HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Appointment to Human Relations Diveristy Board AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 6, 2009 Item # 3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Holly Moseley Ext. 1023 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board Background Summary: Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two-year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has seven (7) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. One application was received from Ms. Dahlia Peart with an interest in serving on the board. Issue: Should the honorable Mayor and City Commission appoint Dahlia Peart to the Human Relations Diversity Board with a term ending May 201 O? Recommendations The City's Human Relations Diversity Board is recommending that the City Commission appoint Dahlia Peart to the Human Relations Diversity Board with term ending May 2010. Attachments: Board List Board Application/Resume Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 1. 2. CITY OF OCOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (please Print Legibly) fear{ Name: --12ah \ tl Q E-mail Address: Home Address: "40 ~v,,, .NCod C;f. Home Phone: City, State, Zip: Or Dt!L. 'fz,.. 3Cf 7bl Business: Business Address: Brief Summary of Education and Experience: 'B. Sc::. . in #;CAs.;nt'~<;' tla.h l i o..J. e e l2, hoI-"'~t: I. c..() ~ .3ZJ ?1""j2- 3~"72... 0B [fEe iE, 1~ !~~! 3. 4. 5. Business Phone: rn. ~,. Ad n'\.~0"'\ . t2-e.cY0:L-f(ot") +- L.t.-iSl.{~"' ''fhbf:' 6. No V"" NoZ:= Yes Yes Yes Yes Are you a U.S. citizen? ~~c;(e,.,-tJ Yes_ Are you a registered voter? Yes Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. pistrict # v' No NoV No~ No V Indicate our degree of interest as first choice - #1, second choice - #2, etc. * General Employees' Retirement * Board of Adiustment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council ,r' for Fire Department Human RelationslDiversitv Board Citizen Advisory Council 7!' Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Denartment Board * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Community Merit Awards Review Board * Plannin!! & Zonin!! Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Construction Board of Retirement Trust Fund Board of Adiustment and Appeals Trustees **Ocoee School Advisorv Board * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Ocoee School Advisory Board) Oc.ne.i!- f..I~l'f"lP~a '.,.., SQ() 04 Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? ~~~~""i~ l~ ~\V~~ a~ ~L_____ ~~~ \n _~~b""" ** 12. ~,;,~~.",,_"'i (Y')~~e . 13. Please attach resume and/or other information to assist Commission in making appointments. SIGNATURE DATE: Note: ective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. questions, please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105. O:BOARDLlSTS/BdAppUune2004 .doc Dahlia A. Peart 940 Davenwood Court Ocoee, Fl. 34761 Cell: 321.202.3872 Email: Dahliadee@hotmail.com SummeIY of Qualifications Master's and Bachelor's Degree in Recreation Management and Business Administration Over 5 years of progressive increase in responsibility or management in student affairs. Successful opening of a brand new 600 bed facility and providing resources for students outside the classroom while fostering a welcoming environment for students to live and learn. Core Competencies Strong management, marketing and leadership skills Attended and presented at various professional conferences, NASPA, SEAHO, F ARH, including: Diversity Training, Conflict Resolution, Drug and Alcohol, Communication, Team Building and others. Successful track record of training and development of staff Facilitated and coordinated smooth implementation of Summer Learning Conferences Proh'Tan1s. Served as advisor to various student organizations Recruited, trained, and supervised a 24 hour night clerk desk in the residence halls Facilitated work orders, room requests, check in and check out procedures ~T orked closely with business services with implementing room selection process, room deposits, student orientation sessions and other business matters Conducted judicial hearings, gave sanctions and followed up with student corrective measures Provided annual review of departmental manuals, policies, guidelines and procedures. Participated in on-call campus rotation for 7 residence halls. Conducted weekly staIl meeting, staIl development and one on ones. Experience: AT&T