HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-1963 I I 1 I::::::UTE:= OF THE REGULAR I:E:2TING OF 'l';.E C:ITY CCm:CIL HELD F~:3URA.RY 19, 1<)63 rrese~t: COllLcilmer.: I':::>rsden, Holl' nd, ~ounds, llc'zcllief Lr:d ;.eid 1:a:' or Hm'lel1 !~bsent: Eone The meetin.:; I\ras called to order by Councilman Reid .::~::. 8 :00 1 .1:. The Linutes of tte lost re6ula :reeting held Februar}T 5, 1963 ~'le:'2 read and approved. Councilr.:a!"';, Pounds ;.,ade a :;,oti ::::r: that Council approve ':.he fol10'.:in.; bills. Councilman r~rsden seconded the motion. Voted and carried, ( !. ) FRm.: GENERAL FUND: James Hooten - water dep. ref. Barbara ~ills - Fees Red's ~ervice Station and Garage Sam Oliver - :futer Dept. O. G. Smitt - ':later Dept. j. I. Jernigan - Santo ~ept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. ~ill Gray - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. r:elvin Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. .lade - Jt. Dept. Roy Richards - ~t. Dept. Florida Tele. Corp. Dan Asberr: - water dep. ref. Florj.da Power Corp. Lerov Turner - Chief of folice Ray ~nfinger - Police Dept. '"ril1ia::: R. .Jhite - Police Dept. Barbara ~ilson - Police Dept. Barbara I~113 - Clerk Leroy T'..1.rner - Poli ce Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo ~ept. ~ill Grav - Santo Dept. George ~~rper - St. Dept. I:el \"in S:::i th - :3t. Dept. Benr.ie Oliver - St. Dept. O. G. Smitt - '.later Dept. H. C. ':lade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - ~t. Dept. Sarr, Oliver - ',Ja ter Dept. Harvey '.!atson - v:a.ter dep. ref. ',I. H. Garlington, I.:. D. Dilly Tillman - Sant. Dept. H. E. Fle','lelling - St. Dept. Glenn Joiner & :on Orlando Paving Co. D11 Cor Suppl:' George F. Sake Co. Atlantic Coast Line loJ. .::.. Darley ~ Co. Radio Co:::munications ;::;arge~t-Sowell, Inc. F. L R. Office Supply ~inter Garden Ll~ber Co. The Bra:' Hardi'/&re Agricon Hood Tractor Co. 30ard of Count:. Cor.un:. sioncrs Jar;.es E. Peacock 7.50 !.,..OO 11, I, (\ ""'1". ........... 84.87 79.51 53.a5 57 I' ,- I . C) 59.75 53.05 57.65 55.54 59.75 57.65 61.05 7.50 773.02 167.20 152.36 l.~ '< '7 =. {, / I .,..IV 4.0.00 14.2.l,.1 3 5 . 00 53.05 57.65 5S.75 53 .05 57 (.,e:, .~.. .;=. ~I //.)+ 70 1-.1 j o. T-'- r.;c 75 .; / . 57.65 84.87 7.50 25.00 18.00 11.0a 114.30 3 7 .37 13.87 24.25 15.4.8 48.10 8.80 56.0C 2.50 4.48 3.74 487.47 IQ.QO 64.75 28.$0 (~) Er:ERGE1':CY FmJD: Ocoee Little Le&gue 250.00 Councilman I.:arsden Dade a motion to gi ve ~an: Oliver and Gradv Smi th 2 $5.00 8. l,rjeek raise. Councilman Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen I0rsden, Holland, Pounds and Hazellief voted Y2S. No noTs. Carried unanimously. Councilman I.:arsden Dade a motion to give the Uest Orange '.'later Ski Club of Ocoee pernission to n~V€ their ski equipment to the jest side of Starke lake for the Ski Tournar:1ent I,:ay 5, 1963. Council- man Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen I'~rsden, Holland, Hazellief and Pounds, voted YES. no no IS. Carried unanir.-lously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to chan~~ Ordipance J411,~Para-_ graph 172 from Taxi: First fivc taxicabs or cars for hire $156.25 Each additional tnxi 15.00 to read Taxi: First five taxicabs or cars for hire ~25.00 Each additional t~xi 15.00 Councilman ~':arsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, rvlarsden, Eazellief and Holland voted YES. No nos. Carricd unanimously. 1 Councilman Pounds made a motion to donate $150.00 to the Ocoee Li t t 1e league. Councilman I\:arsden seconded the motion. Council= man Holland, POlmds, l'Iarsden and !Ie< z elli ef voted YES. no no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to give I,:iss Lillian Maguire a quit-claim deed to the property on the West shore of Starke Lake. Councilman I:arsden seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, I~arsden, Eazellief and Holland voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds rr.ade a motion to '\'!ri te I,Irs. Dixie :3arber asking her to make the City Clerk a deputy so that she will be able to register people for the general elections in the City Hall in Ocoee. Councilr:.an Hazel1ief seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Hazelli ef, r:arsden and Holland voted YES. fro nos. Carri ed unC'mirr:ousl:r. Cou~...cilman Holland made a motion to Durchf'se a r:odel 800 Breath- alyzer for the Police Departnent. COltncilman I:arsden seconded the motion. Councilnen Holland, I:&rsden, Hazellief and Pounds voted YES. :ro no's. Carried une>nir.:ously. Th~re being no further business Councilnan Pounds made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman 12rsden seconded the motion. ~hereupon Councj.l 8djourned at 9:35 P.I:. 1 Attest: ~~ I