HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-1960 I ~ .--I M I r... = -< I I 107 I"INUTEC; 0'" 'l'H~ ltSGUl f,R y.rS'~TIPG OF THE CITY COUNGIL OF' Tl-lr<.; c;I'l'Y 01" OCrE~, FLORIDA BELJi NOVEHBEH 15, 1960 Pre2.ent: Councilmen: Freern?n, Hou')ll, L,irc, rffrrsr'en, Reid Vi',yor jVlinor "'bc;~nt: Nom~ r\~<>ct ing \^:[' S c:.l18d to order by Counci lrpn ~'reeTiF n " t 7: lO P .r,lf. T~e ~inutes of the l2st r~~u12r meeting hel~ Nove~bnr 1, 1960, the special m~ tin~ held Novemver 2, 1960, t~p sDeciil ~:'ting held I\Tove~"her.l+, 1960, th3 "'nn.ci~l."'I(.' t~nf "h-;ld Fo~!e'rl'V~r 11, 1060, "':~3 s"'>oci"'l rn~ rjrr: }"l"ld Fov?rn"l----:o:r J,4, 1960, t't, sp-:cj 1 l1'!",eti'lC}- ~(l tTovePiber 15,ct 12:05 r.T'. ~nc' tl'l(!s:)"cj'l -~,,~ 4'i:lg "I--- 1" r r-., r ~ ~1 h ." ., 1 C; 1 (1/- (. .- +- 5' 1 c:, P -: ' 1 .l~ c> r 'c' ,. r' "., 1" 0 -v-:~ d. .;. _ I... \..' . .. __, .. ,-. \J . / . _. .i' ~ ,1..;.,-.J _ ~.. Sou~ciln~n I'~ rs~en clrde ~ notinn to adjourn the recessed ~G2tiTIg ~old ~ovc~h3r.15, 1960. ~ouncilmcn L.i~d s(con~o? t~e ~oti r. ~ITot:..d '""'nd c r~ri,-.. u~n'"'lli"Y\G' :.:ljT. Souncilr~[l~ ~T rschn f1' r'e r 'oti ~n th?t Council ljills. Coullc::'L'lc:n L"'ird seconc" c the "'Iotirn. ~lJ:~ "i ~iu101Jsly 0 " " ( A) ? :tCJ ~ S~:~'~_S:{_ i I~ :~' lrr,TD : F. & R. Of rice Supply J. P. Griffin - Fees Bcrtrra MilJ.s - ~-~s ,John T. I"inor - Police ~xpcnse Sorgent-Sowpll, Inc. - Police Pept. Merson Uniform Co. - Police Dept. Mrs. Estelle ~hit~ker - ?'c.m Oli vcr - I'Jeter Dept. O ('t C;-.,-i ';'11 ',;~ t e'~ ne~t e \.1. ...)11....1-..'_ - ,c .....Li J-I . Otis I-Lnsley - \;J"ter Dept. Rich2rd Bodiford - Jtr et Dept. J. C. Richards - Street Dept. Roy Ric"h~rds - Street Dept. r~lvin Smith - Stre-t Dept. George Horper;- Stre t Dept. Johns-Mc.'nville SaleE' Co. - 'JDter Dept. Dc vis I' et er & Supply - ',Jet er Dept. Griffith Tire Co. - Str2et Dept. Hugh'2s Supply Co. - 1,iDter Dept. 1<: sk H:::.rd,-:are AndLrson & Hollcnd, Eng. - Wrter Dept. Conred's Gurage - Bolice Dept. Glenn Joiner & Son D. K. Auto Ports - Str~et Dept. Northwest Truck Parts - Street Dept. The Bray Hordw2re Holler's Chevrolet Iserm8n & Co. w. H. ~urst 4gency Laurence .~dy VulcC'n Mcteri21s Co. First National B~nk of ~. G. - Office Ex. Florida Power Corp. Hol~ er r:otors, Inc. Vulbro Corp. - Brllots Central Title Co. Southern Eeter & SuV)'ly Square Deal Machinery Sngel's - Police Dept. Board of Or~nge Co. Comm. Atlantic Chemicals Du Cor Supply - Street Dept. John B. Nev!som Hood Tractor Co. Orange State Oil B. &.B. Loan Office Farm & Home Machinery ':,iaco Sccdfolding - 'J,i;-ter Dept. Anderson Slectric Rebuilders George Stuart ,Ot)20Vc th,:,ro:lo"inf; 1;J at erJ '"1 .tlC: ~'l-'-~i (1 15.20 12.50 7.00 7.30 11. 