree by digging, pushing, or cutting, or the effective removal through damage. 2. g2n~~~Y~~!2n 8~~~~ - Lands which have unsuitable or non-rated soils, wetland vegetative species, are seasonally flooded and perform an environmental function, as described in the Comprehensive Plan. e 3. Q!~m~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~!gn~ lQ~~l The diameter, in inches, of a tree measured at four and one-half (4 1/2) feet above the existing grade. 4, Q~!Q=b!n~ - An imaginary line on the ground defined by vertical lines which extend from the outermost tips of the tree branches to the ground. 5. ~!~~2~!~ I~~~ A tree which has been found by the City to be of notable historic interest because of its age, type, size or historic association. 6. e~2~~~~!Y~ ~~~~!~~ A physical structure limiting access to a protected tree area. 7. 3Q~~!m~n I~~~ - A tree which has been determined by the City to be of high value bacause of its type, size, or other professional criteria. 8. I~~~ - Any living, woody self-supporting perennial plant which has a single trunk and which normally grows to a minimum height of fifteen (15) feet. 9. I~~~~L 3~~nQ~ 2f - a naturally occurring grouping of five (5) or more trees forming a canopy of vegetation which results in a single unified drip- line. C. Criteria for Removal Tree removal may be approved where design modifications are not feasible or reasonable and one or more of the following circumstances exist: 3~~~~~ gQ~n!ng - The location of a tree unreasonably restricts the opening of a street or road right-of-way. - y~!!!~!~~ ~nQ Q~~!n~g~ - The location of the unreasonably restricts the construction of utility or drainage facilities. tree lines e~2Q~~~~ 8~~~~~ - The location of the tree unreasonably restricts access to the property. e~2Q~~~~ y~~- The tree unreasonably prevents development of a lot or parcel or the physical use thereof. It is the intent of this provision that no permit shall be 2 e granted for the removal of any tree where the applicant has failed to design and locate the proposed improvements to minimize the removal of trees consistent with the permitted use of the property under the Ocoee Zoning Ordinance. t!~~~!:g!l! property tree. The tree constitutes a hazard to life or which cannot be mitigated without removing the e22!: t!~~!1n I!:~~ - The tree is dying or dead, so that its restoration to sound condition is not practical; or has a disease which can be expected to be transmitted to other trees and to endanger their health. B~!2s~1i2n bimi1~1i2n!l! - The tree cannot reasonably be relocated on or off site because of age, type, or size based upon accepted forestry practices. D. B~!2S~1i2n 2!: B~Q!~s~m~n1 1. As a condition of the granting of a permit, the applicant may be required, where practical, to relocate the trees being removed elsewhere on the same site or required to replace the tree(s) on a two-for-one basis with suitable replacement trees. The replacement tree(s) shall have at least equal shade potential and shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet high at time of planting. In determining the required relocation or replacement of trees, the City shall consider the needs of the intended use of the property together with an evaluation of the following: - (a) Existing tree coverage; (b) Number of trees to be removed on the entire property and their corresponding relocation I imi tat ions; (c) Area to be covered with structures, parking, and driveways (d) Topography and drainage of the site and its environs; (e) Character of the site and its environs; (f) Ecology of the site; and, (g) Characteristics and amount of shrubs, grass and trees proposed for planting on the site by the applicant. 2. Trees which must be removed under the provisions of this Ordinance, and not relocated of replaced on site, shall be offered to the City for relocation to a public place to help preserve the overall natural resources of the community. The City of Ocoee shall bear the costs and responsibility for all relocations and shall act in a forthright and expeditious manner to effectuate 3 arrangements with the land owner relocations. to accomplish such e E. ~@~!gn~t!Qn Qf 2e~~!m@n ~nQ ~!~tQ~!~ I~@~~ Any public official or private citizen may recommend from time to time the designation of certain trees located within the City as specimen or historic trees. The City Manager shall review such recommendations and add thereto his or her own comments and recommendations, and the matter shall be presented to the City Commission for their determination. The City Commission shall consider the report and recommendation of the City Manager and shall either accept, modify or deny the recommendation and may designate by resolution those trees it deems appropriate as specimen or historic trees. F. g~~~el!Qn~ ~nQ g~~mel!Qn~ 1. g~~~et!Qn~ - The requirements of this Ordinance shall nQt apply to the following, unless the area is designated as a Conservation Area: a. Trees less than 12" (DBH) upon a lot where a single or duplex residential structure exists. b. Public road or drainage rights-of-way, or