HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 687 \.. . e . . . .,..- /""11" 1.,.4_ ....J.-- it::;. ! ""'--"',,'-+"""'''''''~ ~ ,'" .......) e t:' c,;}.! ''fI;;1 J~-) ORDINANCE NO. 681 CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; PROVIDING REGULATIONS TO CONTROL AND REGULATE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN RELATION TO ENERGY CONSERVATION; ESTABLISHING SCOPE AND PURPOSE; ADOPTING STANDARDS; PROVIDING AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS AND THE MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PRE- SCRIBING PENALITIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ENACTMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: AUTHORITY; PURPOSE. This ordinance is enacted under the Home Rule Power of the City for the purposes of regulatin the design of building envelopes for adequate thermal resistance and low air leakage and the design and selection of mechanical, electrical and illumination systems and equipment which will enable the effective use of energy in new building construction. SECTION TWO: SCOPE; ENFORCEMENT. and be in force and effect within all the City of Ocoee. This ordinance shall apply of the incorporated areas of SECTION THREE: STANDARDS ADOPTED. There is hereby adopted by the City of Ocoee for the purpose of regulating building construc- tion, to promote efficient use of energy, those certain standards known as the "City of Ocoee Energy Efficiency Building Code" and also know as the "Code for Energy Conservation in New Building Construction with Florida Amendments" as mandated by Florida Statut s #553.89 and Florida Statutes #553.900-908, less alternates l-2A, l-4A, 5-l5A, 5-l6A, 5-l7A, 6-4A and 6-5A, Section 107.1 shall be amended to read "Owner, or a designated representative of all build ings must certify compliance to the designated local enforcement agency prior to receiving the permit to begin construction." SECTION FOUR: PROVIDING AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL. The Build- ing Official shall be the Chief Administrative Official for the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION FIVE: APPROVAL OF PLANS: RECORDS OF OFFICE. The Building Department shall examine all plans and specifications filed with it for approval. The Building Official shall issue and sign all notices, certificates, and permits for construction, and all other activities performed by this Section. SECTION SIX: SEVERABILITY. It is declared to be the Board of City Commissioners' intent that if any section, subsection, sen- tence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding or invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, and it shall be construed to have been the legislative intent to pass this ordinance without such un- constitutional, invalid, or inoperative part therein, and the re- mainder of this ordinance after the exclusion of such part or parts shall be deemed and held to be valid as if such part or parts had not been inculded herein. If this ordinance or any provision hereo shall be held inapplicable to any person, group of persons, property, or circumstances of set of circumstances, such holding shall not affect the applicability hereof to any other person, property, or circumstance. :1 ii SECT ION SEVEN: ENACTMENT IOf City Commissioners may, by I II OF RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Board resolution enact reasonable rules ~1.n~ ~;w 1r?""'J' t, ..4 lJ<f Ii( Ij'1. 1:'/ l ... .... " .. """. e . - . l and regulations to implement and carry out the provisions of this ordinance; provided, however, that such rules and regulations shall be reduced to writing and made a part of record readily available to any person concerned. SECTION EIGHT: PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding $500.00 dollars or be imprisoned in the City or County jail for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days or be both so fined and imprisoned. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue, shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. SECTION NINE: EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage by the City Commission of the City of Ocoe Florida. ENACTED THIS 6/:J, /tare,,/ 1979. DAY OF CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA // /,/ / //:::I1J~~rJ/ MAYOR ATTEST: s,~ . --""I. '- ~ CITY C E-RK ~~ Itpartmtnt of AbmtntstraUon State Energy Office 301 Bryant Building TALLAHASSEE JUO. MEMORANDUM DATE: February 2, 1979 TO: City and County Administrators Bud Grace a3~~ SUBJECT: Energy Codes FROM: e . As you know, most buildings for which construction permits are granted after March 16, 1979, must meet certain minimum standards with regard to energy conservation. I have spoken with many building officials, local government officials, and other professionals throughout the State on the anticipated increased burden on building departments in having to enforce the energy requirements. It is likely that at least one additional inspection per site will be required. It has been indicated that a few of the larger jurisdictions in Florida may need to hire an additional mechanical engineer for plans checking purposes. While we do expect an impact on your building department, we cannot accurately predict its scope. If your building official is typical of the great majority I have talked to recently, he is well aware of the situation. Please solicit and consider his recommendations in your budgetary and planning activities. To those jurisdictions which have not yet adopted an energy code and which are considering adopting the State of Florida Mpdel Energy Efficiency Building Code, I suggest that the ordinance you write adopting the code contain language which allows amendments to be approved easily. We expect some revisions to be offered during the first year of its use. For example, our consultants are now working on a simplified design approach for residences similar to the various home design programs of several of the utility companies. This will greatly facilitate trade-offs between the components of the house, such as allowing more glass while at the same time increasing the attic insulation or improving the efficiency of the heat pump. When this section of the code is completed, many local governments will wish to add it to their ordinances. If you have any questions concerning the State laws mandating energy codes or energy codes in general, please call (904/488-2475) or write me or Barbara Fay and we will be happy to assist you in whatever way we can. BG/ecc . . WilLIAM A, BREEZE TELEPHONE 6562322 JOHN l VIGNETTI MAYOR COMMISSIONER CITY MANAGER COMMISSIONERS BEAUTIFUL LAKES RAYMOND CRAWFORD, JR, CITY OF OCOEE ROBERT l YlE ORANGE COUNTY GOOD FISHING GROUNDS WilLIAM STINNETT OCOEE, FLORIDA 32761 lEWIS WHITEHEAD NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS February 8, 1979 WELCOME TOURISTS - . