HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-1960 SS 103 Councilm~n Howell m~de ~ motion to ret~in Spencer C. Cross ~s City Attorney. Coupcilman L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell L~ird, M~rsden Rnd Reid voted FOR. No no's. Carried un~nimously. Councilmlan Howell l"TP de . motion to rehire B~rnet t Smith ;1 nd LeDoy Turner as regu12r Policemen ~nd Laurence Ady as p~rt-time Policem~n on the Mayor's Reoomend..tion. Councilm..n L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Laird, MOilrsden ~ nd Reid voted FOR. No no's. C.rried, un~nimously. I , Councilm.n Marsden m~de ~ motion to retain S.m Oliver ~s Superintendent. Councilman Howell peconded the motion. men Howell, L~ird, Marsden and Reid voted FOR. No no's. un_nimotl.1s1y. V'J.ter Counc,j 1- CClrried Couricilman Howell m~de . motion to rehire all the fo~lowing men.s City employees.: Ri chOO1rd. Bodiford, Otis Hensley, J.: C. Richa rds, Roy Richards, George H.rper, ~nd Grady Smith. Councilman R~id seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, L~ird, M~rsden and Reid voted FOR. No. no's. Carried un.nimously. Councilmen Howell mftJoe ,;) motion for ~ny zoning probJ-ems to be ~ solved by all Councilmen at .. speci~l meeting. Councilm~n t-"l ~ L~ird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, L~ird, M~rsden ~ ~nd Reid voted FOR. No no's. C~rried unanimously. = -< CouncilmGln Howell m~de ;;; motion. to pay the election offici21s $1.00 per hour. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Council- men Ho~mll, M.rsden, Laird and Reid voted FOR. No no's. C.rried unanimously. Delma Fields and Edwin Pounds were reappointed as representatives to the West Or~nge Council. Councilman Reid w~s appointed as _n alterno;!te. I There being no further business Councilm.n Marsden made a motion to recess this m~eting. Co~ncilman Howell seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 1:30 P.M. Attest: ~~~ /( '.I'U2 Clerk ~~~t?{?~ /L.AJ P ident of Council MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL ~ffiETING HELD NOVEMBER 4, 1960 Present: Councilmen Howell, Laird, M.rsden, Reid and Freeman Mayor Minor Absent: None The meeting wa s c:;olled to order by Councj lman Freem~n at 12: 10 P.M. Councilman M.rsden m..de . motion to have our Attorney Spencer C. CRoss draw up an ordinance prohibiting .ny liqupr stores in Ocoee. Councilman Reid seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Laird, Reid ~nd M~rsden voted FOR. No no's. Carried. un~nimously. I There being no further business Councilm~n M~rsden made ~ motion to recess this meeting. Councilman Laird seconded motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 12:~5 P.M. Attest: 6i!a/l~/7~. mE Clerk ~~ ~~e~,ee</ Pr, . ent 0 Council {