HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-1960 SS 58 Councilman Howell ma'de a motion to amerid Ordinance # 8 to read "That no Occupational License sh~ll be leas than $20.00." Countil- man Pounds seconded the motiQn. Councilman Pounds, Howell, Marsden and Laird voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion for City Attorney Spencer Cross to advertise in the Bond Eaper to buy $6,000.00 ~lorth of City of Ocoee Bonds. Councilman Marsden seconded the mbtion. Councilmen, Pounds How~ll, Marsden and Lattd voted AYE. no no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsden made a motion to write the gas ,companies asking 1 for a list of their Ocoee customers for the City to mark the excluded ones. Also if any Companyvviolated Ordinance # 392 action will be against them by the City of Ocoee. Councilman Lai~d seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Marsden, Howell, U Laird voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsden made a motion to draw an ordinance regulating the building restrictions in Marion Park. Councilman Laird sec- onded the motion. Councjlmen Bounds, Laird, Howell, & Marsden voted AYE. No no's Carried unanimously. The~e being no. further business Councilman Marsden made a motion to recess this meeting. Council- man Laird seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 10: 50 P .T-1. Attest: 6?ct:7>>~44L'_ '1I~ - ','erk h'--I~~~d~2 P ffident of Council .MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 22, 1960 1 Present: Councilmen: - Freeman, Pounds, Howell, Marsden, Absent: Councilman: Laird. The.meeting was called to order by Councilman Freeman at 12{10 P.M. The.special meeting was called to discuss the contraa:'t drawn,up by Holland Rnd Anderson, Engineers. Councilman Marsden made a motion to accept the contract conserning the,new water plant and the second sheet of Peach Lake Manor Unit 4. between the Engineers and the City of Ocoee. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Councilman Pounds, Howell and Marsden voted AYE. No no's. Carried unani~ously. The~e being no further business Councilman Marsdea made a .motion to ~ecess this meeting. Counciiliman Pounds seconded the motion. Ther.eupon Council recessed at 12:40 P.M. Attest: . 6!2a4~~ 7fl/~ . ,Cler ' ~~ ~~hV~~') esi ent of Council 1 CONTINUATION OF THE MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 22, 1960 . ThenCity Attorney havirig drafted and presented for.adoption an Ordinance declaring the intention of the City to annex that portion of the North Three Quarters of the SE i of the SW i of Section 8 Township 22 So th, Range 28 East.and it having been read in its entirety three times, Councilman Marsden made a motion that it be adopted as Ordinance 400-A of the City. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Pounds, and Marsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unaimously. Attest: a~<I./Imt.itL Cler ~~~v?1?~.A f'-~ Ch an CouncJ.