HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-1956 I OJ ..~ ~ ~ '"':) c::.t I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY 1 7 5 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEEJ. FLORIDA, HEID : TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1956 Present: Councilmen Fields, Freeman, Holland and Pounds. Absent: Councilman Holmes. A quorum present The ,meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Holland at 8:30 P.M. and the minutes of last regular meeting held October 2, 1956 were read and approved. ' Councilman Pounds made a motion to approve the payements of the following bills: 4-at) From General Fund: John T. Minort mayors fees 4 cases W. H. Wurst, ulerk fees 4 cases Cash paid out, postage S. Z. Fields, street dept Orange State Oil Co., gas and oil Eddie Kitchens, meals police dept K-F Sales, Inc., Police car tail pipe Burgess Press, office expenses, envelopes Sam Oliver, Water dept O. G. Smith, street dept Richard Boditford, street dept J. R. Lasseter, street dept Effie Murphy, deposit refund Sam Oliver, Water dept W. H. Wurst, Clwrk to 11-1-56 C. E. Dean, deposit refund Cash paid outj, postage, tax statements Sam Oliv.er, Water dept ,0. G. S ith~ Street dept Richard~~ Bodiford, Street dept Sam Oliver, police dept Spencer C. Cross, apply on attorney fees (b) From Utility Tax Fund: Sam Oliver water dept O~ G. Smith, Street dept Richard Bodiford Street dept A. V. Perritee, ~olice to 11-1-56 (~) From Ci~arette T~ Fund: Southeastern Pipe & Supply Co. Water dept Winter Garden Lumber Co. Water dept A. R. Bass, Police to 11-1-56 (i) From Emergency Fund: State Bank of Apopka, Road scrape pyt State Bank of Apopka, Street dept pyt State Bank of Apopka, Water depty pyt 12.00 4.00 6.00 10.47 128.94 3.55 4.60 17.50 58.80 41.65 41.65 7.20 5.00 15.00 88.20 4.17 6.50 58.80 41.65 41.65 1.13 100.00 58.80 41.65 41.65 98.00 225.34 96.12 98.00 91.67 115.00 115.00 A motion to pay aforesaid bills from above mentioned funds was secDnded by Councilman Fields, voted and carried. Councilman Fields made a motion to adopt Ordinance NO.351, being an Ordinance declaring the intention of the City of Ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tract of unincorporated l~pd lying contiguous to the municipal poundaries of,the City of'; ;'Ocoee and' situated in Orange County, Florida, to-Qit: East ~ of SW~ of NE~ and East 40 feet of W! of S~'1~ of NE~ of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East. This motion was secBnded by Councilman Pounds.-Councilmen Fields, Freeman and Pounds voted AYE. No no's, voted and carried. There being no further business, Councilman Pounds made a motion to recess until TueSday, October 23rd at 8:00 P.M. Thos motion was seconded by Councilman Fields. Voted and carried, Thereupon, the Council recessed at 9:45 P.M. ATTEST: ~ ~~~ City Clerk. J:J4A~ .~ V. e-Chariman