HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 684 ;:; r,; l I '~, ," <f ;,: l: J'4>A -j" 'I ' Florida R,'e Fee $ ij"e Tax $ ml Tu 6- Total . Paid THOMAS H. LOCKER, ;.; oK-' 'Orange County " Comptroller " = By ",!:J .j :)~ Depu(y-'Clerk I ~ / -'y:r 6 "ff) // ORDINANCE NO. t$'I ,) OR' }J,'8' 0 ~i PG it 55 a. c) ..... v ," / J CITY OF OCOEE f FLOHIDA ',,' 1\;"1 ORDINANCE VACATING ~ CLOSING AND ABA.NDONn~G AN ALlEY DESCRIBED HE.BEIN- AF'IER A"1D LOCATED IN THE CITY OF OCOEE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COJVllVlISSION OF 'IRE CITY OF OCOEEi' FLDRIDA: . Sectian 1; That alley hereinafter described is nO' lmger useful 0'1' needed as a public street, way 0'1' alley and that it is in the public interest that said alley be abandoned, vacated and closed as a public street, way 0'1' alley and as public praperty, and be released fram any and every public rigp~, use, title, and interest. 'The fallowing described praperty in Orange Caunty, Flarida, and mare particularly described as fallows: That certain alley baunded an the west by Lats 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and an the east by Lats 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, and an the narth by Flaral Street and an the Sauth by OhiO' Street, all in Black 3, Town af Ocaee, accarding to' the plat thereaf as recarded in Plat Baak A, page 100, Public Recards af Orange Caunty, Flarida; be, and the same is hereby vacated, clased and abandoned and said praperty be, and the same is hereby released and discharged af any and every public rigpt, use, title and interest af the City af Ocoee, Flarida. Sectian 2: 'The Mayar and City Clerk af the City af Ocoee, Flarida, be and they are hereby autharized and directed to' execute such instruments as may be necessary 0'1' required to' show that said praperty has been absaluteJy and caI!{lletely abandaned. Sectian 3: If any sectian, subsectian, sentence, clause, phrase, 0'1' partian af this ordinance is far any reason held invalid 0'1' uncanstitutianal by any caurt af campetent jurisdiction, such portian shall be deemed a separate distinct and independent pravision and such halding shall nat affect the valid- i ty af the reII}3.:ining partian thereaf. Sectian 4: This ardinance shall take affect immediately upan passage by the City Carrmissian af the City af Ocaee, Flarida. -. ENACI'El) TIllS --L DAY OF _6Prv/l 7 , 1979. ATTEST: CITY~,~F ,OCOEE, FIDRIDA ,/ ,~ ~i- d;d~/u~ :/, MA OR s ~' )()/f' ,'. ", ",.; , ~ ",'{,.~~ City .,.r~' i . :,' ' . ' . ,i ':.,\., ~~ 'IIB_~"~ - r.-# (],)O ;/ ~ 1(. hx~ C-r C~"", Ot.,. c..... 11.