HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 856
First Reading 10-15-85
Second Reading 11-19-85
(e), (f) AND (g), SECTION 10.2. OF ORDINANCE
WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee Board of Commissioners is most
interested in providing the most current personnel policies for
the administration of personnel matters within the City of Ocoee;
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners believes that it is most
important to provide for the proper and equitable treatment of
the City employees;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it Enacted by the people of the City of
Ocoee, Florida:
Section 1. Appendix C, Code of Ordinances, Ocoee, Florida,
is amended to read:
(Substantial rewording of Appendix. See Appendix C
dated October 1, 1973, for present text)
Section 0.01.
It is the intention and policy of the City that a proper and
efficient personnel program be maintained as an indispensable and
necessary prerequisite to professional administration of the
business affairs of this City. It is the further intention and
policy that a fair, equitable and uniform system of public
employment must exist in order to attract good public servants
and provide them wi th an opportuni ty for honorable and useful
It is the intention and policy that the departments be
structured in a line and staff organizational relationship
whereby each employee be directly responsible to only one super-
visor. The author i ty for the management of each department is
vested solely with the department head. The Ci ty Manager will
counsel and direct the line organization but will not normally
supplant the author i ty of department heads, but may do so if
required. In accordance with the provisions contained in the
Charter of the Ci ty of Ocoee, all Department Supervisors are
directly responsible to the City Manager. The City Manager is
directly responsible to the Board of City Commissioners.
The Board of City Commissioners and City Manager do not
hereby relinquish any authority vested in them but delegate
authority to the extent provided in the Charter of the City of
Section 0.02
It shall be the intent of the Board of City Commissioners
and other elected officials that:
(1) The employees of the City of Ocoee be productive per-
sons who perform a useful purpose.
(2) There shall be no employee on the City payroll for whom
there is no employment need.
(3) There shall be no individual, group or factions in the
City employ who shall create disharmony, unrest, dis-
quiet, institute rumors or by any other act cause dis-
sension and inefficiency in City Government.
(4) All department heads and employees shall comply wi th
and assist in carrying out the personnel program,
including the furnishing of records and information at
the request of the City Manager.
NOTE: This Appendix refers to employees as "he". For the pur-
pose of this policy, "he" will be considered a generic term, to
include female employees.
Section 0.03.
The personnel policy, regulations and procedures, as
adopted, shall apply to all personnel under the jurisdiction of
the Board of City Commissioners and City Manager.
Section 0.04.
(1) Any item in this entire personnel policy that is in
conflict with the Charter of the City of Ocoee is voided.
(2) Any previous city policy on subjects covered in this
policy as of November 19, , 1985, is hereby rescinded.
Section 1.01
Political activity.
(1) No employee shall directly or indirectly coerce or
attempt to coerce, command, or advise any other employee to pay,
lend, or contribute any part of his salary, or any money, or any-
thing else of value to any party, committee, organization,
agency, or person for political purposes. Nothing in this sub-
section shall prohibi t an employee from suggesting to another
employee in a noncoercive manner that he may voluntarily contrib-
ute to a fund which is administered by a party, committee, orga-
nization, agency, person, labor union or other employee organiza-
tion for political purposes.
(2) No employee shall use his official authority or influ-
ence for the purpose of interfering with an election or a nomina-
tion of office or coercing or influencing another person's vote
or affecting the result thereof.
(3) No employee shall directly or indirectly coerce or
attempt to coerce, command, and advise employee as to where he
might purchase commodities or to interfere in any other way with
the personal right of said employee.
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(4) Nothing in this policy shall prevent an employee from
becoming a member of a political club or organization or attend-
ing meetings of such club organizations or of expressing his
opinion on all political subjects except those specifically pro-
hibited above, or from enjoying freedom from all interference in
casting his vote.
(5) No employee shall hold office as a member of the gov-
erning board, council, commission, or authority, by whatever name
known, which is his employer while, at the same time, continuing
as an employee of such employer.
