HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-1958 I C"J (',...~ " "J"i ...-f' ...... 1-,) <( I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR r~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA,EELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 2ND. 1958 271 Present: Councilmen Freeman, Pounds, Holland, Fields & Marsden. Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Councilman Freeman Freeman at 8;15 P~ M. and the minutes of the last regular meeting held August 19th.1958, were read and approved. A motion was made by Councilman Holland to approve payment of the following bills. Motion was seconded by Councilman Marsden. Voted and carried. .( a) From General Fund ~~ 45.00 61.04 54.71 46.43 46.43 45.00 15.00 95.04 37.01 32.17 23.02 10.04 30.85 15.30 119.00 '23.80 7.50 61.04 56.71 46.43 46. Li-3 114.49 97.75 8L~. 55 26.38 3.00 4.67 Cecil Hiller, wire to be used in new jail Sam Oliver, Water Dept. O. G. Smith, Street Dept. Richard Bodiford St. Dept. Otis Hensley, Street Dept. J. B. Griffin, Court fees Angela McCabe, II II At12ntic Chemicals, Inc Hood Tractor Co. Glenn Joiner & Son Lawrence Supply Co. Bray Hdwe. Co. Mask Helvie. Pounds Hotor Co. Finley's Muni. Supply Co. Jas. Peacock, Postmaster Menford Heltne, Ref. on Water dep. Sam Oliver O. G. Smith Richard Bodifors Otis Hensley '..vm. L. Knight, Police Chief Robt. B. Perritte, Policeman Angela C. McCabe, Clerk White's Blueprint Service Archie Davis, St. Dept. Apopka Bank, New check book Clerk was reouestedto vrrite a letter to Mr. Dollar of State Road Dept. regarding wa~hout of road on State highwa~ 438 on Bluford Ave. Also a letter to Curtis Mfg. Co regreting our/~bility to pCly for an air conditioning unit for their factory, at this time. I ~ There being no further business, Councilman Fields made a motion to ad- journ Motion was seconded by Councilman Holland. Voted and carried. There- upon Council adjourned at 10:00 P. M. A Motion was made fiy Councilman Pounds to adopt ordinance # 383, being an ordinance declaring the intention of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to annex a cert~in tract of unincorporated land lying contigmous to the minicipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, and situated in Orange County, Florida, To-wit: Begin at the SE corner of Section 8, Tovmship 22 South; Range 28E \ run'thence S 88"'41'04" 1'] along the section line 810.0 ft, thence N I'.' 18' . .56" w -3-37.50 ,ft.. -thenceLN 80"'55'10" E 20.0 ft,thence N 15008' 58" W89.73 ft thence N 28v39'0211'W.BO.0~f~,thence N 6~20'5811 E 16.76 'ft, thence N 28D 39' 02',' W 140.0 ft to the center of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, thence6iv20'5811 E 21.10 ft, thence N 6~22'30" E 995.13 ft to the East line of said section 8, thence S 0&>18'01" E 1070.~2 ft to the point of beginning. This motion was seconded by Councilman Holland. Councilmen Freeman, pounds, Holland Fields and Marsden voted AYE. no no's. Motion carried. ATTEST: 4~ y:;.1UrPI =C~ ~~4--4'__a.../ Pr . ent of Council (Over )