HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-11-1960 & 11-14-1960 SS 104 MINUTES OF THE, SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 11, 1960 Present: Councilmen: Freem~n, Howell, L~ird, M.rsden .nd Reid M.yor Minor. Absent: .None Councilmen Howell m2de ~ motion to rezone the property of Mr...nd Mrs. Wilbur Johnson from residentiiil.l to commerci.l property, providing sur stipul~tions .. re complied with. Councilman L.ird s~o ned the I motion. Councilmen Howell, L...ird, M.rsden ~nd Reid voted FOR. No no's. C.rried un~nimou~ly. Councilm.m Marsden ~ de.. motion to nomin~te Councilm.n J41mes Laird .s Vice-Ch~irQan.. Councilm@n Howell seconded the motion. Council- men Hpwell, L.ird,. M~rsden .nd Reid; votedFOR. No no's. C~rried~- .mimously. . Councilm.n Howell m.de .. motion to p.y Mayor Minor $25.00 for. stove for the City H.ll. Councilm~n M.rsden sctonded:the~motion. Council- men Howell, Laird, Reid ~nd M~rsden voted FOR. No no's. C~rried un~nimously. . There being no futher business Councilm.n M~rsden m~de .. motion to recess this meeting. Conncilm~n L.ird seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed _t 12:40 P.M. Attest: ~/IL 'a~ Cler ~~~~~.-J P. ident of Council MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 14, 1960. I Present: Councilmen: FreemeJn, Howell, MOilrsden,. L;j;)ird, .nd Reid M.yor Minor Absent: None The meeting w.s c.lled to order by Councilm.n Frcem~n ~t 12:20 P.M. Councilm.n Reid m.olde Oil. motion to hire Mr. Leslie P. Mullins for Police to repl~ce B.rnett Smith on the M_yor's reccomend.tion. Councilm.n M.rsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, L_ird, Reid~nd MOilrsden voted FOR. No no's. C~rried un.nimously. Councilm~n Reid m.de Oil motion to p<;\y Mr. B@rnett Smith in ~dv~nce. Councilm.n MJrsden seconded the motion. Howell, L.ird, M.rsden .nd Reid voted FOR~ No no's. un.nimously. 2 weeks p.y Councilmen C.rried Cbuncilm.n M.rsden m.de . motion to buy $6,000.00 of Ocoee Refunding Bonds from Josef Krauth.mer. Councilm~n L.ird seconded the motion. Councilmmn Howell, Mnrsden, L.ird .nd Reid voted FOR. No no's. C.rried un.nimously. There ~H~ing np further business Councilm.n M.rsden m"de .Il motion to recess this meeting. Councilm..n Reid seconded the motion . Thereupon Council recessed <<t 12:50 P.M. Attest: ~~Ad' ~a C crk I ~~::-6ef4~ P dent of Council