(6) The provisions of this policy shall not be construed so
as to prevent any person from becoming a candidate for and
actively campaigning for any elective office in this state. All
such persons shall retain the right to vote as they may choose
and to express their opinions on all political subjects and can-
didates. The provisions of this policy shall not be construed so
as to limit the political activity in a general, special primary,
bond, referendum, or other election of any kind or nature, of
elected officials or candidates for public office in the state or
of any county or municipality thereof.
(7) An employee choosing to be a candidate for poli tical
office will be placed on personal leave of absence on the date of
qualifying for election and will so remain while a political can-
(8) It is the intent of this policy to maintain an impar-
tial city service and to work toward the ideal of a public ser-
vice that is dedicated to all citizens of the city, to maintain
fair and equal treatment and to avoid a conflict of interest.
Section 1.02
Other employment.
Full-time employees are discouraged, but not restricted from
engaging in other employment during their off-duty hours.
However, city employment must be considered the primary employ-
ment and no employee may engage in outside employment which would
interfere with the performance of his duties or be in conflict
with the interest of the city.
Section 1.03
Use of City Property.
Equipment, facilities, vehicles or property of the city
shall not be used by employees for any reason other than ci ty
business. Exceptions to this policy will be granted by the City
Manager when in the best interest of the City. For example,
police officers may be allowed to take their vehicles home when
leaving their duty shift, in order to improve their response time
in the event of an emergency.
Section 1.04
Conflict of interest.
(1) All personnel in a position to influence the city
actions shall refrain from business, professional and social
relationships which may affect the exercise of their independent
judgment in dealing with the city suppliers of goods or services.
(2) Employee acceptance of loans, advances, "kick-backs",
or of gifts, gratuities and favors or entertainment from a sup-
plier, bidder or other parties doing business with the City
Government is improper and such action shall not be condoned.
(This section is not meant to prohibit such incidentals as lunch,
dinner or minor social activity).
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Section 1.05
Disclosure of information.
The City of Ocoee, Flor ida, is a Municipal Government and
consequently subject to all portions of State and Federal Legis-
lation entitled Government in the Sunshine. Consequently, all
disclosures of information shall be within the guidelines
expressed in the continuing and ongoing legislation of Government
in the Sunshine.
Section 1.06
Family employment restrictions.
No spouse or member of the immediate family of a Ci ty
employee or of any member of City Commission will be hired, pro-
moted, transferred or retained on a permanent or temporary basis
within the Merit System unless such employment is determined by
unanimous vote for the City Commission to be in'the best interest
of the City; is approved by the City Manager and does not violate
Florida Statute 116.111 (as amended or superseded).
"Immediate family" is defined as blood, marital, adopted or
step-relative in one of the following categories: father,
mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, first
cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-
law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
step-father, step-mother, step-son, step-daughter, step-brother,
step-sister, half-brother, half-sister or any ward of an employee
living within the same household.
Section 1.07
Code of conduct.
All employees are expected to keep in mind that they are
servants of the public and to conduct themselves in a manner
which will in no way discredit the City Government, public offi-
cials, fellow employees or themselves.
Section 1.08
Collection of money, fines, bonds.
The City Manager, City Clerk, deputy clerks and Finance
Director are the only personnel author ized to collect and dis-
burse city funds. Collections of fines, forfeitures and bonds by
the police department personnel is authorized and will be depos-
ited in city hall as soon as possible following collection.
Section 1.09
Sexual harassment on the job.
(1) Definition. Harassment on the basis of sex is a viola-
tion of Sec. 703 of Title VII. Unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct
of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: (1) sub-
mission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term
or condition of an individual's employment, (2) submission to or
rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis
for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such
conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering
with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidat-
ing, hostile, or offensive working environment.
(2) Policy and procedures for sexual harassment complaints.
