HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 653 ... . . t1 ~ '~ ~ ro O:lt t- ~ 8 ~t S- f-<. i Q.} ~ ~~s ~ ~O~l:q --_*lIIil< al&5~l<- ..... ~q... ~ g (,l "tl ~ Eot 4l "tl 0 ... ~<QtoEi . fl) / L ~~ .~ Its .. ~ *?: ~... . ~ -i,Q irq jl;,... , 'rl:~ 118J....rt c:> 1;; ..' ! t::~2' tu...... / l 1" ) ~ /' f' ..~"'~ . L "rP If" ~,...( """'~~"'''r'''~'''';' >;~-!..".",.~" ~:Z[ ,_ J 'I' 'I L (; -' " ......:- f_.l.. . ,""""'..........., ._,.""...0-,........"'"' yI ORDINANCE NO. 6.S- 3 AN ORDINANCE CONTRACTING 'IRE MlNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FIDRIDA, BY EXCLUDING CERTAIN ROAD RIGH'IS OF WAY, OR P AR'IS THEREOF, OF ROAI13 KNCWN PS THE CLARCrn A OCOEE ROAD, FUlLER CROSS ROAD, EPST CRCWN POThIT ROAD AND STA'IE ROAD NO. 437, AND FSTABIJSHThIG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. :,75:JD35 D(2,n~2 . lU~ tC~ '11am WHEREAS the City Canmission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, finds that certain road rights of way included within the municipal boundaries of said City do not meet the criteria for annexation established by Section 171.043, Florida Statutes, in that no property on either side of such roads is within the City boundaries, now therefore j~ 2 7 5 PG 4 86 4. BE IT ENAC'IED by the People of the City of Ocoee, Florida: Section 1. lliat the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida, be contracted by excluding therefrom the fOllaNing described road rights of way, to wit: The existing road Rights-of-Way from the North City Limit of Ocoee via Ocoee-Clarcona Road, Fullers Cross Road, the Eas t Crc:wn Point Road and the Ocoee-Winter Garden Road to the West City Limit of Ocoee, Jying within 30 feet of either side of a center line survey described as follows: Begin at a point on the Ocoee- Clarcona Road at the North City Limit of Ocoee, said point being 920 feet North of the Southeast comer of Section 7, Tc:wnship 22 South, Range 28 East, run thence North 00 24' East 1945.0 feet to the East Quarter comer of said section, thence North 00 11' East 2393.6 feet to the center line of Fullers Cross Road, said point be~g the Northeast comer of said section, thence North 89 46' Wes t 2562. 8 feet to the North Quarter corner of said section, thence South 890 44' West 768.8 feet to the center line of State Road No. 437, thence South 890 26' West 1124.8 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the SoutherJy and having a radius of 300.4 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 278.2 feet through a central angle of 530 04', thence South 360 22' West 546.7 feet to the beginning of a curve CO-leave to the EasterJy and having a radius of 216.4 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 159.9 feet through a central angle of 40 14', thence South 320 08' West 548.6 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the EasterJy and having a radius of 1211. 5 feet, thence along and to the end of s aid curve 298.5 feet through a central angle of 140 07' , thence South 180 01' West 254. 4 feet to a centerline intersection with the East Crcwn Point Road, said point being the beginning of a curve concave to the EasterJy and having a radius of 1492.5 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 532.3 feet through a central angle of 200 26', thence South 20 25' East 382.5 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the WesterJy and having a radius of 1840.0 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 457.6 feet through a '. . . , . , -& central angle of 140 15', thence South 110 50 I West 908.9 feet to the beginning of a curve cmcave to the Easterly and having a radius of 980.2 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 199.3 feet through a central angle of 110 39', thence South 00 11' West 425.2 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Easterly and having a radius of 3715.6 feet, thence almg and to the end of said curve 199.9 feet through a central angle of 30 05', said point being the begirming of a curve cmcave to the Westerly and having a radius of 3818.8 feet, thence almg and to the end of said curve 199.9 feet through a central angle of 30 00', thence South 0006' West 342.5 feet to the center line of the Crown Point Cross Road, thence South 00 06' West 1298.1 feet to the center line of the Ocoee Crown Point Road, thence South 00 06' West 1835.1 feet to the center line of the Ocoee-Winter Garden Road; and the existing Rigpt-of-Way of State Road No. 437 from the North City Limit of Ocoee to Fullers Cross Road, lying within 30 feet of either side of a center line survey described as follows: Begin at a point on State R~d No. ,4,.~l.C3J..,~be..I'J~~h9!~Y,,~t;,~f Ocoee, saidpo~ntQ-elng~'5. 8 feet East of the South Quarter comeYf'-6f "Se ction 7, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, run thence North 00 02' East 1228.6 feet, thence North 10' 02' East 1219.4 feet to the beginning of a curve cmcave to the Wes terly and having a radius of 656.1 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 198. ~ feet through a central angle of 170 20', thence North 16 18' West 2046.3 feet to the beginning of a curve cmcave to the Easterly and having a radius of 1051.4 feet, thence along and to the end af said curve 199.4 feet through a central angle of 100 52' , thence North 50 26' West 454.1 feet to the center line of Fullers Cross Road. Section 2. 'Ibis Ordinance shall be effective il11ITEdiatley upan its be coming a law. ENAC'lED on the r. ;~> day of , 1977. (') (,{, 6>., Attest: ('" (-, I (', \ ~'" ! \ . \..' .:> .~ )'cit;~ c~~;~~j,~V--_'- .[CCRU.!;P ,r. (lEIIORO VERIfiED. ~~ CllUnty ComptroDer, Orilnge Co., " OR L} 27 5 PG 1+ a 1'5