HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-1961 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR M8ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF fHE CITY OF OCOEE, FLOPIDA HELD SEPTEMBER 19, 1961 Present: Councilmen: FreemAn, Reid, Laird, Dodge and Marsden Mayor: Minor Absent: None The ,meeting was called to order by Councilman Freeman at 6:35 P.M. The minutes of the las t re~ular meeting held September 5, 1961 Bnd the ~ecial meeting held September 7, 1961 and the special meeting held September 13, 1961 we re read and approved. . Councilman Reid made a motion that Council approve the followin~ bills. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Voted and carr!ed. 1 .( A) FROM GENERAL FUND: 1 Donald Vandergrift - Water Dep. Ref. Cas h Paid Out - Bad Check Florida Power Corp. Bank of West Orange Bank of West Orange Hughes Supply, Inc. Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G . Smith - Water Dept. Richard Bodiford - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Sante Dept. Will Gray - Santo Dent. , George Harper - St. Dept. Melvin Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. J. B . Griffin - Fees Barbara Mills - Fees C. W. West Robert W. Spears - St. Dept. L. W. Howell Robert L. Mason - Water Dep. Re f. Charlie Helms - St. Dept. Firs t Federal Savings and Loan Assoc. Florida Telephone Corp. ~. B. Griffin - Fees Sam Oliver - Water Dent. O. G. Smith-Water Dept. Richard Bodiford - Sante Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. . Will G'ray - Sant. Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. Melvin Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Robert W. Spears - St. Dept. Leroy Turner - Chief of Police Ray Enfinger - Police dept. Mary Hinds - Police Dept. Laurence Ady - Police Dept. Leroy Turner - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk 5.00 -10.37 556.44- 47.75 235.00 2,000.00 74.0'5 60.62 45.25 49.95 49.95 44.47 49.625 47. 5 49.95 12.50 4.00 135.00 14-.00 8.35 7.50 18.00 35.78 31.91 12.50 7"".05 60.62 45.25 49.95 49. 265 47. 5 49. 265 47. 5 49.95 4-5.25 145..50 133.50 14.30 2!~. 00 25.00 113.55 1 Councilman Laird made a motion to accept the budget of ~123.096.25 for the year of 1961-196~. Councilman Dod~e seconded the motion. Councilmen Reid, Dodge, Marsden And Laird voted YES. No no)s. Carri~d unanimously. Counci~man Marsden made a motion to ask Florida Power Corp. to run a survey on the number of li~hts needed in Peach Lake Manor, Spring Lake Hills, and Lakewood Hills and present it to the City Council for apnroval. Councilman Reid seconded the motion. Councilmen Reid, Marsden, Dod~e and Laird voted YES. No no's. Carried unanlmously. Councilman Marsden made a motion to write the Florida Railroad of Public Utilities and ask for a hp.8ring conserning the tax on the Ocoee Telephone bills. Councilman Dodge seconded the motion. Councilmen Laird, Dodge, Reid and Marsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Reid made a motion to have a light installed on Deleware Street by the Ocoee High School. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Reid, Marsden, Laird, and Dodge voted Y~S. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Reid made a motion to sell the 1959 Chevrolet Police Car to Laurence Ady for 1500.00. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Reid, Dodge and Laird vated YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. In the absence of President Fr.eeman, Councilman Laird serve d as President. Councilman Reid made a motion to donate lots 9 through 16, Block E, Lakeview 5th Addition to the ecoee Recreational and Youth Center. Councilman Dodge seconded the motion. Councilmen Dodge, Laird, Reid and Marsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Coupcilman Dodge made a motion to install pipe from the water meter to Mr. Clyde Ripoy~s property line to connect his water after 7:00 1 A.M. Wednesday September 20, 1961. Councilman Reid seconded the. motion. Councilman Reid and Dodge voted YES. Councilman Marsden voted NO. Motion wes carried. m e.teR. Councilman Marsden made a motion to have Mr. Clyde Ripoysmoved off City Proper.ty. Councilman Reid seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Reid and Dodge voted YES. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Reid made a motion to recess this mep-ting. .Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 9:00 P.M. &. est: . , L . <: _W.i'~4~__ ~~ P/-~~rO_~~ ~'A ~__ . -':~~~~t~ifnin- . . ~INUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 21, 1961 . Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Marsden, Reid and Laird r~ayor Minor Absent: ,Councilman Dodge Meeting was called to order by Councilman Freeman at 12:15 P.M. I . . Councilman Reid made a motion to let our City Attorney Spencer Q. Cross write a letter of authorization to engineers, Williams, Hatffeld, and Stoner,. Inc. to run a feasibility report. for a sewer system in Ocoee, after examining the contract presented to the Council by the engineers. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Reid, Marsd.en and L;;ird voted YES. No no's.. Carried unanimously. . . Councilman Reid made a motion to appoint Mrs. Leon Wilson on the Mayor's rec~omendation as school patrol for Spring Lake Eiementary School at $50.00 per month. Councilman Laird seconded the motion. Councilmen Laird, Reid and Marsden ~oted YES. No no's. Carried una,nimously. There being 'no further business Councilman Reid made a motion to adjourn this.,m,eeting. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Thereupon Couhcl1'.d.~rned at. 1,2:45 P.M. . ~~~7 , l-~~J!J3~J.c4a~4~er~22JL& __~~__, :.. . .' ... ~ re Qen o. ounclI I