As a part of the City's continuing affirmative action efforts and
pursuant to the guidelines on sex discrimination issued by the
Equal Opportuni ty Commission, the Ci ty endorses the following
(i) It is illegal and against the policies of this
Ci ty for any employee, male or female, to sexually harass
another employee by (a) making unwelcomed sexual advances or
request for sexual favors or other verbal or physical con-
duct of a sexual nature, a condition of an employee's con-
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tinued employment, or (b) making submission to or rejections
of such conduct the basis for employment decisions affecting
the employee, or (c) creating an intimidating, hostile or
offensive working environment by such conduct.
(ii) Any employee who believes he or she has been the
subject of sexual harassment should report the alleged act
immediately, (wi thin 24 hours after the alleged harassment
occurs) to the Ci ty Manager or the Personnel Office. An
investigation of all complaints will be undertaken immedi-
ately. Any supervisor, agent or other employee who has been
found by the City after appropriate investigation' to have
sexually harassed another employee, will be subject to
appropriate sanctions depending on the circumstances, from a
warning in his or her file up to and including termination.
The City recognizes that the question of whether a particu-
lar action or incident is a purely personal, social relationship
wi thout a discr iminatory employment effect requires a factual
determination based on all facts in this matter. Given the
nature of this type of discrimination, the City recognizes also
that false accusations of sexual harassment can have ser ious
effects on innocent women and men. We trust that all employees
of the Ci ty will continue to act responsibly to establish a
pleasant working environment free of discr imination. The Ci ty
encourages any employee to raise questions he or she may have
regarding discrimination or affirmative action with the City
Section 1.10
Literacy tests.
Literacy tests may be administered as a part of the recruit-
ing and job interview process when a candidate is being consid-
ered for employment wi th the Ci ty. If such a test is adminis-
tered, the test must be one as provided by the Orange County
Board of Education to determine whether the students have the
minimum of a sixth grade reading level. A test not regularly
administered by the Orange County Board of Education may not be
substituted for such a test; no arbitrary testing measures will
be permitted.
Section 2.01 Original employment.
When a person is initially employed in a position in the
City service, either on a full-time basis or a part-time basis,
he shall be employed in one of the following types of original
employment status:
(1) Permanent employee;
(2) Probationary Permanent Employee;
(3) Temporary employee.
(A) Definitions of types of original employment:
(i) Permanent:
Permanent employment will be made
classification for permanently budgeted career
to a
(a) A permanent employee shall be eligible
for all City fringe benefits immediately upon
establishing a continuous service date.
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(b) A permanent employee is one who has
satisfactorily completed his probationary period.
(ii) Probationary Permanent Employee:
A probationary permanent employee shall be
an individual hired to fill a regularly Commis-
sion funded position, during his/her initial
three (3) months of employment and not a
permanent employee that has been placed on
probation as a disciplinary action.
(iii) Temporary.
(a) Temporary employment may be made when
the work of a department requires the services of
one or more employees on a seasonal or intermit-
tent basis.
(b) A temporary employee shall not be eli-
gible for City fringe benefits.
(B) Employment of department heads; The City Manager
shall review and approve the employment or promotion of a depart-
ment supervisor.
Section 2.02
Probationary period.
(1) The first three (3) months of City service, promotion
or transfer shall be considered a probationary period for all
employees. Upon approval by the City Manager, an employee's pro-
bationary per iod may be extended up to an additional three (3)
months. All sworn personnel in the Police Department and
firefighter personnel in the Fire Department shall have a special
six (6) month probationary per iod which may be extended by an
additional three (3) months as previously provided herein.