utility rights-of-way, or permanent utility and drainage easements; except that whenever any electric, water, telephone or other public utitlity firm or corporation wishes to extend, maintain or relocate service such that any tree on an unimproved lot or tract will be removed, they shall make application for a permit to do so. Any public utility wishing to prune trees on a right-of-way shall notify the Building Department in writing in advance of the time and place those pruning activities will take place. The Building Department shall supervise these activities as necessary and shall have the authority to regulate or halt such pruning when these actions are deemed detrimental to the trees or beyond that needed to insure continued utility service. e c. The trees listed in Article VI, B. Stock). (Restricted d. Trees less than three (3) inches DBH. e. Underbrush, including palmetto and shrubs, provided that such removal does not adversely affect trees (other than those specified above) within their drip-line. f. Trees from licensed plant nurseries. a 2. S;!iS~Q!iQr.!a e On application of any landowner, due to an emergency and/or special circumstances, the City may waive the requirements of this Ordinance. Any waiver of this Ordinance shall be solely within the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, City of Ocoee, Florida. G. Jurisdiction of Ordinance The terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all real property lying within the incorporated areas of the City elf Ocoee. Article II bsr.!g gl~s~ir.!g e~iQ~ IQ Q~y~lQQm~r.!! eQQ~QYsl No land clearing, land removing, or land filling shall occur in the City of Ocoee without first securing a permit from the Building Department, except as provided in Article I.F and City of Ocoee Ordinance #848. The Building Department may issue a tree removal permit for specific trees as requested on the application. An application for tree removal shall be obtained from the Ocoee Building Department. Completed applications shall be returned to the Building Department along with the following information: 1. A tree survey consisting of a scaled aerial photograph or drawing (1" = 100' or greater) indicating: a. Property boundaries with dimensions and bearings, surrounding streets, north arrow, scale, and existing/proposed development improvements. b. Stands of trees, including: 1. Location indicating extent of dripline 2. Common name(s) of major tree classes 3. Estimated average height e c. All individual trees, not on the list, which are 12 inches DBH or greater, 1. Location 2. DBH 3. Common Name 4. Estimated Height restricted including: 2. An indication of the trees proposed for removal. 3. The reason(s) for removal. 4. Plans showing typical protective barriers to be used. 5 Article III Q~~~lQgm~nt Qf B~~iQ~nti~lL gQmm~~~i~lL Q~ !nQy~t~i~l eYQQi~i~iQn~ in~lYQing !nQi~iQy~l bQt eit~ el~n1~L e The submittal information shall be the same as for removing trees from land without development approval. This information shall be submitted with the Preliminary Subdivision Plan or the Site Plans for individual lots. Tree removal permits shall not be granted by the Building Department until Final Plans have been approved for both subdivisions and individual site reviews. Article IV !nQi~iQy~l bQt~Le~~~~l~ fQ~ eingl~ E~mil~ Q~ QYQ1~~ Q~~~lQQm~nt For this type of development only, tree removal permission is granted solely through the City of Ocoee Building Department. The building permit plot plan shall show: 1. All trees 12" DBH or greater, including: a. Location b. DBH c. Common Name d. Estimated height 2. All trees 3" - 12" which are designated to be retained, including: a. Location b. DBH c. Common Name 3. An indication or the trees proposed for removal. 4. The reason(s) for removal. S. Plans showing typical protective barriers to be used. A minimum of three (3) trees shall be required at the time a Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) is issued for each newly- constructed single family or duplex building, on each lot having 6000 sq. ft. or more. On lots with less than 6000 sq. ft., two (2) trees will be required at the time a C.O. is issued. In residential Planned Developments some or all of the required trees may be located off the individual lots, subJect to approval of specific landscape plans. The required trees to be installed, rather than retained, shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet tall and be on the Recommended Stock List. e Issuance of the building permit shall constitute approval for tree remova 1. Article V I~~~ e~Qt~~tiQn QY~ing Q~~~lQQm~nt ~nQ gQn~t~Y~t!Qn It shall be unlawful for any person, during the construction of any structures or other improvements, to place solvents, material, construction machinery or temporary soil deposits within the drip line of any tree which is designated to 6 e e remain. Before construction, land clearing, filling, or any land alteration, protective barriers shall be required to be erected, where necessary, around those trees designated for saving. This requirement shall be imposed by