60 2.10 8.CO 74.05 60.62 1+9.95 45.~5 40 05 / . ./ ~-9.95 49.95 ~-7. 65 500.00 500.00 423.44 50C.00 129.34 500.00 28.35 193.66 175.00 119.05 92.81 31.55 19.20 79.90 52.00 662.80 2~-. 04 557.70 114.29 28.75 100.00 86.00 13.36 175.LI-5 265.25 666.60 52.00 69.03 1+00.00 453.32 34.62 1.93 7.50 33.81 1.50 108 J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Eees J. L. Poole - Water Dept. Sam Oliver - '"Teter Dept. O. G. Smith - T12ter Dept. Richprd Bodiford - Street Dept. Otis Hensley - Water Dept. J. C. Richcrds - Street Dept. Melvin Smith - Street Dept. Ge9rge Harpe~ - Street Dept. Roy Richerds - Street Dept. ~lma, Horsnby - :~!ater Dep. Ref. Venn's Ele ctric - Office Exp. Elza Perks - Street Dept. State.B nk of Apopka State Bank of Apopka Roscoe Brooks - ~ater Dep. Ref. Laurence Ady - Police Dept. J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees Leroy Turner - Chief of Police Leslie P. Mullins -.Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk R. G. Howell - Street Dept. Mrs. Angela McCabe Florid? Telephone Corp. Mnry Hinds - Police Dept. SE1lm Oliver - ~IJa t er Dept. O. G. Smith - ~ater Dept. Otis Hensley -.W2ter Dept. J. C. Richards-- Street Dept. Richard Bodiford - Street Dept. Roy Richards -.Street Dept. Melvin Smith -.3treet Dept. George Harper - Street Dept. Ocoee Service Station - Police Dept. Leroy Turner - Police Dept. (B) FROM INTEREST & SINKING FUND 12.50 6.00 7.50 74.05 60.62 45.25 49.95 49.95 49.95 47.65 44.95 .5.00 5.00 13.69 20J.00 125.00 7.50 42.00 12.50 4.00 138.50 133.50 113.55 50.00 102.50 44.31 13.45 7LI-005 $0.62 49.95 49.95 45.25 49.95 49,95 47.65 12.92 25.00 I I The State Bank of Apopka 5,970.00 Councilman Howell made a motion to retain City Attorney Spencer C. Cross as a9ting Judge in the absence of Judge J. B. Griffin. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell~ Marsden, Reid ~nd Lpird voted YES. N6 no's. Carried unanimously. . - Councilman Laird made a motion.to charge 41.00 per month, per fomily for garb~ge collection for the garbage to be picked up behind the how3es. Notion l<Jas seconded by Councilman HOFell. Councilmen Howell, Laird, Marsden and Reid voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Howrll made a motion to draw un an ordinance on Garbage Collection of $1.00 and on requir~ng a regular garbage can of 20 gallons for each family. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Councilmen Howell, Laird, Marsden c::md Reid voted YES. No no's.- Carried unanimously. There being no. further business Councilman Mar$den made a motion to recess this meeting. Councilman Laird-secondccl the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 9:30-P.M. - I Attest: . ~'1~ ./Q~'l.t'f . C er (J' -/ ~~ ~e-l) /0~LA",) __ resident of Council .