(2) If the employee is found to be unsatisfactory dur ing
his probationary period following employment, he may be termin-
ated. If he/she wishes to appeal the termination, he/she must
comply with the provisions of the Merit System in order to appear
before the Merit System Board. During the Probationary Period,
the only disciplinary action a Permanent Probationary Employee
will have the right to appeal to the Merit System Board is termi-
nation. Other disciplinary actions by a Supervisor may be
appealed to the City Manager, but no further. A regular
Permanent Employee may appeal any disciplinary action to the
Merit System Board, as provided for in the Merit System. If the
employee is considered satisfactory for another available posi-
tion, he may be transferred and will begin a new probation
(3) An employee in probationary status may not be eligible
for certain fringe benefits, until the probationary period is
satisfactorily completed.
Section 2.03
City service.
(1) Continuous service:
(A) An employee I s continuous service date shall be
established as the most recent date of hire and may not pre-
cede the date of actual job performance.
(B) Authorized leaves of absence and layoff to the
extent provided by personnel pOlicy shall not be considered
a break in service. All other separations shall be consid-
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ered a break in service effective at the end of the
employee's regular shift on the last day of work.
(C) Any unauthorized leave without pay for more than
three (3) consecutive workdays shall be considered a break
in service.
(2) Creditable service: Creditable service shall be con-
strued as service during which the employee was on the payroll of
the City.
(3) Basis for change of status: In considering employees
for promotion, demotion, layoff, recall from layoff or transfer,
job per formance shall be the sole cr iter ion. Job per formance
being equal, continuous service shall be the criterion.
Pay scales are set by the Board of Ci ty Commissioners and
will not be altered or changed unless by express permission of
the City Manager.
(A) Pay raises: The practice of across the board or blan-
ket pay raises for all city employees will be discontinued.
Merit raises will be given to employees on the basis of ini-
tiative, capability, supervisory ability, loyalty and dedication
to the interest and progress of the Ci ty of Ocoee. Senior i ty
will have a bearing only when all of the above factors are equal.
These raises will be in 5% increments, as provided for in the
Merit System (adopted by Ordinance Number 821).
Cost of living raises will be considered by the Board of
City Commissioners and acted upon at their discretion.
The Board of City Commissioners will annually review sal-
aries and may, at their discretion, raise or lower salaries as
(B) Police officers incentive plan:
as established by State Legislation.
Will be administered
Section 4.01
Overtime work.
(A) Statement of policy: The City of Ocoee will continue
to comply wi th mandated sanctions of the U. S. Department of
Labor, not only with regards to overtime, but all other policies
as well.
(1) The employment and work program of each depart-
ment should be arranged so as to reduce to a minimum the neces-
sity for overtime work, except in emergency situations.
(2) It is intended, however, that employees should be
expected to work, in a reasonable period, beyond regular working
hours or dur ing lunch per iods when necessary to complete work
(3) Activities such as time spent in taking training
courses, travel and voluntary overtime shall not be considered as
authorized overtime work.
(B) Overtime payment: (Emergency) Overtime payments shall
be on the basis of one and one-half (1 t) times the employee's
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rate of pay.
(C) Compensatory time:
(1) When an employee is required by proper authority
to work beyond the normal working hours for his position, he
may be granted compensatory time off on an I! multiplier
basis for the extra hours which he worked. Compensatory
time must be taken prior to the end of the work week or one
pay will be paid to the employee at the rate of time and a
half times his normal rate of pay, in accordance with
standards set by the u.s. Department of Labor.
(2) Compensatory overtime must be author ized by the
department head prior to the performance of overtime work
and should be credited to the employee as soon as practical
following the overtime work.
(3) Each department head should make every effort to
allow employees to use their earned compensatory leave as
promptly as is mutually convenient for the department and
the employee, however, an employee may be requi red to use
his earned compensatory leave at any time.
(4) A record of earned compensatory time will be
maintained by the department head.
Section 5.01
Official holidays.
The following are holidays which shall be observed by all
departments in which functions can be discontinued without
adversely affecting required services to the public.
(a) New Years Day, January 1
(b) Memorial Day, as applicable.
(c) Independence Day, July 4.
(d) Labor Day, first Monday in September.
