HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 818 2' 288tJc2~PAt.'~f. ,-.J wi ' ...0 .C!)., n 0> I l' . ':;/4X) '~ ORDINANCE NO. 8 1 8 '-~i 1,' ',"" t. . ;pr, , '-"-,,-, , lu \'tAft Ih ,-'-".lt~?f' \' I.' /. ': ~'?t" . " ';'.'" ,+.", '!;. o;IIlj' ~/.. . ". \j;' -'L,,, ..' . .' 1;'Y '.,:\.. ,. "~" C...(R~::; ) ,\;p.n '.I r lORn,., Ot:>~~IJL'" ,,'" ,,' J' - (';\;/1\ \)1" HAR 25 II 10 ilii 'B 5 0.... 3621 p~ 2325 FIRST READING2-S-8S SECOND READING3-S-85 e AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ()(XlEE, FIDRIDA, ProvIDING FOR THE HANDLING OF MONIES DERIVED FRCM UNlFOm TRAFFIC CrrATIONS: ProvIDING FOR SUPERCESSION: PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECrIVE DA'IE. BE IT ENACI'ED BY THE PEDPLE OF THE CITY OF OCDEE, FIDRIDA. -,<~ (,>.: ~' ~ :'-: SECI'ION 1: Special Court Costs: There is hereby assessed by the City of O::oee in carrpliance with Section 943.25 (5), Florida Statutes, an additional 'IWo Dollars ($2.00) as Court Costs against every person convicted for a violation of a State Penal or Criminal Statute or convicted of a Municipal or County Ordinance, where said offense occurred within the Corrorate Limits of Ocoee. In addition 'IWo Dollars ($2.00) shall be deduct.ed from every bond estreature or forfei ted bail bond related to such penal statutes or ordinances. No such assessrrent, however, shall be made against any person convicted for violation of any State Statute, Municipal or County Ordinance re- lating to the parking of vehicles. All such assessrrents shall be collected by the appropriate court and shall be reJnitted to t.he City of Ocoee and encumbered for law enforcement education and training for the nernbers of the police deparbnent. The use and expenditure of SUdl funds shall be in accordance with education and traLnin~':" prO<J~"l'1tS ro:c .ia\<l enfor.cen-ent persormel, as detel.'lIlined by the Chief of Police, agreed to by the City Manager, and in accordance with Section 943.14 (4) , Florida Statutes. yl \\j ~))\ 'l'\ ~::J " !.~" 'R;" :'\1 \.j -'\ i ." \;) \..:L "" ",,5 f\ f'.,,,\ ~), () '-" ~ QQ ';. '" '0 " ~' SECTION 2: Until such tiIre that the State of Florida has changed the form and printing thereon of the Uniform Traffic Citation, it shall be encumbant upon the Ocoee Police Officers to so note the "$2 + $2 Education" Citation in pen and ink on the face of the citation (white copy), as well as on the back of the violator's copy (yellow). Without so doing, the City will not realize the receipt of these funds. SECTION 3: Should any previous City of Ocoee Ordinance conflict with any part of this Ordinance, that portion in conflict is hereby superceded. SECTION 4: Should any portion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portions as are not declared: to be. invalid shall re.rnain in full force and effect. ~ SECl'ION 5: upon its aCbption by the ENACl'ED THIS This Ordinance shall take effect immediately City Board cf Conmissioners. . 3-0.. DAY OF 7ft~ ,1985. \ , ,0/. ;'~,! i : r ~!i; '.. l- _".\ . ~ :-"....:;....,~, "/f:. C TE ":.t' <, , ". ~ lA'PEES'tf; , ,,""",:;,('~ 3,,_" ~. ':>"-.r-~ f > .,:.'-':';. .., , .' '; ,~':-,' _ _' l;o , , i~~i:i,'.,~~~., """' ." \"x:;~.....'Y CLERK {/ // II ., ~7EE' EWRIDA , / /-)1" . '" ../,,, / ///' - ~ I, c----' ,/ 2dhJtf<J Ii? J jl1e;!/V MAYOR u....~""""""'-..._..-.."~..~'~,.....<'_~._''''~~~.''~~~ 8; RECORD VERI fiE; tnufltl: Cm.!(f,ftt~,. lJ)'Mlp 01... Rl