HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-1960 I Lf:) pool M I ~ = -< I I FI~mTE" OF THE HSGULJ:I K. j'!1~.!:!;'l'I I'fei 01" Tf1]:<; GITY COUNCIL all 'l'lit; CITY 0f" OCOEE [<'LORI DA H"SLD EOVEI:BER 1, 1960 101 Present: Councilmen: Freem:n, Pounds, Howell, L~ird, P"rsdcn ;":;;:yor T"inor !, b sent: I'J one T}1e m('~ting ""'s c~llcd to order by Councilm"n Fr~enFn ~t 8:40 P.I'. The ninutes of .the J_' st reC"111~r r1....tiJ1c [-"lei Cctot>er 18, JS6C '1::1 the spcci~l m~~ting h Id October 26, 1960 were re2d ~nd ~pproved. Councilm; n rf;Tsden T'l~dc ' notion to ~r j01.:rn the rccr S;"<..l' T:1 tl:r~b t~l~ Octob~r 26, 1960. Councilm n Poun~s s co:r~:d th~ ~oti n. -Tot~j "n~ c~rrierl. Councilmn Pouncs 17";," d-: " motion th"t Council' P. ~~ovc th'" f'olloning Pills. Councilm~n p rsd0n s~cond ~ the ~otiGn. Vote~ ~nd C, rried. (A) FRer:, GENERlIL FUND: F. ' . Robinson - ';'tter Dep.; Ref. R. G. PO'Tcll - Street D~pt. Leroy Turner - Police Dept. Oco e Service St"tion ' Georg' Horton - Elaction O~ficirl ~ell Minor - Election Offici"'l Mrs. O. L. S~nders - Election Offici'l ;"iss I 'I. ry ,',rgo - Electin Offici~l I:rs. fI.nnC' L~D; gmQln - Election Offici.;'l L~urence Ady - Police Dept. S.m Oliver - W~ter Dept. O. G. Smith - ~'ter Dept. Otis Hensley - ',]: t er Dept. Rich~rd Bodiford - Street Dept. Hclvin Smith - Str et Dept. Roy Rich~rds - Street Dept. George H~rper - Street pept. J. B. Lyle.- Street Dept.> W. C. Finley --~nter Dept. -Leroy Conley ~ R~tor Dep. Ref.. The StAte B~nk of ~popk; LJrry.McD~niel - Street Dept. J. B. Griffin - Fees B<'rb".1r~ T:ills - Fees He> rold' s vl~ tch ~ nd C1pck Shop T-:. R. Jenkins - l'l"ter Dep. Ref. S~m Oliver - ','~ter Dept. O. G. Smith - W..,tcr Dept. Otis Hensley - W['ter Dept. Rich2rd Bodiford - Street Dpt. J. C. Rich~rds - Street Dept. Roy Richprds - Street Dept. Melvin Smith - Stre~t Dept. George H~rper - Street Dept. J. B. Lyle - Stfe~t Dept. W. C. Finley - ~'ter Dept. O. L. Turner - 1':2t e r Dept. Fr~nk Burnett - Street Dept. Ocoee N;:rine Center Bl.nd Business Equip Florid~ Oxygen Service Acme Glt:l.ss Co. H. f'I. Bowness CoHmi21 Corners Robert Johnson St~rr Neon SiGh Service M~ry Hin s John W. L~irsey S~w Filing John T. l-linor Ellior vonstruction & P<:'ving Linsey Roofing Adt:l.mson C12~ners _lbritton's Service Station Ch~rles F. English Cle2ners E~rnett Smith - Chief of Police Leroy Tunner - Police Dept. B~.rb~rQ;j TJlills - Clerk B~rnett Smith - Police Dept. 7.50 50.00 2~.OO 42.09 11.;-.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 52.00 74.05 60.62 .52.95 45.25 4.0.96 55.95 47.65 65.42 31+027 7.50 155~71 4.00 12.50 1~.00 74.50 7.50 74.05 60.6') 49.95 45.25 4.4.96 49.95 49.95 47.65 65.42 88.05 . 67.50 27.00 5.15 1.91 2.40 14.22 6.85 15.00 11.00 12.00 6.05 6.00 25.00 11.00 40.00 1.90 1.50 4.91 138.50 138.50 113.55 13$.50 102 Councilm~n Howell m~de.~ motion for the City PQY the bclance of the expenses on the 'Chicken supper 'for the 'Politic~l Rally. Councilman L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Lpird, M~rsden ~nd Pounds voted FOR. No no's. C~rried un~nimously. There being no further business Councilmnn Pounds J'11? de <:.1 motion to recess ttis m~eting. Councilmrn seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed ~t 9:30 P.M. Attest: ~/l~~ 'nk/Z Clerk ~~~el"~d") P .. dent of Council I MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 2, 1960 Present: Councilmen; Freem_n, Laird, Howell, M~rsden, ~nd.Reid Mayor Minor Absent: None The meeting Wi,' s c211ed to order by IJI~yor Minor &It 12: 10 P.M. Councilm~n M~rsden m.de ~ motj.on to nomin~te Councilm~n Freem@n ~s President .of Counci~ Councilm@n Reid seconded the motion. Councillm~n Howell, L;.ird, Reid ,ndM~rsden voted FOR. No no's. C~rried unanimously. CouncilmQn L~ird m~de ~ motion to ~ccept the count of the election bo"rd for the regul~r City Election held November 1, 1960 ~nd re2cl by the Clerk, of the Election B02rd to. elect three Councilmen for the term of two ye:ilrs. The toto.l number of votes wer~ 368 votes which re~d ~s follows: For Councilm_n,Group 3, J. W. Reid 307. Council- I mOim Group 4:. R..ymond G. Howell 223, A. V. Parritee 126. Council- m~n Group '5: J@ck H. M~rsden 194, Pat'P2tterson 165. Write in votes for Group 3, Junior H~ger 1,.Ed~n Pounds, 2, V. J. Hager 1 W. O. Bruce 1, Tom H.zen 2, Hor;;lce Peterson 1, lilnd V. T. Murwin 1. Write in votes for Group 4: T. M. Colburn 1, ~nd Louise S. Rhodes 1. Write in votes for Group 5: Pill Brown 1. Making the highest. number of votes for.J. W. Reid for Councilman in Group 3, R2ymond G. Howell in Group 4, .md JOilck H. M~rsden in Group 5, .