(e) Thanksgiving Day, designated Thursday in November
(f) Friday after Thanksgiving
(g) Christmas Eve, December 24.
(h) Christmas Day, December 25.
(i) One floating holiday to be used as City Board of Com-
missioners sees fit when holidays fall one day from a
Section 5.02
All employees on the active payroll on the date of the holi-
day shall be eligible for holiday pay at their regular rate of
Section 5.03
Work during holidays.
Each eligible employee shall be given the number of desig-
nated holidays each year. However, if the work requirements of
the department is such that an employee is required to work on
any of the holidays designated, he shall be credited with compen-
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satory leave equal to I! the time which he is on duty.
Section 5.04
Holiday falling on weekend.
When a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall
be observed as a holiday. When a holiday falls on Sunday, the
following Monday shall be observed as a holiday.
Section 5.05
Holidays during paid leave.
Employees on annual or sick leave during periods when desig-
nated holidays occur shall not have the day of the holiday
charged against their accrued leave.
Section 6.01
Only permanent employees shall earn annual leave. Tempor-
ary, emergency or other part-time [employees] shall not be eligi-
ble to accrue annual leave.
Section 6.02
Accrual of annual vacation (based on continuous
service-date of most recent hire.)
For all city employees the following vacation schedule will
apply. periods of service must be consecutive in order to be eli-
gible for vacation benefits. Broken periods of service will not
be accumulative in order to gain maximum benefits. For seniority
purposes, service will be counted commencing with the latest per-
iod the employee commenced working for the city. Employees must
complete six months of satisfactory service before becoming eli-
gible for leave.
One to seven (7) years - Two (2) weeks vacation.
Eight (8) to fifteen (15) years - Three (3) weeks vacation.
Sixteen (16) years or over - Four (4) weeks vacation.
Section 6.03
Use of annual vacation.
(A) Annual vacation is intended to be used to provide a
periodic vacation. However, earned annual vacation may be used
for any other purpose when authorized by the department head.
(B) Annual vacation shall be used only with the prior
approval of the department head and shall not be authorized prior
to the time it is earned and credited to the employee. Written
vacation requests shall be submitted on the form provided through
the supervisor to the Finance Director.
Section 6.04
Holidays during vacation.
When an official holiday occurs while an employee is on
annual vacation, that day shall not be charged against the
employee's annual vacation balance.
Section 6.05
Payment of earned annual vacation.
(A) The only condition under which an employee can be paid
for his unused annual leave is upon layoff or terminal separation
from the City service and following six months of satisfactory
service. Such payment shall be made at the employee I s current
rate of pay.
(B) In case of death of an employee, payment for unused
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annual leave shall be made to the employee's beneficiary, estate
or as provided by law.
(a) All City permanent employees shall earn and accumulate
paid sick leave. Temporary, emergency and part-time employees
shall not be eligible to earn or accrue sick leave.
(b) Permanent employees of the City of Ocoee will be cred-
ited with one day of sick leave each month, totaling twelve (12)
sick leave days per year. At the end of each fiscal year unused
sick leave will be carried over up to thirty-six (36) days. Any
amount in excess of twenty-four (24) sick leave days will be pur-
chased back from the employee, at the end of the Fiscal year,
eight hours pay for each day over twenty-four days accumulated.
(c) The employee's personal illness, injury or exposure to
a contagious disease; which would endanger others, are examples
of when sick leave should be used.
(d) Accumulated sick leave may be charged when an employee
is on Workmen's Compensation or Disability Sick Leave, to supple-
ment the employees benefit, up to the employees normal rate of
(e) Employees are responsible for insuring that their
supervisors are notified each day when sick leave is used.
(f) Supervisors will require employees to present a doc-
tor's certificate from the employee's personal physician, that
the employee is physically or mentally unfit to work when more
than three (3) consecutive days of sick leave have been used.