the City if the proximity of construction activity may Jeopardize the survival of a tree. No work shall commence on any proJect until the Building Official has made an on-site inspection of all protective barriers to ensure their adequacy. It shall be the responsibility of the developer or applicant to insure that any tree so designated for preservation be protected. The property owner shall guarantee survival for one year and shall maintain all trees in a healthy condition. Protective barriers and precautions required by the terms of the permit must comply with the following: A. Protective posts consisting of two (2) inches by four (4) inches or larger wooden post, two (2) inches outer diameter or larger galvanized pipe, or other post material of equivalent size and strength. To be implanted deep enough in the ground to be stable and with at least four (4) feet of the post visible above the ground. B. Posts shall be placed at points not closer than 1/2 radius of the dripline of the protected tree, with posts not being further than six (6) feet apart. the the C. All protective posts shall be linked together by fencing at least three (3) feet high, or two (2) courses of one inch by four inch boards. Each section shall be clearly visible (flagged with brightly colored plastic tapes or other markers). D. Large property areas containing protected trees and separated from construction or land clearing areas, road rights-of-ways and utility easements may be ribboned off in lieu of erecting barriers as otherwise required above by placing stakes a minimum of fifty (50) feet apart and tieing ribbon, plastic tape, rope, etc., from stake to stake along the outside perimeters of such areas to be cleared. E. No grade changes shall be made within the protective barrier zones without prior approval from the Building Department. Where roots greater than one (1) inch diameter are exposed, they shall be cut cleanly and painted with an emulsifiable asphalt. Tree wells and lor planter islands shall be provided, if necessary, to maintain the natural existing soil level. All efforts shall be made through the grading and drainage plan to maintain the natural drainage to such trees. F. Protective barrier zones shall remain in place and intact until such time as landscape operations begin in the immediate area or construction is completed, whichever occurs first. e G. No attachments or wires other than those of a protective or non-damaging nature shall be attached to any tree. The Building Department shall conduct periodic inspections of the site. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all provisions of this Ordinance are met. Article VI B~~Qmm~nQ~Q ~nQ B~~~~i~~~Q I~~~~ A. B~~Qmm~nQ~Q ~~Q~~ - The following tree replacement species are suggested. The following trees may be used as replacement stock without prior approval. All other replacement trees must be approved by the Building Department and shall be included in the book ~YiQ~ ~Q ~n~ ~~~~Y!~~ e!~n~~ Qf ~~n~~~! E!Q~iQ~ by Richard P. Wunder Ii n. e 1. Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica>; 2. Live Oak (Quercus virginiana>; 3. Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia>; 4. Red maple (Acer rubum>; 5. Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua>; 6. Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis>; 7. Golden rain tree (Koelreuteria formosana>; 8. Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora>; 9. Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum>; 10. Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora>; 11. American holly (Ilex opaca>; 12. Dahoon holly (Ilex cassine>; 13. Cherry laurel (Prunus caroliniana>; 14. Southern red cedar (Juniperus silicicola>; 15. Crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica>; 16. Black cherry (Prunus serotina>; 17. Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida>; 18. Redbud (Cercis canadensis>; 19. Chickasaw plum (Prunus angustifolia>; 20. Jerusalem thorn (Parkinsonia aculeata>; 21. Coast pignut hickory (Carya glabra megacarpa>; 22. Pecan (Carya illinoensis>; 23. Weeping willow (Salix spp.>; 24. Fringe tree (Chionanthus virginica>; 25. Loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus>; 26. Glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum>; 27. Nagi (Podocarpus nagi>; 28. Red buckeye (Aesculus paula>; 29. Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana>; 30. Scrub hickory (Carya floridana>; 31. Pignut Hickory (Carya glabra>; 32. Hackberry (Celtis laevigata>; 33. Fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus>; 34. Swamp dogwood (Cornus foemina>; B e 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipfera); Sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana); Wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera); Wild olive/Devilwood (Osmanthus americanus); Red bay (Persea borbonia); Sand live oak (Quercus geminata); BlueJack oak (Quercus incana); Scrub oak (Quercus inopina); Turkey oak (Quercus laevis); Myrtle oak (Quercus myrtifolia); Water oak (Quercus nigra); Spanish oak (Quercus shumardii); Pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens); Basswood (Tilia americana); Winged elm; Cork elm (Ulmus alata); American elm; White elm (Ulmus americana); Sparkleberry (Viccinium arborem); Viburnum obovatum (Walters viburnum); Pindo Palm (Butia capitata); Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis); Sabal Palm (Sabal palmetto); Washington Palm (Washingtonia robusta); B. B~~~~!