HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 784 Ordinance Number ~~ First Reading ~ ~ ty Second Reading_~~~ . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: PROVIDING FOR A PROGRAM OF REWARDS FOR THE REPORTING OF DAMAGES TO CITY OWNED PROPERTIES: PROVIDING FOR A METHOD OF SAID RE- PORTING: PROVIDING FOR A METHOD OF PAYMENT OF SAID REWARDS: PROVIDING FOR A DAMAGE REWARD BOARD: PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City Board of Commissioners and the City Administration of the City of Ocoee, Florida want to discourage and limit the amount of taxpayer dollars expended on continuing repairs to city owned properties, repairs caused by vandalism; and, WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners and the Administration desires to encourage citizens to report property abuses and destruction of city owned property; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to make a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the conviction of any person or persons who have abused or damaged city owned property. This reward shall be made upon recommendations from the Damage Reward Board to the City Manager. No reward shall be made until a conviction against the individual (s) involved has been secured. SECTION 2. Citizens who wish to report a violator of city owned property shall call 656-1518 on the telephone. Upon the phone being answered, the citizen reporting the vandalism shall state, "I would like to speak with Major Victor." The call will be transferred to a nonrecorded telephone and the information taken from the citizen by an Ocoee Police Officer. The Police Officer will also give this citiz~n a Code Number which the citizen will subsequently use to eventually receive their reward, if the determination is made that they are in fact entitled to the same. After the initial report is made by the citizen, they are asked to call the 656-1518 number about every two weeks to check on the status of their report. The citizen is tq follow the same procedure, but upon the call being answered by "Major Victor", the citizen will give their Code Number and ask for a status report. . SECTION 3. If the Damage Reward Board decides the reporting citizen deserves a reward, a check in the determined amount will be made out by General Government clerical personnel, made payable to the Code Number of the case. This check will be left with the Head Teller. of the Bank of West Orange. The reporting citizen will go to the bank and reveal their code number to the Head Teller, whereupon the Head Teller will cash the check for the reporting citizen with only the Code Number as the endorsement. SECTION 4. A Damage Reward Board is hereby established. This Board shall consist of five citizens, interested in the promulgation of law and order within the City of Ocoee. The Board members will be appointed by the City Board of Commissioners to terms of three years each. Initially, two members will be appointed to one year terms, one member to a two year term, and two members to a three year term. After this first term expires, all appointments will be for a period of three years. The citizens appointed to the Damage Reward Board must be residents of the City of Ocoee, they must mot be related to anyone of the City Board of Commissioners, nor any City Employee, and they must be willing to serve the citizens of Ocoee without financial renumeration. The board will make recommendations to the city manager as to the amount of reward for each particular report of damages that leads to a conviction. The Chief of Police, and any Comnlissioners may sit on the Board, but only as advisory/ex-officio members; Only appointed Board Members may vote upon recommendations made by the Board. The Board will meet monthly, or as required, dependent upon the case load. Naturally, all of the actions of the Board will be subject to the IISunshine Laws II of the State of Fl Qri da., SECTION 5. If any portion of the Ordinance is declared Un-Consti- tutional or void, the remainder of the Ordinance shall remain in effect. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon pas- sage by the City Board of Commissioners. This ordinance is not retroactive to any reports of damage to City Property that have been made prior to the date of passage. ENACTED THIS /Jl:;-. DAY DF 1'47 - 1984. d-?f/ A cU~-v e ~ Mayor . ATTEST: '.~~ Deputy Clerk .