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OCTOBEH 10, 1960
Present: C01:mcilmen: l<'reelJl2n, Howell, MG.rsden, and La ird
NIa yor Minor
Meeting \.," S called to order by Counci;bmen Freeman at $: 05 P .r-'. 1
At this meeting the Council discussed-the ditch the State
Road Dept. was cle~ning off. They also discussed putting
in another drain well to drain the wDter off the streets.
There being no further business eouncilman Marsden made a
motion to recess this meeting. Co'mcilman Laird seoonded
the motion. Thereupon Council reces:oed at 9:15 P.M.
&~~Mfi- 'nJ/./~
- Clerk
President of Counicl
OCTOBt;rt 17, 1960
Present: Councilmen: Rreeman, Pounds, Howell, Laird, & Marsden
Moyor Minor
The .meetinv '",] 5 called to ord or by Coune Hman Freeman at $: 15 P .~I
CouYJ.cilman Marsden made a motion to :bwer Mr. W. H. Wurst's
property assessment to $2,700.00. Councilman Laird seconded
the ,motion. Councilmen Ho'\trell, Lc1ird, l~arsden a nd Pounds coted
AYE. No no's. Carried unanimously.
Councilm~n Marsden m~de a motion to leave Mr. G. E. Moore's
property ~ssessment the s~me ~s lAst yeRrs, $2,700.00. Council-
m~n L~ird seconded the motion~ Coyncilmen Howell, Pounds, Laird
and Marsden voted AYE. No ne's. Cprried unanimously.
Councilman Pounds made a motion to lower Hr. E. C. Muire's
property 8 ssessme:q.t to $3,750.00. Councilm3n r'Iarsden seconded
the.motion. Counciilimen Pounds, Laird, Howell and Marsden voted
ATe. No no's. C2rrie~ unanimously.
A representative of Florida Power Corporation, was present to -
discu~S th~ matter of ado~tion~and pass~ge of a franchise
ordinance. The City Clerk presented to the menting t~e following
ordinance, which was marked No. 405, entitled:
!tAn ordinAnce granting to Florida Power Corporation, its
legal ond represent2tives, successors And assigns, the
rirrht 2nd privilege of, ond frr:.nchise, for, .constructing
maint~ining 3nd opercting an alectic power plant ond dis-
tribution system in the City of Ocoee, Oounty of Orange,
State of Florida. tt
Upon motion by Councilman Howell, seconded by Councilman
Pounds, that .Ordinance No. 405 be placed in its first reading
and re~d in full, with the changes ~de by City Attorney
Speflcer C. Cross and a legal document pertaining to bulk
power, motion adopted. Ordance wn s read in full. Upon
-motion by Councilman Howell, se~onded by Councilman Pounds
that Ordinance No. 405 be passed on first reading, on roll
c811 the following CmJncilmen vlDted AYE: Councilmen Pounds,
Howell, Laird and Marsden. No no's. Carried unanimously.
Upon Motion by Councilman Howwll, seconded byCouncilman Pounds,
That ordinance ,No. r408., be .pl~~ed"iniT:i;t,s second rending, that
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the rules be waived and said ordinance be read~by title only, motion
adopted. Said ordinance was placed on seconded re0ding and read
by title. Upon motion by Councilman Howell, seconded by Councilman
PrnJnds, t at Ordinance No. 405 be passed on seconde~~ading, on roll
call the following Councilmen voted AYE: Councilman Howell, Pounds,
Laird and Marsden. No no's. Carried unanimously.
In accordance with the charter provisions and the General Law of the
State of Florida, the said ordinance was carrier over to the next
regular meeting for futher consideration.
There tang no further business Councilman Marsden made a motion to
recess this meeting. Councilman Laird sp-conded the motion. There-
upon Council recessed at 11:25 P.f1.
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, Clerk