HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-29-1961 SS
Councilman Dodge made a motion to appoint Councilman Laird and
mnn Marsden as alternate directors of the West Orange Council.
man Reid seconded the motion. Councilmen Reid, Dodge, Marsden
Laird voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously.
Councilman Marsden made a motion to donate Lots 14, 15 and 16 Block E,
Lakeview 3rd Addition, to the Ocoee Recreation and Youth Center. Council
man Laird seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Laird, Reid and
Dodge voted YES. No no's. Carried unanmmously.
Councilman ~mrsden made a motion to write all major Tire Companies
to submit a price list of all sizes tires. Councilman Laird seconded
the motion. Councilmen Laird, Reid, Dodge and Marsden voted YES.
No no's. Carried unanimously.
Councilman Marsden made a motion t6 put our Gas, Oil, Batterys and
Grease out on Bid. Councilman Dodge seconded the motion. Councilman
Dodge, Reid, Laird and Marsden ~oted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business Councilman Laird made a motion to
recess this mt~eting. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion.
Thereupon Council recessed at 11:50 P.~.
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Pre9i. i nt ~ Council
AUGUST 29, 196+
Present: Councilmen Freeman, Reid, Dodge, .Laird and Marsden
NAyor .f'Tinor
Absent: None
The meeting wa s called to order by Councilman Freeman at ~: 00 P .r1.
Councilman rflarsden made a motion to lower Tommy Sanders assessment ))
from $1,283.00 to $1,100.00. Councilman Reid seconded the motion.
Councilmen Reid, Dodge, Lc:drd and H~r.sden 'Sated YES. No no's.
Carried unanimously.
Councilman Marsden made C) motion to leave Richard Wheelers asseSSE:~mBtlt
at ~2,00.00 instoad of $4,000.00. Councilmen Laird seconded the motion.
Councilmen Reid, Laird, Dodge and ~1arsden.voted YES. No no's. Carried.
Councilman Laird made n motion to leave G. E. Moore's Assessment at
$2,700.00 instead of $3,+00.00. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion.
Councilmen Reid, Dodge, Laird and Marsden voted YES. No no's. Carried
Councilman Reid-made a motion for the City
in the Ocoee High School Football Program.
the motion. Councilmen Dodge, Reid, Laird
no's. Carried unanimously.
to put a $25.00 advertisement
Councilman Laird seconded
and Marsden voted YES.. No
Councilman l'-Tarsden made a motion to have. the new Eire Truck vii th VI. H.
Vlurst Agency until the first of the year. Councilman Reid seconded the I
motion. Councilmen Reid, Laird, Dodge and Marsden voted YES. No no's.
Carried unanimous~y.
Councilman TiTarsden made D motion to ~'Jrite the State Road Department and
c.sk them to keep the nc\V Silver Star Road through Ocoee cleaned and
mo~ed. Councilman Dodge seoonded the motion. Councilmen Reid, Dodge,
L2ird and Marsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously.
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Pres.d nt of Council