Advertising and Publishing 2007 - 2008 Orlando, FL Account Executive Managcd and grew advcrtising and marketing solutions to local and national B2B and B2C accounts. Recommended marketing strategies to boost advcrtiser's busincss including Print, YellowPages.com and Search Engine Marketing. . Consistent 5% top producer for New Business - Ad Base Growth . Exceeded objective by 53% for gross increase to advertiscrs. . Developed ad designs and layout and managed existing accounts . Established a business advertising source for search enginc marketing Point Lending 2004 - 2007 Orlando, FI Mortgage Broker Originated, processed and closed home loans, equity lines of credit, and debt consolidation through personalized lending and financing solutions. Offercd convcntional unconventional, and FHA loans while working within the guidelines of RESP A. . Special recognition for sending complete files to undcrwriting with less than 5 conditions . Spearheaded lead generation and marketing strategies through networking \\~th realtors, title companies and other business partners . Developed and implemented a database tracking system to manage leads and marketing source Florida Atlantic University 2001 - 2004 Boca Raton, FI Resident Coordinator Successfully managed and operated a resident hall facility. Conducted check in and check out and facilitated room changes. Supervised a stair of 22 students and conducted staD' development. Oversee and heard judicial cases and determined sanctions. . Opened a brand new 600 bed resident hall facility 1" year . Reduced student complaints by over 50% by creating open feedback forum. . Special recognition from studcnt life and campus activities . StaD' Award for Best Programming and Special Events 2002 & 2003 State University of New York - Cortland Resident Hall Coordinator Jan. 1999 - May 2000 Cortland, NY Responsible for the management, training and supervision of 10 Resident Assistants and 5 night clerks. Conducted check in and check out and facilitated room change requests. . Served as the advisor to the Resident Hall Association. . Chair person for the Caribbean Student Organization. . Facilitated and planned for campus wide progranuning and social events . Acted as a liaison for Campus Security and students on the resident's hall. Education: 1999 - 2000 State University of New York Master of Science in Recreation and Leisure Management GPA 3.33 out of 4.0 Cortland, NY 1995 - 1998 Northern Caribbean University Bachelor of Business Administration Mandeville, JA Interest and Affiliations: Member of the NAPSRX@ Tennis, Scrap booking, Dance, Swimming, Singing HUMAN RELA TIONSIDIVERSITY BOARD Created by Res. #2003-21 on 9/16/2003 Res. #2003-21 amended by Res. # 2004-11 changing quorum to 51 % (2 year terms) No less than 7 members, no more than 9 members Member District Phone Number Term Ends 1. Fay Alston (Vice-Chair) 4 407-292-7121 (H) May 2010 340 Sterling Lake Drive falston@aol.com 2. Shakeel Anjum 3 407 -877 -0064 (H) May 2010 201 Belhaven Falls Drive nirvanor@yahoo.com 3. Amanda Brumfield 2 407-242-5103 (H) May 2010 P. O. Box 323 407-656-2400 (W) 1409 Snowden S1. Amandabrumfield@msn.com 4. Lester Dabbs Jr 3 407/656-4332 (H) May 2010 619 Caborca Court 5. Louis Fazio, Jr. (Chair) 1 407-258-8560 (H) May 2009 11681 Vicolo Loop 407-905-8580 (W) Windermere, FL 34786 407-947-0742 (C) lou.fazio@manheim.com 6. William Maxwell 2 407 -656-0054 (H) May 2009 558 Woodson Avenue 407-447-3117 (W) 407-694-5905 (C) 407 -44 7 -4 7 46 (F) wemaxcom@aol.com 7. Berwyn Oltman 3 407-877-9115 (H) May 2009 622 Palomas Ave. bloltman@iuno.com 8. Vacant 9. Vacant Ex-Officio Members Joel Keller 5021 Lighterwood Court Ocoee, FL 34761 407-578-5191 (H) JKeller@ci.ocoee.fl.us 1 Staff Liaison Jim Carnicella, HR Director 407-905-3100 ext. 911032 J Camicella@ci.ocoee.fl.us Clerk Stella McLeod 407 -905-3100 ext. 9/1024 smcleod@ci.ocoee.fl.us HRDB/HM/December 4, 2008 Resigned Debra Booth (Resigned 01/04/2006) John & Kitsy Phillips (Resigned (May 2006) Karen & Phillip Lee Fatt (Resigned April 2007) Sandra Davidson (Resigned July 2007) Frann Kelley Rodriguez (Resigned July 2007) MaryEllen Murray (Declined Reappointment May 2007) Danny Vereen (Declined Reappointment May 2007) Martha Lopez-Anderson (Resigned Oct. 2007) James Fleming (Resigned Feb. 2008) Matt Garland (Resigned Feb. 2008) Carmen Arzola (Resigned Feb. 2008) Dorcas Dillard (Declined Reappointment May 2008) Ibrahim Habach (Removed Nov. 2008 for non-attendance) 2