HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-1960 1 Lf:) ...... M I ~ = -< 1 1 69 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR r~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD MAY 17, 1960 Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Pounds, Howell, Laird &, Marsden 1\'I2 yor Minor Absent: None" The meeting VIas called to order by Councilman Freeman at 8:l0.P.11i. Minutes of the last regular meeting held May 9, 1960 and the special m~eting held May 13, 1960 were read and approved; Councilman Pounds made a motion to adjourn the 'recessed meeting of Nay 13, 1960. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Voted and carried. ' Councilman Howell made a motion that Council aDprove the follovQng bills. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: Leon Unidorm Co., Inc. - Police Dept. J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills, - Fees U. S. Civil Defense Council John Moore - Water Dep. Ref. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. H. C. Wade - Street Dept. J. C. Richards - Water Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. Richard Bodiford - Street Dept. Loval Turner - Street Dept. W. C. Finley - Water Dept. Joesph Summerall - Water Dept. Barnett Smith - Chief of Police Florida Power Corp. Florida T~le. Corp. State Bank,'of Apopka State B nk of Apopka W. S. Darley - Police Dept. Holler Motors, Inc. J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees Mary Hinds ~ Police Dept. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. J. C. Richards - Street Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. Richard Bodiford - Street Dept. Loval Turner - Street Dept. W. C. Finley - Water Dept. H. C. Wade - Street Dept. Joesph Summerall - Water Dept. Buzz Flewelling - Street Dept. G. W. Burdick - Water Dep. Ref. Barnett Smith - Chief of Police Richard Johns - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees Buzz Flewelling - Street Dept. Bill Booth - Water Dept. Ref. R. G. Howell - Street Dept. James Peacock - post cards Charles..Greenblatt - Police Dept. State B~nk of Apopka Anderson & Holland, Eng. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G . Smith - Water Dept. J. C. Richards - Steeet Dept. Richard Bodiford ~ Street Dept. Loval Turner - Street Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. W. C. Finley - Water Dept. Mary Hinds - POlicB Dept. C. O. Tubbs - Street Dept. Chuck's T. V. - Police Detp. 10.25 12.50 '11.00 5.00 7.50 74.05 60.62 49.95 49.95 42.95 45.25 45.25 93.52 93.61 51.78 654.70 24.85 203.00 125.00 9.12 2,264.25 12.50 13.00 55.30 74.05 60.62 "49.95 42.95 45.25 45.25 21.82 40.96 19.64 20.00 7.50 124.42 113.55 93.80 12.50 10.00 10.00 7.50 50.00 60.00 11.50 159.32 500.00 74.05 60.62 49.95 45.25 L1-5.25 42.95 51.80 10.75 24.00 38.00 - 70 Councilman rJIarsden mnde a motion to accept Ordinance #~.Ol being an ordinance of the Cit' of Ocoee Orange County, Florida vacating and closing the follo1ving described lands in Hicke~'s subdivision, according to plat thereof as rrcorded in ~lat book "G"~ yage 85, Public Records of Orange County Florida, as a street in the CJ.tv of Ocoee. Councilman Howell seondea the motJ.on. Councilmen Poundsi-Howell, Marsden and Laird voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimous y. Councilman Pounds made a motion to give Mr. George Moore per- mission to finish the work on his Florida room but he will have to comply with Ordinance #392 on his carporte. Councilman Mar- sden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pound~, Howell, Marsden, and Laird voted AYE. No no,' s. Carried unanimously. Councilman Po~nds made a motion for the Clerk to send the Tax Asse~sor a list of all sections in Ocoee for them to send us our 1960 Tax Roll. 'Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds; Howell, Mc1rsden and Laird voted AYE. No no's. 1 Carried unanimously. Councilman H00ell made a motion to employ Richard policeman on the Mayors recommendation, providing physical. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Pounds, Howell, Marsden, and Laird voted AYE. No unanimously. . Johns as City he pass a Councilmen no's. Carried Councilman Laird made a motion to make Mr. Barnett Smith Chief of Police. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Pound~, Marsden, 'and Laird '$oted AYE. ' No no's. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Howell made a motion to ~ecess this meeting.i Councilman Marsden seconded the motion.. Thereupon Council recessed at 10:25 P;M. Attest: . GtJ"kA' ~/.t C erk ~~#~AAt'~~~) Pre ' en of Counci r-rrNUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD WI. Y 23, 1960 1 The meeting was called to order by Council~ari F~eeman at 12:l0 P.M. At this time the Council had a (discussion with Mr. Taylor Heagy about spraying Starke Lake for Hycanitp. Also Councilman Freeman was to cdhtact,Mr; Ed Zagar and discuss with him the condition of Starke L~ke. ' Councilm~n Laird made' a motion to adopt the following resolution. on:the:~ayorsrecommerldation. 'Councilman Howell seconded the motion. RES 0 L UTI 0 N vlliEREAS, the City Council 'of tne City of Ocoee, Florid~,has determined that it is necessary to purchase a new police cer since the burning of the present car; arid WHEREAS, the City mately cdst thereof to has ascertained and det~rmined the atiproxi- be $2,000.00; and . II is desirous of 'borrowing said sum of $2,000.00 Apopka, at Apopka, Florida; and vmEREAS, the City from the'State Bank of V.JHEREAS: said B""nk' has a'greed to loan the City the sum of $2,000.00 provided a' lien is gi~en on the new car and the City apply what sum'is realized from sale of theourned car towards reducing said note as well as renew the note executed on August'29th, 1959, and repledge'the sume of $203.00 per month from the revenue'derived by the City 'from the operation of i fs municipally O\illed water system to such ~ayment, now therefore; I ~ f-l M I ~ = < 1 I 71 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: 1. That a s security for the payment of principle and interest on $2,000.00 and the renewed note and chattle mortgage the City hereby repledges to the State B~nk of Apopk~, at Apopka, Florida, the sum of $203.00 per month from tHe revenue derived by the City from the operation of its municipally owned vmter system to such payment and authorizes that a lier be placed on the new police car. 2. That the Clerk, Barbara Mills and the Mayor, John T. Minor, execute the necessary papers on behalf of the City of Ocoee to obtain SBid money from the State Bank of Apopka. Done in open session at Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, this 17th day May, 1960. ~~~--PP;/YnyjAA) Chairmcm /-"-" .-/ Attest:f$J(M~A ~/f, Clerk J.ng the Council- of Ocoee. I, Barbara Mills, Clerk of the City of Ocoee, Florida, a nd keeper of the records a nd seal of said municipality, do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the resolution as adopted by the City Council of said municipality on the 17th day of May, 1960; that the foregoing being a true extract from the minutes of said municipal body. WITNESS my hand and seal of said municipal corporation this 23rdday of May, 1960. &aJa4LL ~f#L Cl erk Attest &2~~ 4 1 k C_er ~-:t I -;-. . - ~ t?~ <1"71... 6 -L~ Pre ~ert( o~ Council