HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1963 I I I MIWJTE'::; OF n:E REGULAR I:EETING OF THE CITY COl'l!CI L OF TEE CITY OF 'JCOEE, FLORIDA HELl) FEBUR~RY 5, 1963 Fresent: Councilmen: EArsden, Holland, Pounds, Hazellief and Pou'1ds Kayor !Io'llell Absent: None Tre meeting VIa s called to order by Councilman Reid at 8: 00 1-.1':, The minutes of the last regular meeting held January 15, 1963 were read and approved. Councilman Holland rr:ade a motion that Council approve the follm:ing bills. Councilman ~~rsden seconded the motion. Voted and carried. J. B. Griffin - Fees !~rv Hinds - Police Deot. I-:ock's Garage - Police-Dept. Barbara llills-Fees Florida TelepDone Corp. Florida State Board of Eealth ':!. E. '.!urst - Insur-ance Euehes Supply, Inc. The Bray Hard1,.mre ',linter Garden LUl'nher Co. Board of County CorTI. Goodyear Servi~e Stores I.:okan Truck &; ~quip. H. E. Bovmess !.gricon Davis r:eter & 3upply Co. Eavlthorne Hardware '.[ell, Laney, Ehrlich and Baer Colonial Corners F. & R. Office Supply Glenn Joiner ~ Son Kelleys Cabinet Shop Orlando Paving Co. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Johns=I.:anville 3am Oliver - '.Ja ter Dept. O. G. Smith - ~!ater De~t. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. ',:ill Gray - SClnt. Dept. ~eor~e Ha~per -~St. Dept. ~~lvln SClth - ~t. Dept. Jennie Oliver - St. Dept. ::. C. .lade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - St. Dept. Spring Lake Service Stati n Central Florida Fire Equip. Florida Power Corp. - For ~ill Gray's Deposit ..ilson ',!ingate - .later Dep. Ref. Lerov Turner - Cfuief of Police J Ra:' Enfinger - Poli ce Dept. .:illiam R. l.!hi t.e - Poli ce Depl. J8.rbarD .Jilsor;. - Police Dept. Jarbara I:ill::, - Clerk Jank of ~est Orange ~'"'r:, Cliver O. G. Smith J. I. Jernigan Otis Herrs1..e:' George Harper I:el vin Smith Bennie Oliver I:. C. .!ade Roy Rich.srds Er.:ergerrcy Fund Will Graj' Harold's J e~'relr:' 50.00 20.20 29.86 4.00 66.21 50.00 2,175.79 64..43 21.12 182.89 45.50 221.54 27.34 350.98 100.90 124.82 51.67 350.00 5.00 3.50 23 . 21 9.40 54.00 42.90 1,000.00 81.36 7L...G9 53.05 57.65 59.75 53.05 57.65 55.54 59.75 57.65 5.60 63.30 26. GG ' 7.50 167.20 152.36 13 7 . 56 40.00 1.:r2.41 1,108.00 $., 3{-. _. 0 74.69 53.05 57.G5 53.05 57.65 c; ~ 5 I, /,. ~ 59.75 ~7 .t)5 100.00 33.75 125.00 Councilman ~fursden made a motion to transfere $1,000.00 to a building fund frorr. the ':la ter Dept. to install rest rooms and storage rooms for Little League in the City Barn on Flewelling Ave. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazellief, Marsden, HollD.nd, and Pounds voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Hazellief made a motion to give Rev. Ray Vaughn two weeks to move the r~ivies by the tent on Taylor Street. Councilman Pounds seconded the. motion. Councilmen Hazellief, Pounds, r..:arsden and Holland voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to raise all street employees $5.00 per week: George Harper, l~lvin Smith, Bennie Oliver, H. C. .fude and Roy Richards. Councilrran r:arsden secnded the motion. Councilmen r-Iarsden, Pounds, Holland and Hazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. I Councilman Marsden made,a motion to buy a street sweeper from Hood Tractor Co. if it meets with Councilman Pounds approval alter del~onstration. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Pounds, Hazellief and Holland voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to give Councilman Hazellief permission to purchase a sprayer that he thinks will best serve the City. Council- man l-:arsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, r.:arsden, Hazellief and Holland voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Hazel1ief made a motion to donate $100.00 to the Ocoee Little League from the Emergency Fund. Councilman ~2rsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazellief, I.:arsden, Holland and Pounds, voted YES. no no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman r~rsden made ?- motion to present Clifford R. Freeman with a :vatch for his 1:2 :'ears service on the City CounciJ. Councilman Hazel1ief seconded the motion. Councilmen, I~rsden, Hazellief, and Holland and Pounds voted YES. 1;0 no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman tfursden made a motion to give Florida Power Corp permission to install a 4,000 lumen light between the City Police Station and Ohio St., on Kissi~~ee Ave., Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilcen r',~arsden, Pounds, Eol1and and IIazellief voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. I Councilman Hazellief Dade a motion to give Florida Power Corp. per- mission to install 2 concrete poles at the Brentwood sign and 4~4,000 lumen lights on Rhigefield I\.vemue in Brent'.lOod, according to Hr. Martin's ( drawing. Councilmen Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazellief, Pounds, Holland and r:arsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Hazellief !':lade a r:-lotion to install a nel'l light on :Iest Avenue in front of the Starke Lake Daptist Church next to the Railroad Track. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazellief, Pounds, I':~arsden and Holland voted YES. 1;0 no's. Carried unanirr.ously. Councilman ,Earsden r::2.de a notion to give the Presbyterian Church per- mission to use the Uo:":s l1211 free of charge Sunday Feb. 17,1963. Councilman Eazel1ief secorided the motion. Councilmen Narsden, Pounds, Hazel1ief and Holland voted YES. IJo nos' / Carried unanioously. Councilman }~rsden mcde a motion to purchase $3,000.00 Bonds from :!the CruITuner Co. Councilmcm Pounds seconded :r.en I:arsden, Pounds, Hazel1ief and Holland voted YES. unanimously. There being r.o futher bueiness Council:::an E:lrsden [;jade a mbtion to adjourn I this ueeting. Councilr.lan IIolland seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 11:05 P.ll. of Ocoee Refunding the motion. Council- No no's. Carried Attest: ~? 11~ C e rl-: