HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-1962 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD NOVEMBER 20, 1962 Present: Councilmen: Freeman, Marsden, Pounds, Hazellief and Reid Mayor Howell Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Councilman Reid at 8:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held November 6, 1962 and the special meetings held November 7, 1962 and November 13, 1962 were read and approved. I Councilman Freeman made a motion that Council approve the following bills. Councilman Marsdffiseconded the motinn. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: I L. W. Wood - water dep. ref. Board of County Comm. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. Elzie Williams - Water Dept. Billy Johnson - Water Dept. Ocoee Volunteer Fire Dept. Mrs. David Henry - Refund on moving dirt Sam Oliver - Water Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. Will Gray - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. Melvin Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - St. Dept. Barbara Mills - Fees James Jernigan - Santo Dept. Jack Rewis - water dep. ref. L. R. Durrance - water dep. ref. V. A. Cabaniss - water dep. ref. Paul Packard - water dep. ref. Glenn Joiner & Son W. H. Wurst Agency Everson-Ross Co., Inc. Lakeland Truck Equip. Richardson Tractor Co. Puritan Chemical Co. Graybar Electric Co. Davis Meter & Supply Co. M. & M. Ilfelding Atlantic Chemicals Florida Steel Corp. Bowness Service Station Orlando Pav~ng Co. Winter Garden LumberCo. F. & R. Office Supply Board of County Comm. Spring Lake Service Sta. Hood Tractor Co. Badger Meter lfilg. Co. Anderson Electric REbuilders Sargent-Sowell, Inc. Pounds Motor Co. Colonial Corners John B. Newsom Holler Motors, Inc. Owens Service Station The Bray Hardware Engels Florida Metal Craft, Inc. Saine Co., Inc. Gentral Florida fire Equ~p. Modern Stationery Pounds Pharmacy Mid-FIDrida Gas Co. Nary Hinds Florida Telephone Corp. Johns-Iv1anvlle, Barbara Mills - Fees Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. 7.50 87.50 75.08 32.70 32.70 25.00 10.00 163.66 54.12 55.22 49.52 54.12 54.02 55.22 54.12 7.00 53 .36 7.50 7.50 7.50 5.00 65.73 10.00 2.98 71.66 49.64 132 . 64 147.59 312.24 129.80 166.50 63 .86 656.59 81.00 19.50 7.20 84.00 6.00 64.12 460.70 40 . 23 4. 94 10.19 15.00 28.68 74.08 10.00 19.28 74.85 5.00 7.08 7.95 5.85 26.57 3.85 21.70 47.92 2,623.00 8.00 81 .83 75.08 53.36 I Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. Will Gray - Santo Dept. George -Harper - St. Dept. Melvin Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - St. Dept. Leroy Turner - Chief of Police Ray Enfinger - Police Dept. Barbara Wilson - Police Dept. Barbara ~tills- Clerk Fields Grocery Underwood Corp. William R. White - Police Dept. Harold Stacey - water dep. ref. Ralph Bass - water dep. ~er. Richard Anthony - waterdep. ref. Leroy Turner - Police Dept. 54.12 55.22 49.52 54.12 54.02 55.22 54.112 186.85 171.85 40.00 153 .23 99.94 37 . 20 13 8 .31 7.50 7.50 3.75 25.00 -I Councilman Freeman made a motion to appoint Councilman Marsden Vice-~resident of the Council. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman, Pounds, Hazellief and Yarsden voted YES. No no's/ Carried unanimously. Councilman Freeman made a motion to give Councilman Marsden permission to get three bids on a 10,000 gallon pressure tank for well No.2. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Council- men Freeman, Pounds, Hazellief and Marsden voted YES. No no'. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsden made a motion tcreimburse Sam Oliver for the weeks vacation pay he refunded to the City. Councilman Freeman seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Freeman, Pounds, and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman ~arsden made a motion to refund ~~s. David Henry the $10.00 she paid the City for moving dirt off City Property in front of her house. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Hazellief, Freeman and Pounds voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Freeman made a motion that the Council give him permission to authorize Grady Smith to purchase al~ parts for all equipment. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Council- men Freeman, Marsden, Pounds and Hazellief voted YES. No no'~. Carried unanimously. I Councilman Hazellief made a motion to rehire all present employees of the Sanitation Department: Otis Hensley, Will Gray and J. I. Jernigan. Councilman Freeman seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazellief, Freeman, Pounds and Marsden voted YES. No no'~. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to rehire all the present employees on the Street Dept: Melvin Smith, Bennie Oliver, George Harper, H. C. Wade and Roy Richards. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, I~arsden, Freeman and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Hazellief made a motion to get bids on a new sprayer for spraying weeds and spraying the garbage truck. Councilman Freeman seoonded the motion. Councilmen Freeman, Hazellief, Pounds and YErsden voted YES. No no;s. Carried unanimously. I Councilman Marsden made a motion, on the Mayors reccomendation, to raise Leroy Turner's salary $25.00 per month and Ray Enfinger's salary $50.00 per month, retroactive to November 1st, 1962. Councilman Vreeman seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman, Pounds, Marsden and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Freeman made a motion to raise the Clerks salary $25.00 permonth. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Council- men Freeman, Marsden, Pounds and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. carried unanimously. 1 1 I Councilman Freeman made a motion to write Fred Flanigan that his taxes are to be paid by April 1st, 196) or they will be turned over to our City Attorney for collection. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman, Marsden and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Freeman made a motion to change the street by the shopping center, a continuation of the Silver Star Road, from a 48 foot street to a 46 foot street, which will reduce the bid price $450.00. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman, Marsden, Hazellief and Pounds voted YES No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Freeman made a motion to close street L in Maguires Addition to Ocoee permanently. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman, Marsden, Pounds and Hazwllief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Hazellief made a motion to continue to pay the Health Department to send a representative to Ocoee twice each week. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Council- men Freeman, Marsden, Pounds and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to pay dues for the Orange COllnty Fireman's Association. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Marsden, Freeman and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsden made a motion to pay Field's Grocery Bill for the Political supper. Councilman Freeman seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Freeijlan, Hazel1ief and Pounds voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. A committee of Mayor Raymond Howell, Councilmen Pounds and Hazellief and Billy Maltby and Jimmy Vandergrift was appointed to determine some use of the unfinished barn. Councilman Freeman made a motion to donate $500.00 to the Ocoee Youth and Recreation Center. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Freeman, Marsden, Hazellief and Pounds voted Yes. No no's. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Freeman made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion. Thereupon. Council adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Attest: ~ ' ,~ '" m~ Cler