HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-1962 IGlmTE~3 OF THE HEGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUnCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD SEPTEI,lBER 18, 1962 Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Marsden and Wilson IvIayor Howell Absent: Councilmen: Reid and Dodge Meeting was call~d to order by Councilman Wilson at 8:05 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held September 4, 1962 and the special meeting held September II, 1962 were read and approved. I Councilman Marsden made a motion that council approve the following bills. Councilman Freem,n seconded the motion. Motion was voted and carried. ( it) FROH GENERAL FUND: I Cities Service Oil Co. Sargent.::.Sowell, Inc. Orlando Paving Co. Highvmy Equipment And Supply Co. L.P.G. Equipment Co., Inc. Puritan Chemical Co. G Industrial Equipment o. Barbara Mills - Fees Central Florida Fire Equipment Hask Hardware Board of County Comm - Santo Dept. Florida Metal Craft Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co. Orlando Armature Works Mid-Flotida Gas Co. J. C. Chiles Atlantic-Hoffman Equip Mock's Garage - Police Dept. Goodyear Service Stores Standard Oil Co. M. & M. Welding Glenn Joiner & Son Owens Service Station W. H. Wurst Agency H. N. Bovmess Florida Power Corp. Reeves Service Station The Durgess Press Ocoee High School - Annual add Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. Smith - water dept. Richard Bodiford - santo dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Will Gray - satn. dept. George Harper - st. dept. Melvin Smith - st. dept. Benn Oliver - st. dept. Roy Richards - st. dept. Laurence Ady - police dept. Florida Telephone Corp. Barbara Mills - Fees ':Jayne Brown - T:la ter dept. ref William A. Doss - water ddposit Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. Smith - water dept. Richard Dodiford - santo dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Will Gray Santo Dept. George Harper - street dept. Bennie Oliver - street dept. Melvin Smith -street dept. H. C. 1:Jade - street dept. Roy Richards - street dept. James Hensley - wa"er dept. Cash - ~~s. Wilson'S uniform Melba Kennedy - vlater dep. ref. Jim Ruddy - office 21.52 10.04 27.00 21.56 1.60 132 .64 5.34 6.00 55.76 25.03 45.50 114.59 10.83 4.80 4.20 10.05 10.60 9.24 245.88 46.15 13.70 27.53 6.00 85.80 333.75 832 . 99 40.65 7.60 30.00 81 . 83 75.08 53 .36 54.12 55.22 49.52 54.12 54.02 54.12 27.10 47.97 8.00 7.50 7.50 81.83 75.08 53 .36 54.12 55.22 49.52 54.02 54.12 55.22 54.12 9.00 11 . 73 5.00 4.00 I Leroy Turner = Chief of Police Ray Enfinger - Police Dept. Barbara Wilson - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk Board of County Comm Board of County Con~ William McCall - water dept. ref Charles Inkleberger - water dep. ref. Nicholas Slone - water dep. ref. 168.23 133 . 3 1 80.00 133.31 43 .75 43 .75 7.50 5.00 7.50 Councilman Freeman made a motion to let Robert Lerch leave his (42-1\ LakevlOod fence where it is now located, as it is not an inconvenience to Hills) anyone. Councilman Karsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman and Iflarsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. I He agrees to move the fence at any time the City sees necessary. Councilman Marsden made a motion to give ~illiam A. Wilson permission to leave his fence where it is now located on Lot 2, Block A, Lakewood Hills, as it is not an invonvenience to anyone. Councilman Freeman seconded the motion. CQuncilmen Freeman and ~brsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. He agrees to move the fence at any time the City deems necessary. Councilman Freeman made a motion to give Ronald Ferguson per- mission to leave his fence where it is now located on Lot 11 Block C, Peach Lake Manor Unit 1, as it is not an inconvenience to anyone. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman and I~arsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. He agrees to move the fence at any time the City deems necessary. Councilman Marsden made a motion to give John D. \vood permission to move a house on Lot 12, Block B., Pounds Addition. Councilman Freeman seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman and Marsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman liJ:arsden made a motion to donate $30.00 to High School Anm.wl. Councilman Freeman seconded the Councilmen Freerian and r/larsden voted 'YES '. ., .No.,no 'is . unanimously. the Ocoee motion. Carried Councilman t~rsden made a motion to donate $25.00 tb the Athletic Association for the Football Programs. Councilman Freeman seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman and Marsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. I Councilman poli ce\voman per month. Freeman and Freeman made a motion to raise r.Irs. Uilson (Special for Spring Lake Elementary school zone) to $80.00 Co'uncilman J',Iarsden seconded the motion. Councilmen l~rsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Freeman n:ade a l7lotion to send l.';r. Reid some flowers ($5.00) while he is in the hospital. Councilman Marsaen seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman and l'larsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Freeman made a motion to enter the following names in the minutes as objecting to ~;r. C. D. Adamson building a Dry Cleaners building on Lots 7,8,9, and 10, Grace Park: T'Ir. Alfred and Mrs. Della l.'iurphy, O. P. & Ethel McCafferty, and Tom and I'-1i t tie Howard. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman and Harsden voted YES. No nos. Carried unanimously. On November 4, 1962 the above mentioned property Lots 7,~,9 and 10 Grace Park 'ViaS changed to Commercial property VIi th the following people signing letters that they did not object to it bej~:: changed to commercial: Mr. & I,ll's. Tommie Sanders, nrs .$.Un.tQ~ Carlisle and Er. & rrlI's. O. P. 1'1cCafferty. Councilman I,larsden made a motion to deposit T-'Iittie Howard's check for her occupational license. Notion died for lack of a second. I There being no further business Councilman Freeman made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman IIarsden seconded the motion. Thereupon Cou~cil adjourned at 8:55 P.D. Attest: ~ -~ddottb Pro-Tem Clerk