HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-1960 1 ~ ..- M I ~ = < 1 1 r.nNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JUNE 7, 1960 73 Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Pounds, Howell, Marsden, Laird Mayor Minor Apsent: None Meeting was ,celled to order 'byCouncilman Freeman at 8:05 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held May 17, 1960 and the special ,meeting held r,'1ay 23, 1960 ",ere read and ap;:::roved. Councilman Marsden made a motion to adjourn the recessed meeting held May 23, 1960. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Voted and carried. Councilman Marsden made a motion tba~':Council approve the following bills. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: Mrs. S. Z. Fields J. B. Griffin- Fees Barbara Mills, - fees Robert Collinswor.th - Water Dep. Ref. Leroy Turner - Police Dept. Thoma s Worth - "Jater Dep. Ref. Millers Grocery - Police Dep~. U.S. Civil Defmse Council - Dues W. Pitt Varnes - Water Conn. Refund Pounds Pharmacy Orlando AutO Supply, Inc. Iserman &, eo. A.B.C. Fire Equipment Orange State Oil McCormick Farm Equipment Glenn Joiner & Son Northwest Truck Parts Tne Bray Hardware O. P. McCafferty W. H Wurst Mask Hardware The Burgess Press Henry T. Harrison, Jr., M.D. Allbrittons Service Station Ocoee Service Station Engel's Florida Oxygen Service . Finley's Orlando Paving Co. Holler Motors~ Inc. Charles Greenblatt ~ulcan Materials Co. Power Brake & Equipment Co. Traywicks Auto Supply Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. 6. Smith - Water Dept. J. C. Richar-ds - Street Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. Loval Turner - Street Dept. Richard Bodiford - Street Dept. Mrs. An~ela Mc6abe Otis He~sley - Street Dept. C. O. Tubbs - Street Dept. W. C. Finley - Water Dept. Julian Hall - water dep. ref. Orlando Civil Defense - ~ags J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Kills - Fees . Barnett Smith - Chief of Police Richard Johns - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk Reeves Service Station - Water Dept. Tom Hazen - Police Dept. J. G. Friedland - Walter Vanes - Water Dep. Ref. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. }8.86 12.50 9.00 7.50 48.00 7.50 6.28 . 5.00 75.00 13.12 24.44 170.50 37.50 291.89 2.20 132.14 90.00 34.51 12.00 17.12 51.l1-0 15.25 13.00 10.00 28.0ll- 91.65 16.39 112.26 36.00 36.21 2.$.0 143.60 335.$0 9.88 74.05 . 60.62 11-9.95 42.95 45.25 45.25 105.00 49.95 22.00 ltO..05 7.50 13.50 12.50 4.00 124.42 113.55 93.80 11.35 6.00 3,000.00 7.50 74.05 74 O. G. Smith - Vlater Dept. J. C. Richards - Street Dept. Joesph Shavl - Street Dept. Richard Bodiford - Street Dept. Loval Turner - Street Dept. Apopka Products, Inc. Otis Hensley - Street Dept. J. L. Poole, - 1:.fater Dept. Herman White - Water Dep. Ref. G. H. Niblett - Water Dep. R f. r> 60.62 1+9.95 h2.95 l,.5.25 45.25 12~.00 34.92 5.00 7.50 7.50 I FROM INTEREST & SINKING FUND: City of Ocoee, General Fund First National Bank of Chicago - Interest Councilman Howell made a motion to refund ~~. Pitt Varnes' $75.00 for a water connection. Councilme.n Marsden secorlded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Hovlell; Laird and lJ:arsden voted AY&. No noIse Carried unanimously. Councilman Hovvell made .a motion to let Rev. Berry have the fire truck Friday, June 10, 1960r providing a Fireman drive it. Councilman Pounds seconded the T'loticn. Councilmen Pounds Howell, ~~rsden and Lctird voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimou&ly. There bei"ng no further busines s Councilman Marsden made a motion to reces& this meeting. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 11:00 P.M. Attest: &fl/l~~ ny;d . Clerk ~~ ~/.P~4"'~ resident of Council 1 riIINUTES OF THE SPECIAL I,mETING HELD JUNE 13 r 1960. Neeting "Jas called to order by Councilman Fr'.eman at 9:00 P .N. Councilman Pounds made a motion to take $3,000.00 out of the Interest and Sinking Fund and deposit it in the General Fund. Councilman, ~.'Iarsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Howell, ~~rsden and Laird voted AYE. No .no's. Carried unan- imously. ' Councilman Hovrell made a motion to purchase the following describe~ property providing the title is cleqr: Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 5, To\mof Ocoee, in Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 2$ East. As recorded in Plat Book "A'l, Pages 100 &.101 of the Pu.blic Records of Orange County, Florida. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Councilmen Pourid9, Howell, Harsden, find L0ird voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to appoint Cliff Freeman for our CiviL Defense Representative. Councilman Howell seconded the moticn. Countilmen Howell, Pounds, Marsden, and Laird voted AYK. No no's. Carried unanimously. I There being no further business Councilman Howell made a motion to reces& this meeting. Councilman Laird seconded the .motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 10:50 P.M. l,ttest: a4k~ ~d C erk -C;~~~~ P ~'-' dent of Couticil