HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-1960 1 1..J"';) --' M I ~ = -< 1 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA HELD JULY 19, 1960 83 Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Pounds, Ho','i'ell, Laird ;1bsent: CouncilmQn ~mrsden; oy,r 1'.... hayor hlnor . The neeting "118 s called to order by Councilman Pounds Dt 8: 00 P .T:. The minutes of the last regular meeting held July 5, 196e were read and Approved. Councilman Laird made a motion to adjourn the recessed meeting held July 5, 1960.CouncilmDn Howell seconded the motion. Voted and Carried. Councilman Laird made a motion that the Council a~prove the following Bills. Councilman HONel1 seconded the motion. Voted tlnd carried. (A) EROE GENERAL FUND: J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Hills -Fees C ash Paid Out West Orange Little League, Inc. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. Richard Bodifc~d - Street Dept. Otis Hensley ~ Street Dept. J. C. Richards - Street Dept. Roy Richards - Street Dept. Loval Turner - Street Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. Davis Meter & Supply Co. Jobns-J.Ianville State Bank of Apopka State Bar~c of Apopka Joe Andrevvs Florida Power Corp. Florida Telephone Corp. P. R. Anderson - Water Dep. Ref. Le~oy Turner - Police Dept~ J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees Sam Oliver - W8ter Dept. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. Richard Bodiford - Street Dept. Otis Hensley - Street Dept. J. C. ~ichards - Street Dept. Roy ~ichards - Street Dept. Lov~l Turner- Street Dept. Joesph Shaw - Street Dept. M. F. Hudson - Water Dep. Ref. Willie Stokes - ','.Jater Dep. Ref. Ernest Lindsey ~ Street Dept. C. O. Tubbs - vlater Dept. B. J. Futch - Water Dep. Ref. R. G. HOP~11 - 3treet Dept. Barnett Smith - Chief of Police Richard Johns - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees 12.50 6.00 20.62 100.00 7lr.05 6G.62 45.25 L~9. 95 49.95 49.95 45.25 42.95 500.00 500.00 203.00 125.00 300.00 642.10 26.41 7.50 38.80 12.50 $.00 76.65 63.05 45.25 51.95 51.95 51.95 45.25 4lJ-e 65 7.50 7.50 49.95 32.00 7.50 50.00 124.42 113.55 103.82 12.50 9.00 Councilman Howell made a motion to donAte $100.~0 to the West Orange Little Leagu" Inc~. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Councilman Howell and Laird voted AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Laird made a motion to let the Apopka Cab Co. use the east side of Cumberland Avenue to Dark a tazi cab for 60 day:::; '.....0 see if it wi ~ ~ be agreeable' with t,he City and the Apopkk Cab Co. Councilman Howell seconded the motion. Councilmen HovH:ll rind Laird voted AYE. No no!-s Carried unanimously. 84 Councilman Laird ~ade a motion to buy 500 feet of 2~inch . fire hose from Eureka Fire Hose, pDyable November 15, 1960. Councilman Ho'ell seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell and Laird voted AYE. No noTs. Carried unanimou sly. Councilman Hm'!el1 made a motion to donate ~aoo.oo to WAterfront Instruction on Starke L2ke leach. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Councilmen Laird and Howell voted AYE. No noTs. Carried unanimously. There bein[ no further business Councilman Laird nRde 2 motion to recess this meeting. Councilmcm Em'rell seconded the moticn. Thereupon Council recessed at 10:35 P.M. 1 Attest: G?a/.>~ i?J(/Lv , C ,::.rk , , 1 1