~~~g e~Q~~ - The following trees may not be used as replacement stock within the City of Ocoee. 1. Silk oak (Grevillea robusta); 2. Jacaranda (Jacaranda acutifolia); 3. Australian Pine (Casuarina species); 4. Cama Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis); 5. Ear Tree (Enterlobium cyclocarpum); 6. American Mulberry (Morus urbra); 7. Chinaberry (Nebia azedarch); 8. CaJeput or Punk Tree (Melaluca leucadendra); 9. Citrus trees (all types); 10. Florida Holly or Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebinfolius); 11. Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum); 12. Mimosa (Albizzia Julibrissin); 13. All palms, except as specified in Article VI, A. Article VII ~~~!~n~~L 8gg~~1 ~ng e~n~l~~ A. ~~~!~n~~ The preservation of any tree on the Recommended Stock List over 24" DBH may be considered as the basis for the granting of a variance from the literal application of the provisions of the City's Zoning or Subdivision Regulations. If, in the determination of the City Manager or his designate, the sole basis for the request for a variance is to preserve such tree which would otherwise have to be removed, he may direct the required variance fee to be waived. e B. 8gg~~1~ Any person adversely affected by the decision of the Development Review Committee or Building Official in 9 e e the enforcement or interpretation of this Ordinance may appeal such to the Board of City Commissioners within thirty (30) days. C. e~n~l~~ fQ~ ~!Ql~~!Qn 1. If a tree not authorized for removal is removed, altered or damaged such that its susceptibility to disease and/or other detrimental environmental factors is significantly increased which may result in premature death, the person causing such removal, alteration, damage or premature death shall pay to the City $25.00 per diameter inch (DBH) of each such tree. In addition to the above where violations of this Ordinance have occurred,- remedial action shall be taken to restore the property consistant with a restoration plan approved by the Building Official. The restoration plan may require tree replacement at not more than a 4:1 ratio and require mitigation of any other damage to the property, as well as tree replacements. 2. No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for any development until all applicable permit or restoration plan conditions have been accomplished. 3. Trees destroyed or receiving maJor damage in violation of Article V must be replaced by either a comparable size and type tree or a minimum ten (10) foot tall tree from the Recommended Stock List, at a four to one ratio, before Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Occupancy. 4. Failure to comply with required remedial action shall be referred to the Board of Commissioners, City of Ocoee, Florida. 5. Any violation of this Ordinance shall render the person causing or permitting the violation as well as the property owner to the above-listed penalties including the following to be determined by the Board of Commissioners, City of Ocoee, Florida. a. A fine of up to but not exceeding $25,000.00. In assessing the fine the City shall consider among other things, the size, age and health and/or amount of trees damaged or removed. b. Cancellation of all building permits and/or site plan approvals until payment of all fines and completion of all restoration work. After payment of all fines and completion to comply with prior approval or issuance of any new permits. New plans will be required. c. Penalty for Violation. Payment of attorneys 10 fees and costs incurred by the City in enforcement of this Ordinance regarding said violation(s). e D. Byl~~ ~ng B~gYl~i!Qn~ The Board of City Commissioners is hereby authorized to adopt by resolution such rules and regulations as are necessary or proper to implement this Ordinance. E. E~~~ Appropriate fees shall be established by the Board of City Commissioners and amended as necessary. The fee for each tree permit allowing the removal, relocation or replacement of trees is hereby established as follows: a. Ten Dollars ($10.00) per lot for each lot contained in the legal description of the property, or twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per acre, whichever is greater. b. The minimum fee shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per permit. F. ~~Y~~~e!l!i~ Qf e~QY!~!Qn~ If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are declared severable. Article VIII, gQnfl!gi~~ 811 Q~g!n~ng~~ Q~ e~~i~ Qf Q~g!n~ng~~ !n gQnfl!gi n~~~~!in ~~~ ~~e~~l~g~ 8~ilg1~ I~L Effective Date. In!~ Q~g!n~ng~ ~n~ll i~~@ @ff@gi yeQn e~~~~g@~ 5n~gi@g in!~ _lLt~___ g~~ Qf Qf QgQ@@L E1Q~!g~~ _!l."~____L _ !~'7rL ~!!ll ~-~~---- ~8YQB e ~-~---------- glIY gb5B~ 11