HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-1960 1 ~ .-t M I r.r... = <1: 1 1 rftINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 5, 1960 63 Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Pounds, Howell, Laird Mayor: Minor Absent: Councilmen: ~arsden The meeting was called to order by Councilman Freeman at 8:15 P.M. Minutes of the last regular meeting held March 15, 1960 were read and approved. " . Councilman Howell made a motion to adjourn the recessed meeting held March 15, 1960. Councilman Laird seoonded the motion. " Councilman Pounds made a.motion that the Council approve the follow- ing bills. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. (A) GENSRAL FUND: J..B. Griffih - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees . W. H. Wurst Agency - Bonds & Insurance Davis Meter & Supply Co. Johns-Manville. Southern Pipe & Supply Holmes Electric & Notor Reps. ir - Water Dept. Vulcan Materials Co. Fabric Fire Hose Co. - Fire Dept. Ocoee::-'Service S~at:HmCo. WinterGarden Lu~ber Co. Mask Hardware Allbrittons Sere Sta. Hood Tractor Co. Mrs Angela McCabe Pounds Pharmacy Finley's . Orlando Paving Co. Atlantic-Hoffman Equipment Sargent-Sowell Inc. H. M. Bowness Richardwon Tractor Co. Shadron Tile Co. Gaskins Cities Sere Sta. Power Brake Equipment Co. McCorm~ck Farm Equipment The Bray Hardware Conrads Garage John P. Ne\'lsom Glenn Joiner & Son Iserman & Co. Ezra Warbington - vmter Dep. Ref. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. . O. G. Smith - Water Dept. H. C. Wade - Street Dept. . J. C. Richards '- Street Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. Earnest Lindsey - Street Dept. OASI Contribution Fund Director of Internal Revenue Buzz Flewelling - Painting street signs W. L. Jones - Water Dep. Ref. Orange Co. Board of Co. Comm. Ocoee Recreat~on Center Lavond Johnson - Chief of Police Barnett Smith - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Hills - Fees Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. H. C. Wade - Street Dept. J. C. Richards - Street Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. Earnest Lindsey - Street Dept. Mary Hinds - Prisoners Meals Ocoee Service Station Richard Bodiford - Street Dept. Bobby Creiglow - Water Dept. Ref. 12.50 10.00 354.36 500.00 500.00 402.55 1,,08 . 77 50.00 501.00 32.28 10.98 41.43 13.08 301.62 106.00 32.70 7.50 81.00 18.00 64.45 1.05 6.92 25.00 1.50 9.80 15.14 11.24 25.00 72 . 3 7 .73.64 6.02 7.50 74.05 60.62 49.95 49.95 42.95 49.95 399.67 283.80 15.00 5.00 43.75 200.00 124.42 118.55 93.80 12.50 7.00 74.05 60.62 49.95 U9.95 42.95 49.95 68.95 26.20 15.52 7.50 64 Councilman Pounds made a motion to buy $30.00 worth of the platts of each subdivision in and around Ocoee. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Howell & Laird ~oted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Howell made a motion to appoint Ed'-vin Pounds as a director for the West Orange Development Council. Councilman L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen.Pounds Howell & Laird voted ATE. No no's. Carried unanimously. 1 Councilman Laird 00 de a motion to appoint Delma Fields as a director for the West Orange Development Council. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Howell & Lair,d voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Howell made a motion to donate $200.00 to the Ocoee Recreation Center. Councilmen Laird seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Hovlell, & Laird veted AYE. No no'-s. - Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Pounds made a motion to recess this meeting. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 11:15 P.M. A~t.: .//~/ (:JD",LhI 'n)/1';' Cler zo;,~~~.~ P dent of Council MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD APRIL 13, 1960 I Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Pounds" Howell, Laird, & Marsden Mayor ivlinor Absent: None Meeting was called to order' by Councilmen Freeman at 12:10 P.M. Councilman Howell made a motion to reject the Franchise with the Lake Apopka Natural Gns district. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Laird, Howell, & Marsden voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsden made a motion to accept the Florida Power Corporation Contract on Well #2. .Council Howell seconded the motion.- Councilmen Pounds, Howell, Laird, & Marsden-voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilmen Pounds made a motion -to let City Attorney Spencer C. Cross handle the Resolution.with the State Road Department. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Howellj Marsden, & Lair.d voted AYE. No no's, Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Marsden made-a motion to recess this meeting. Councilmen Laird seoonded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 1:00. P.M. I Attest: ~dZU$ n 7/)Z Clerk ~~/.J"~"f41) P 'dent of Council