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF OCOEE Notice is hereby given pursuant to Florida Statute Section 166.041, that the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, will at the regular meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. 6 March 79, or as soon as practicable thereafter, at the City Hall, City of Ocoee, Florida, located at 150 Lakeshore Drive, consider the adoption of an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; PROVIDING REGULATIONS TO CONTOL AND REGULATE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN RELATION TO ENERGY CONSERVATION; ESTABLISHING SCOPE AND PURPOSE; ADOPTING STANDARDS; PROVIDING AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS AND THE MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS OF OFFICE;PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PRESCRIBING PENALITIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVI- SIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ENACTMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of the proposed said ordinance may be examined at the City Hall, City of Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. Monday through Friday. All interested parties may appear at said meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. L.e Manager ~ Publish one (l) time 15 February 79. . - "...... ,"""""',' " WILLIAM A. BREEZE. MAYOR COMMISSIONER TElEPHUNl 6:)b 2J27 JOHN L VIGNETTI CITY MANAGER COMMISSIONf RS mALl11t11l lAKE' RAYMOND CRAWFORD. JR, ROBERT LYLE WILLIAM STINNETT LEWIS WHITEHEAD CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE. COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA 32761 (lOUI, f ISHIM; (,IiOIlNI j', NEW HOII',IN" UlVEl OPMlN 1'0 WFt COMF I(HJRISl~, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 13, 1979 7:30 P.M. ~o Whom It May Concern, Notice is hereby given by the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Ocoee, Florida that said board will hold a public hearing to consider the question of changing the zoning classification from residential (R3) to commercial (C3) for the property described below: The West ~ of the SW ~ of Section 19, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, less the West 198 feet of the East 510 feet of the North 660 feet, and less also the East 305 feet of the North 660 Feet, and less also the West 690 feet of the South 1395 feet; and subject to rights-of-way for Story Road, Wofford Road, State Road No. 50, and the entrance to the Sunshine State Parkway. The public hearing will be held in the Commission Chambers located in City Hall, 150 Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida on February 13, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. or as soon as possible thereafter, at which time interested citizens and parties for and against the proposed re-zoning will be heard. The petition may be examined at the City Hall Building, City of Ocoee, Florida between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. Monday through Friday. Publish one time 25 January 79. , RoI3~/~I/- 4 ~ Avc;4~.~ WI lLlAM A, BREEZE MAYOR COMMISSIONER TELEPHONE 656 2322 JOHN L. VIGNETTI CITY MANAGER COMMISSIONERS BEAUTIFUL LAKES RAYMOND CRAWFORD, JR, ROBERT l YlE WilLIAM STINNETT lEWIS WHITEHEAD CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA 32761 GOOD fiSHING GROUNDS NEW HOUSING DEVElOPMENTS February 14, 1979 WFlCOMF TI)IJRISTS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING , CITY OF OCOEE Notice is hereby given pursuant to Florida Statute Section 166.041, that the City of Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida will at the regular meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. 6 March 79, or as soon as practicable thereafter, at the City Hall, City of Ocoee, Florida, located at 150 Lakeshore Drive, consider the adoption of an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN AREA WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT; DESCRIBING THE PROPERTY TO BE REZONED; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of the proposed said ordinance may be examined at the City Hall, City of Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. Monday through Friday. All interested parties may appear at said meeting and be heard with respect to th€ proposed ordinance. To be published one time, 22 February 79. , i",' . (' ) I -J <,,' i / F' -; ~.,-'- ----..i.-I...... WIlliAM A, BREEZE MAYOA COtoIMISSlONtA TELEPHON[ b5b 2322 JOHN L VIGNETTI ClTv MANAfJtk (OMMISSION~AS RAYMOND CRAWfORD, JR ROBERT LYLE WIlliAM STINNETT LEWIS WHITEHEAD CITY OF OCOEE I:HAiJllftll lAKE':> ORANGE COUNTY acOEf, fLORIDA 32761 {,(IOfl '1')tlllHI (,H(JlIf'lll'j Nt W Hili f'-)ll~(, I.J[ VU Ul'MHd ':> WFl COMI IOIIRIS 1 \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 13, 1979 "7:30 P.M. 'TO "ham It ".y Concern: Notice is hereby given by the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Ocoee, Florida that said board will hold a public hearing to consider the question of changing the zoning classification from residential (R3) to commercial (C3) for the property described below: The West ~ of the SW . of Section 19, Township 22 South, Range 28 Bast, less the West 198 feet of the East 510 feet of the North 660 feet, and less also the Bast 305 feet of the North 660 Feet, and less also the West 690 feet of the South 1395 feet; and subject to rights-of-way for Story Road, Wofford Road, State Road No. 50, and the entrance to the Sunshine State Parkway. The public hearing will be held in the Commission Chambers located in City Hall, 150 Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida on February 13, 1979 at 7:30 P.N. or as soon as possible thereafter, at which time interested citizens and parties for and against the proposed re-zoning will be heard. The petition may be examined at the City Hall Building, City of Ocoee, Florida between the hours of 8 A.N. and 5 P.N. Monday through Friday. -' Publish one time 25 January 79. ,