HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 838 FIRST READING: 6-18-85 SECOND READING: 7-16-85 ORDINANCE NO. 838 CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA e AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER IV, SEC- TION 9.C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DIS- TRICT, APPENDIX A, CODE OF ORDINAN- CES, CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, REVIS- ING THE PERMITTED USES AND SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: PROVIDING FOR APPLICA- TION, SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission for Ocoee is concerned with the protection, promotion and improvement of the public health, safe- ty, comfort, order, appearance, convenience, morals and general welfare, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the Ci ty of Ocoee is also concerned that land regulations to enhance the public benefit must consider, among other things, the character of the districts and their special suitability for particular uses and the conser- vation of property values, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee is autho- rized under Chapter II, Section 3, Code of Ordinances, City of Ocoee, Florida, to propose zoning amendments, the City Commission of the Ci ty of Ocoee has determined that it is in the best interest of the people of Ocoee to remove certain enterpr ises from the uses permitted in Chapter IV, Section 9.2, Appendix A, Code of Ordinances, City of Ocoee, Florida and add them to the special exceptions authorized in Chapter IV, Section 9.3, Appendix A, Code of Ordinances, City of Ocoee, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: Section 1. Subsection 2 and 3 of Section 9 of Chapter IV, Appendix A, Code of Ordinances, City of Ocoee, Florida is amended to read: 9.2 Uses permitted. ni ty Commercial Distr ict purposes: Property and buildings in a C-2 Commu- shall be used only for the following (1) Any use permitted in a C-l Neighborhood Commercial Dis- trict. ti!t New atl~omob~~e sa~es and ser~~ees, new maeft~nery sa~es and ser~~ee, and I'tlb~~e 9arages, I'ro~~ded no 9aso~~ne ~~ ~~o~ed abo~e 9~Ottftd, tt~ed att~emeb~%e aftd maehifte~y sa~e~ and ser~~ee, and atl~omob~%e aftd maeft~nery reI'a~r- in9 ~~ eondtte~ed ~ft eon;tlne~~on w~~J.oi a re~a~~ ageney and WftO~~y w~~J.oi~n a eomI'~e~e~y ene~esed btl~~d~n9, btl~ no~ ~ne~tld~n9 atl~omob~~e or maeJ.oi~nery wreek~n9 e~~ab- ~~~J.oimen~s or ;tlnkyard~. e ill t3t Ambulance service, office or garage Appliance store Art school, gallery or museum Automobile retail gasoline service station Automobile parking lot Bait sales Bar, lounge or tavern (except private clubs as defined herein) having on-premise consumption of alcoholic ~l - beverages not located wi thin one thousand (1,000) feet of any existing church. The distance shall be measured along the nearest public right-of-way con- necting the two (2) uses Bath house Bus terminal Cleaning plant Commercial school or hall Dance hall Department store Drive-in restaurant when the boundaries of the tract of land are no less than two hundred (200) feet from any residence Feed and seed store Frozen food locker Furniture store Furniture repair and upholstery Funeral parlor or mortuary Grocery store or supermarket Golf course, miniature or practice range Heating, ventilating or plumbing supplies, sales and services Health bath or spa Hospital and nursing home Interior decorating store Key shop Laboratories, testing and experimental Leather goods shop Liquor store, no on-premise consumption Music, radio or television shop Nursery or garden supply store Pawnshop Pet shop Printing plant Private club Recreation center Research laboratories Roller skating rink Stock and bond broker Storage warehouse Theater, except drive-in theater Variety store III t4t Buildings, structures and uses accessory and customari- ly incidental to any of the above uses, provided that there shall be no manufacture, processing or compound- ing of products other than such as are customarily in- cidental and essential to retail establishments. e No article or material stored or offered for sale in connec- tion with uses permitted under paragraphs (1) through (4) above shall be stored or displayed outside of a building unless it is so screened by permanent ornamental walls, fences or planting that it cannot be seen from adjoining streets or lots when viewed by a person standing on ground level; provided, however, that no screening in excess of six (6) feet in height shall be required. 9.3 Special exceptions. The following uses may be permitted as special exceptions by the board of adjustment in accordance with the procedures described in Chapter II, section 3.5:k (1) Any special exception listed in the C-l district. (2) Service station. (3) Child care and day nursery facilities. - 2 - i!l New automobile sales and services, new machinery sales and service, and public garages, provided no gasoline is stored above ground, used automobile and machinery sales and service, and automobile and machinery repair- ing if conducted in conjunction wi th a retail agency and wholly within a completely enclosed building, but not including automobile or machinery wrecking estab- lishments or junkyards. . ill t4t Other uses which are similar to the uses permitted herein which would promote the intent and purposes of this district. Determination shall be made by author- ity and directive the board of adjustment. Section 2. The provisions herein are prospective in nature. Section 3. If any section or portion of a section or subsection of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitution- al, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force, or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection or part of this ordinance. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. ENACTED THIS 16th day of July , 1985. CITY OF OCOEE ~ ~R.br- MAYOR ATTE1T: . ~C~ CITY CLERK e 3097JCH-O - 3 -