HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-1956 I ,....,."..... '-, oJ , ..-..~ ~.f .-r ,-" .,; < I 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR IvIEETING OF THE CIT Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, HELD TUESDAY. JULY 17, 1956 11:' Q -')v Present:Councilmen Fielids, Freeman, Holmes and Pounds. Absent: Councilman Holland A quorum present. Councilman Pounds made a motion adjourn the last regular meeting of July J, 1956. Motion seconded by Councilman FieldS,lIoted & Carried. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Holmes at 8:50 P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held July 3, 1956 were read and approved. Councilman Fields made a motion to approve the payment of the following b ills: (a) ,From General Funds: Sam Oliver, water dept Anthony Sholes, street dept O. G. Smith,; street dept Rich.:}rd Bodiford, street dept A. V. Perrittei police to 7-15-56 A. R. Bass, Po ice to 7-15-56 Sam'iOlivenij , water;~dept'?to:;7f20-56 Anthony Sholes, street dept to 7-20-56 o. G. Smith~ street dept to 7-20-56 Richard Bodlftord, street dept to 7-20-56 Frank B. Holmes, Mayor pro tern fees,6 cases w. H. Wurst, clerk's fee, 6 cases Sam Oliver, wtare dept to 8-3-56 Anthony sholes, street dept to 8-3-56 o. G. Smith~ street dept 8-3-56 Richard Bodlford, street dept to 8-3-56 (b) From Utility Tax Fund: W. H. Wurst, Clerk to 7-15-56 Glenn Joiner~ street dept R. A. Kerr, ~olice Dept Hood Tractor Co. street dept Geprge Stuart, Inc. repair typewriter Burgess Press water dept printing Wise Cabinet ShoPl city hall repairs Orange State Oil Go. Gas, Oil and tubes (c) From Cigarette Tax Fund: Sam Oliver, wntSE dept. to 7-27-56 Anthony Sholes, stret dept to 7-27-56 o. G. Smith, street dept to 7-27~56 Richard Bodifordi street dept to 7-27-56 A. V. Perritter ~olic~ to 8-1-56 A. R. Bass, po ice to 8-1-56 w. H. Wurst, Clerk to 8-1-56 (d) From Emergency Fund: State Bank of Apopka,Road scrape pyt due 7-28- 91.67 State Ban k of Apopka,Street dept pyt due7-29- 115.00 State Bank of Apopka, Water dept pyt due 8-4-56/115.00 58.80 41.65 41 .65 41 . 65 98.00 98/00 5e.$0 41 .65 41.65 41.65 18.00 6.00 58'.80 41 . 65 41.65 41.65 73.50 4.14 18.45 21 . 86 24.75 32.45 40.65 135.80 \ 58.80 41.65 41.,65 41.65 98.00 98.00 73.50 A motion to pay aforesaid bill from above mentioned funds was seconded by Councilman Pounds, voted and carried. Councilman Pounds made a motion to table application for Clerk job from Mrs. Audrey Maraden. This motion was seconded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a motion to recess, This motion was seconded by Councilman Freeman, voted and carried. Thereupon, the Council Recessed at 11;15 PM. ATT~~~ City Clerk' ~~ C a~rm.n Holmes