-nd they are duly elected as Councilmen for two ye~rs. Councilm~n M~rsden sec@nded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Laird, Reid 0nd M~rsden voted FIDR. no no's. Crirried un.nimously. " At ',this time, M.,yor Niinor ';Idministcrl"d the Oath of Office to Raymond~ 9. Howell,' Jack H~ Marsden ';t' J?ld J. VI . ,Reid .8" J:lewly ele cted Councilmen. President of,Council Clifford Freem~n then ~ppointed the following as Chairman ~nd vice Chairman of the various dep~rtments. Councilm.n Reid as Chai'rman of Fire Dep_rtment <,;lnd Councilmam Laird as Vice-Ch~irm.n. I Councilman M~rsden ~s Ch@irman of Water Department and Councilman Reid @s Vice.Chairm~n. Councilman Howell as Ch~irman of Street Dept ond Crylncilm~n L~ird as Vice Chairman. I Councilman Laird as Ch.irman of Sanitation Dep~rtment ~nd Council- man Howell Vice Ch~irman. Councilman Laird as Chairman of Equipment and Councilman Howell as Vice Ch~irman. Councilman Howell made . motion to retain B~rb~rR Mills as City Clerk ~nd Treasurer. Councilm~n M~rsden seconded the motion. Counci!l:J men Howell, L:01ird, M;;1Tsden eJ nd Rl"id voted FOR. No no's. CQrried un~nimously. - Councilman Ma.rsden mfade Q motion to ret~in J. B. Griffin as City Judfe. .CoUncilma.n L_ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, LQird, Marsden ~nd Riid voted FOR. No noJs. C~rried unanimously 103 Councilm~n Howell m~de ~ motion to ret~in Spencer C. Cross ~s City Attorney. Coupcilman L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell L~ird, M~rsden Rnd Reid voted FOR. No no's. Carried un~nimously. Councilmlan Howell l"TP de . motion to rehire B~rnet t Smith ;1 nd LeDoy Turner as regu12r Policemen ~nd Laurence Ady as p~rt-time Policem~n on the Mayor's Reoomend..tion. Councilm..n L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Laird, MOilrsden ~ nd Reid voted FOR. No no's. C.rried, un~nimously. I , Councilm.n Marsden m~de ~ motion to retain S.m Oliver ~s Superintendent. Councilman Howell peconded the motion. men Howell, L~ird, Marsden and Reid voted FOR. No no's. un_nimotl.1s1y. V'J.ter Counc,j 1- CClrried Couricilman Howell m~de . motion to rehire all the fo~lowing men.s City employees.: Ri chOO1rd. Bodiford, Otis Hensley, J.: C. Richa rds, Roy Richards, George H.rper, ~nd Grady Smith. Councilman R~id seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, L~ird, M~rsden and Reid voted FOR. No. no's. Carried un.nimously. Councilmen Howell mftJoe ,;) motion for ~ny zoning probJ-ems to be ~ solved by all Councilmen at .. speci~l meeting. Councilm~n t-"l ~ L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, L~ird, M~rsden ~ ~nd Reid voted FOR. No no's. C~rried unanimously. = -< CouncilmGln Howell m~de ;;; motion. to pay the election offici21s $1.00 per hour. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Council- men Ho~mll, M.rsden, Laird and Reid voted FOR. No no's. C.rried unanimously. Delma Fields and Edwin Pounds were reappointed as representatives to the West Or~nge Council. Councilman Reid w~s appointed as _n alterno;!te. I There being no further business Councilm.n Marsden made a motion to recess this m~eting. Co~ncilman Howell seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 1:30 P.M. Attest: ~~~ /( '.I'U2 Clerk ~~~t?{?~ /L.AJ P ident of Council MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL ~ffiETING HELD NOVEMBER 4, 1960 Present: Councilmen Howell, Laird, M.rsden, Reid and Freeman Mayor Minor Absent: None The meeting wa s c:;olled to order by Councj lman Freem~n at 12: 10 P.M. Councilman M.rsden m..de . motion to have our Attorney Spencer C. CRoss draw up an ordinance prohibiting .ny liqupr stores in Ocoee. Councilman Reid seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Laird, Reid ~nd M~rsden voted FOR. No no's. Carried. un~nimously. I There being no further business Councilm~n M~rsden made ~ motion to recess this meeting. Councilman Laird seconded motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 12:~5 P.M. Attest: 6i!a/l~/7~. mE Clerk ~~ ~~e~,ee</ Pr, . ent 0 Council {