Medical justification will not be required for illness or inca-
pacitation of three (3) days or less, however, supervisors will
be notified by the employee daily when using sick leave.
(g) An employee who is either terminated or resigned will
be paid for all accumulated sick leave at that employee's current
rate of pay at the time of termination or resignation.
(h) The sick leave policy regulations and procedures, as
adopted, shall apply to all personnel under the jurisdiction of
the Board of City Commissioners and the City Manager.
(a) All City probationary permanent employees shall be eli-
gible for the disability insurance and life insurance the first
of the month following thirty (30) days from the date of employ-
(b) An employee who is disabled by illness or injury, which
incurred sometime other than normal working hours or "off-duty",
is entitled to Disability Sick Leave. The disability must not be
a result from a self-inflicted injury or negligence. The
employee must supply his supervisor with a physician's certifica-
tion that the employee is unable to perform his duties.
(c) Disability sick leave status shall continue during the
period of actual disability to a maximum to ninety (90) calendar
days. Should a disabled employee be unable to return to work at
the expiration of the ninety day (90) period, the case shall be
reviewed by the City's Merit System Board which shall recommend
that the City Manager approve or disapprove the continuation of
disabili ty sick leave status. If approved by the Ci ty Manager
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the leave status shall continue for the duration of actual dis-
abili ty, up to a maximum of an additional ninety days, after
which it shall terminate, as mandated by State Laws. If dis-
approved by the City Manager the disability leave status shall
terminate immediately.
(d) During the disability sick leave status time period an
employee may use any accrued sick leave or vacation benefits
accrued to supplement his disability sick leave benefits, up to
the employees normal rate of pay.
(e) In addi tion to the time limi tat ions set forth above,
disability sick leave status may be terminated by: 1. The
employee's physician certification that the employee is physi-
cally able to return to work. 2. Termination of employment of
the employee, for any reason. 3. Entry into employment of any
kind by the employee, including self-employment.
(f) While on disability sick leave status an employee shall
not accrue any regular sick leave benefits, or vacation benefits,
but shall not loose their seniority of their job position.
(a) It shall be the policy of the City of Ocoee to provide
Workers' Compensation Benefits to any employee injured or incurs
an illness related to the employee's activity while "on-duty".
(b) Injury Reporting. All employees injuries, of any
description or size, shall be immediately reported to the super-
visor by the injured employee. The supervisor must insure that a
"Notice of Injury" is completed.
(c) An injured employee shall be paid regular salary for
the first seven (7) days of his/her injury. On the eighth day,
Workers' Compensation benefits will commence. The employee may,
if he/she chooses, charge their accumulated sick leave or accu-
mulated vacation benefits to supplement the Workers' Compensation
benefits up to their regular rate of pay. If the employee does
not have any benefi ts accumulated, the employee will only be
entitled to the Workers' Compensation Benefit.
(d) In the event an employee refuses medical care, a signed
statement to this effect should be obtained from the employee and
submitted with the accident report, by the supervisor.
Section 10.01
Administrative leave.
( A ) Cou r t :
(1) An employee who is subpoenaed as a prospective
juror or as a witness shall be granted leave with pay. Fees
paid by the court will be retained by the employee.
(2) In no case shall administrative leave with pay be
granted for court attendance when an employee is the defen-
dant or is engaged in personal litigation, unless such
actions are a result of an act performed by the employee as
a part of his official duties as an employee of the City.
(B) Elections: An employee who lives at such distance from
his assigned work locations as to preclude his voting outside of
working hours, may be authorized as much time a necessary, with
pay, for this purpose. An employee shall not be granted adminis-
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trative leave to work at the polls during elections.
(C) Meetings: In cases where it is deemed by the depart-
ment head to be benef icial to the Ci ty, an employee may be
granted leave wi th pay to attend such professional meetings or
conferences as may contribute to the effectiveness of his employ-
(D) Examinations: An employee may be granted leave with
pay while taking examinations before a federal, state or county
agency, provided such examinations are pertinent to his ci ty
(E) Examinations for military service. An employee who is
ordered, by his Selective Service Board, to appear for physical
examination for induction into the military service shall be
granted leave with pay for this purpose.
