HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-1959 SS I t.r.) ~ M I ~ = -< I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TvlEETING CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLOHIDA HELD AUG. 18, 1959 25 Present: Councilmen Pounds, Holland, Howell, & Marsden (A Quorum) and Mayor Broadaway Absent: Councilmen Freeman The meeting VIas called to order by Councilman Pounds at 7:55 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held August 4th, 1959 and the special meeting held August 10th, 1959 were read and approved. A motion was made by Councilman Marsden to adjourn the recessed meeting held August 10th, 1959. Motion seconded by Councilman Holland. Voted and carried. A motion was made by Councilman Marsden that Council approve the following bills. M8tion was seconded by Councilman H~lland. Voted and Carried. . .80 500.00 500.00 200.00 110.00 7.50 (,68.82 58.50 "-- 50.21 ______ 50.21 -- l;.5e 51 47.91 47.91 31.95 50.21 125.00 319.48 7.65 7.50 68.82 58.50 50.21 50.24 50.24 45.51 4,589.18 2.25 51.00 17.00 ,1,417.27 97.50 51.20 115.09 Florida Industrial Comm.~Penalty on Tax return Johns-Manville- Pipe Scott & Dalrymple - Paving Holmes Electric Angela McCabe - Note James Keith - Water Dep. Ref. Sam 01iver- Water Dep. O. G. Smith - St. Dept. Richard Bodiford - St. Dept. Otis Hensley - St. Dept. Melvin Smith - St. Dept. EGrl Howell - St. Dept J: C. Richards - St. Dept. The Burgess Press - Water Cards,- Affidavits Otis Hensley - St. Dept. State Bank of Apopka Florida Power Corp - " Florida Tele. Corp Mr. Leroy Vanhoozer - wat. dep. ref. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - St. Dept Richard, Bodiford - St. Dept. J. C. Richards - St. Dept. Earl Howell - St. Dept. Melvin Smith - Street Dept. State BariM of Apopka - Bal. of loan . Motor Vehicle Comm - Tag J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees Joe Creamers Chevrolet, Inc. Jesse Carnley - Police Dept. W. S. Darley - Police Car light F. D. West - Chief of Police A motion was made by C~uncilman Dalrymple Paving Co. $500.00 on man Howell seconded the motion. and Marsden voted AYE No no's. Holland to pay Scott and their paving bill. Council- Councilemen Howell, Holland, Voted and Carried A motion was made by Councilman Marsden to pay half the cost of the new ~oof for the police dept and fire dept. Motion was seconded by Councilman Holland. Councilmen Holland, Howell, and Marsden voted AYE no no's. Voted and Carried A motion was made by Councilm~n Holland the C1erk to write a letter to Mr. Ed~n Pounds granting him perm~ssion to use ,the space by the Ocoee Service Station where the grease rack is until the City saw a need for it. Motion was seconded by Councilmen Marsden. Councilmen Holland, Howell and Marsden voted AYE No no's Voted and carried. 26 Councilman Holland made a motion to recess this meetin. Council- man seconded the Motion. Thereupon Council recess at 10:00 R.M. ATTEST: $(74~,f~, Y7(//L:, Clerk I MINUTES OF SPEDIAL rfl.EETING HELD AUG 25th, 1959 , Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Pounds, Marsden, Howell, Holland and Mayor ~roadaway Absent None _ The meeting ~as celled to order by Councilman Freeman at $:05 P.M. A motion was made hy Councilman Howell to purehase a new police car from Joe Creamers Chevrolet, Inc. of Eustis, Florida ih the amount of ;~1,417. 27. 1",1Rtion was seconded .by Councilman Pounds. Councilmen .Pounds, Marsden, Holland" Howell voted AYE no no's voted and carried.. A motion was m,o:de by Councilman Howell to buy a nevi lawn mower. The motion was seconded by Councilman J'vlarsden. Councilmen Pounds, Marsden, Holland, & Howell voted AYE No no's carried. ~ motion was made by Councilman Marsden to write the Manager of I Florida Telephone Corp of Winter Garden and ask him to attend our meeting Sept. 1, 1959. r"lotion was seconded by Councilman Pounds. Councilmen PO';lnds, HOi'lel1, Rolland & Marsden voted A~E no, no,' s , Voted and carrJ.ed. ' A motion was made by Councilman Howell to give John Minor a watch for his service on the Council and as Y~yor. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Howell, Holland and Marsden voted AYE No no's voted and carried, A motion was made by Councilman Howell to raise Earl Howell and J. C. Richards so :they would Iiraw *~50.00. Councilman Marsden seconded t!Ie motiQ:Q.. Councilmen Pounds, Holland, Howell, & Marsden v oted AYE No no's voted and carried. Councilman Holland made a motion to recess this meeting. Counc~lman J'v~rsden seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 10:45 P.M. Attest:c$()~,fA ~L~ q/d~o---J C erk President of Council l\lINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD AUG. 2$, 1959 Present: Councilmen j Freeman, Pounds, r'larsden, Howell, Holland and Mayro Broadaway Absent: None I Meeting was called to order by Councilman Pounds at 9:20 :R.M. Councilman Howell made a motion ~to borrow the money,from the State Bank of Apopka to pay for the new Police Car. Motion was seconded by Councilman Freeman. Councilmen Freeman, Rolland, Howell, & Marsden voted AY8 NOno's Barried. There being no further business Councilman Marsden made a motion to recess this me.;:~ting. Th :'ereupon Council recess at l~ Motion seconded by Conndlman Freeman. ~ '._ . Attest:t1?ak<,~ .~~ ~ Clerk CChalrman ro Tem