HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-1956 MIN~TES OF THE REGULAR ~ffiETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY. JUNE 19, 1956 155 Present: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Holland, Holmes, and Pounds Absent; None A quorum present The meeting was called to order by Chairman Holmes at 8:40 P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held June 5, 1956 were read and approved. Councilman FieBds made a motion to agjourn the last regular meeting of June 5, 1956. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted & Carried. 1 Councilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of the fo110\'fing bills: ( a) From Genra1 Fund: Florida Power Corp. Power & Lights to 6-4-56 149.84 w. H. Wurst Agency, Policeman Bass Bond 5 ..00 Mask Welding & Repair ShOPi Repairs to City Hall 30 . 00 W. S. Darley & Co., Stenci s, street dept 21.69 John T. Minorc Mayors fees 11 cases 33.00 W. H. Wurst, 1erk fees on 11 cases 11.00 c..'J Sam Oliver, Water dept 58.80 "MJ.l Anthony Sholes, street dept 41.65 '0' o. G. Smith, street dept 41.65 o:::r .-.:t Richard Bodiford, street dept 41.65 --. T. M. Colburn, Street dept 7.20 ... <t Sam Oliver, water dept 58.80 Anthony S401es, street dept 41.65 o. G. Smith, water dept ) 41 .. 65 Richard Bodiford, steeet dept 41 .,65 Frank, Butler, 1956 Tax Roll 20 .,00 (b) &rom Utility'Tax. Fund I A. V. Perritte, Policy to 7-1-56 98.00 A. R. Bass, Police to 7-1-56 98.00 w. H. Wurst, C1erlk to 7-1-56 73.50 ( c) From Cigarette Tax Fund Orange State Oil Co., Gas Pure Oil Co.~ Tires for Street dept Davis Meter li.epair Co.' wat er dept (d) From Emergency Fund: State Bank of Apopka, Road Scrape pyt due 6-28-56 State Bank of Apopka,Straet Dept pyt due 6-29-56 State Bank of Apopka, Water dept pyt due 7-4-56 119.44 238.63 127.50 91.67 116.00 115.00 I' A motion pay aforesaid bills from above mentioned funds was seconded by Councilman Holland, Voted and carried. Motion made by Councilman Fields to have durect pressure system installed with our present water system, motion seconded by Councilman Holland, voted and carried. Counc ilman Fields made amotion to notify the owner, Bob Neff to clean up Lot 5, Lakeview Sub. or the City can clean it up and charge to his taxes, motion seconded by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. There being no further business, Councilman Holland made a motion to recess~ This motion was seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council resessed at 10:~5 P.M. ATTEST: ~ ~.~.::::v City Clerk ..;ftJ. 1W~ Chairman _J