HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-1963 EINUTES OF THE REGUL/,R r'.IEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JANUARY 15, 1963 Present: Councilmen: Holland, }~rsden, Pounds, Hazellief and Reid I..:ayor HOirlell /\ bsent : None The meeting Vias called to order by Conncilr.lan Reid at 8:05 P.T:. The minutes of the l~st regular meeting held January 2, 1963 nnd the special meeting reld January 7, 1963 'I'lere read and ap?roved. 1 Council~an Pounds made a motion to approve the following bills. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Voted and carried. ( A ) FRor~ GENERAL FUND: 1 Mildred Stevenson - water dep. ref. Emergency Fund Florida Power Corp. Barbara ~ills - Fees W. S. Darley & Co. George Stuart - Fire Dept. Merson Uniform Co. Roger Henry Johns-f,Tanville Spring Lake Service Station Holler Motors, Inc. H. flI. Bowness Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - ~ater Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. ~ill Gray - Santo Dept. George Harper - ~t. Dept. Melvin Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. ':lade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - St. Dept. Frank Martin - ~'later Dep. Ref. Bure;ess Press Charles Potter - Water Dep. Ref. R. A. I:err Barbara I-lills - Fees Hubbard Construction Co. Gibbs Ashley Ocoee Youth" and Recreation Center ~:larren Lov:ery - ....v3.ter dep. ref. Sam Oliver O. G. Smith J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Will Gary George Harper I'.~il vin Smith Bennie Oliver H. C. ':1 ad e Roy Richards Lerov Turner - Chief of Police Ray Enfinger - Police Dept. ':Jilliam R. ~.yhi te - Poli ce Dept. Barbara ~ilson - Police Dept. BarbarD Mills - Clerk 1frs. Ward Totman - water dep. ref. Leroy Turner - Police dept. Barbara Bills - Fees Sam Oliver O. G. Smith J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley ~:Jil1 Gray George Harper r:el vin Smith Bennie Oliver H. C. ':lade Roy Richards International Armament Corp. J. B. Gfiffin - Fees 7.50 100.00 815.77 5.00 101.0? 61.25 7.42 7.42 2,623 .49 2.89 74.91 375.59 En.36 74.69 53.05 58.65 59.75 42.94 47.~4 53 .72 54.93 53 .83 7.50 77.95 7.50 236 .3 5 5.00 1~,045.00 5.51 500.00 7.50 81.36 74.69 53.05 58.65 59.75 49.23 53 .83 51.42 54.93 53 .83 177.20 152.36 137.56 50.00 142.41 7.50 ~5. 00 8.00 81.36 74.69 53.05 58.65 59.75 49.23 53 .83 51.42 54.93 53 .83 29.50 50.00 1 Councilman Pounds made a motion that Spencer Cross, City attorney bring an itemized statement of'the untility tax on Electricity owed the people on excluded property. Councilman Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Holland, Marsden, and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Hazellief made a motion to raise the pay for answering the police and fire department telephone from $25.00 to $35.00 per month. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazellief, Pounds, Marsden and Holland voted YES. No no's. Carrried unanimously. Councilman Eazellief made a motion to raise Nill Gray and Otis Hensley's pay $5.00 per week. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazel1ief, Holland, I':arsden and Pounds voted YES. No nos. Carried unanimously. 1 Councilman Pounds made a motion to pay Hubbard Const:~uction Co. 014,445.00, this excludes the $600.00 for the two extra inlets and $274.00 fo; ~dditiona+ pipe. Councilman Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen Holland, Pounds, Hazellief and r,~arsden voted YES. I!o no's. Carried unanimously. Councilr.lan pO;J.nds :;lade a motion to exclude the uninsured motorist policy on tte Insurance bids. Councilman I.2rsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Marsden, Holland and Hazellief voted YES. no nos. Carried unanimously. Councilman r.Iarsden made a notion to accept the bid for the Ci ty' s Insurance with the ':1. H. Wurst Agency in the amount of $2,149.97. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Pounds and Holland voted YES. Councilman Hazellief voted NO. Kotion \'las carried. There ~ng no further business Councilnan Marsden made a motion to adjounn this meeting. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Attest: I {Q/~~ '72.~/g Crerk I