Section 10.02
Maternity leave.
(A) An employee may be allowed to remain in employment
until the condi tion of pregnancy affects satisfactory job per-
formance. The judgement of the supervisor will be final. This
decision will take into consideration the written medical opinion
of the employee's physician, the nature of the job regarding
physical stress and the employee's ability to perform normal job
duties with full efficiency.
(B) The details of a maternity will be administered under
the current policies set forth in the Merit Plan.
Section 10.03
Military leave.
(A) An employee who is drafted, or who is ordered to active
duty in connection with reserve activities other than short term
training shall, upon presentation of a copy of his official
orders, be granted leave without pay extending ninety (90) calen-
dar days beyond the date of separation from the military service.
(B) All unused leave benef i ts shall be retained by the
employee who shall have the same credi ted to his record if he
applies for reinstatement to his position in accordance with "C"
below. Dur ing such leaves of . absence. the employee shall be
entitled to preserve all rights established by City policy.
(C) Upon separations from the military service, the em-
ployee must request reinstatement wi thin ninety (90) calendar
days after separation. The city may require the employee to sub-
mit to a medical examination to determine his fitness to perform
the duties of the position to which he may be returning. If the
employee volunteers for an additional tour of military duty, he
shall forfeit his reinstatement rights.
Section 10.04
Leave of absence general provisions.
(A) Return of leave of absence: An employee returning from
leave shall be entitled to employment in the same department and
the same, or equivalent, classification wherein employed when
leave began.
(B) Insurance coverage while on leave of absence:
The City will continue to maintain group insurance ben-
efits for employees while on leave with pay.
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Section 11.01
It is the intention of the City Manager that effective
supervision and employee relations will avoid most matters which
necessitate disciplinary action. The purpose of rules and disci-
plinary action for violating such rules is not intended to
restrict the rights of anyone, but to insure the rights of all
and secure cooperation and orderliness throughout the City
Section 11.02
Disciplinary actions.
When it is necessary that disciplinary action be taken the
action shall be based upon: the Disciplinary Procedures set forth
in the Merit System.
Section 11.03
The Merit System.
[As specified in Ordinance No. 821, the Merit System is an expan-
sion of this appendix.]
Section 2. Subparagraphs (e), (f) and (g) of Section 10.2
of Ordinance No. 821 of the City of Ocoee, Florida are amended to
( e ) trt
~~e €~~er or Po~~ee
Ptte~~e Wo~~~ B~~eeeo~
The City Manager.
(f) tgt Architects, auditors, consultants,
engineers, and others rendering temporary services.
Section 3. Ordinance No. 821 of the City of Ocoee, Florida
is amended to add subparagraph (d) to Section 10.4.3.
(d) A probationary Permanent Employee may appeal a
termination decision, of their employment, to the Mer i t System
Board, by following the same procedures set forth for the griev-
ance of a Permanent Employee, in this Ordinance and the Mer i t
System. A Probationary Permanent Employee, however, will have no
other grievance rights under the Merit System, aside from
Section 4. The Ci ty Manager shall make the appropr iate
administrative changes in the Merit System handbook which are
necessary to conform the handbook wi th Ordinance No. 821, as
amended and Appendix C, as amended.
Section 5. This ordinance by revision of Appendix C and
amendment to Ordinance No. 821 is supplemented to and should be
read with Ordinance No. 821.
Section 6. If any portion of this ordinance is determined
to be void or otherwise unconstitutional the remaining portion of
this ordinance shall remain in effect.
Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective immedi-
ately upon adoption by the Ocoee City Board of Commissioners.
ADOPTED THIS 19th Day of November, 1985.
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