HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-1963 I' .I:~r..;TE~ (1;' :~ U::CI~, or ~'1:~ ~EG:':~ ^:: ::2:~II:C O~ ;~l:~ ~:::: CITY OF CICCE2, F~C):-I.I..J \ T,\' PCP 5 IQ63 .L.... ~r.. L. , , I'T ,..... v......_..... T ' ... .l.~.........J-J !"'resent: Councilmen: l:t' rsden, Pounds, Haz ellief, ;:olli'md D:-ld ~~2i.j Mayor: :;0'.':el1 \rse~t: None The meeting ~18S cplled tc order by CouncilL.an r..eid at 8:00 1).:.. Tre r;,inutes 0: the last regular r;,eeting held Febru;c.r:r 19, 19C3 were re~d and 8pproved. 1 Councilr.1an Marsden r12de a p'otion that Council C1pprove tlle follo.:':'n.:; jills. COll!1cil:::an Holl"r..cl seconded the r..otion. Voted 8:--12 c~r!'ieci.. ( t~ ) FROI\'~ GE~;ERt~L FU!"~D: I 3Clrbar2 1:i lIs - Fees Jim Crawley - AthJ.etic Director ::. E. H9Hkins - '.Vater dep. ref. A. ~ R. Office l~crines :::. ~ T.:. ~Jeldin6 V'J.lcan l:ateriAls Co. Jo:!1r-. 3. I!evisol"'" FJorida Fire Equp. Orlando rClvin~ Co. I':o [8 n Truck &:. 1:C1d n. Co. Gray Bar . . 000 .3e GuJ f servi ce E'lghes ...iuppl:,r, Irc. Radi 0 Corr':Dl"uni CC1 t i on s oJ ervi ce Colonicl Corners ::odern .....tationer~' Florida = :etal Cr" ft, Inc. [icherdson Tractor Co. }l8."\rthorne )-> rd1'i8.re II.. =:. :Jo~/Pless Spring Lake Service Station Jorns-~:a!'Vj lIe Sam OJ i ver - '.'Jater dept. O. G. Smith - wrter dept. J. :. JerniCan - santo dept. Otis Ee~sle:' - sant. dept. .:ill Gra: - sant. dept. George !Iarp2:' - st. dept. !~lvin Smith - st. dapt. Denn~e Oliver - st. Dept~ E. S. .:ade - :t. ;;ept. Ro~ Richnrds - st. dept. JDf.es ::. :?eacocl: I:. E. Fle';;<;llinc; - st.. dept. Lerson Uni forr.. Co. l3r1nk of .:est CrpnL;-3 Lero': Turr..er - c~ief of police 10" t;"lfi~1r-er - Dol i ce dent. .. "-'J... ... P. L. lhn tin:;to~ - v:,?lter dep. ref. :JilliAr:: 1. -.n-ite - police dept. ]arbara ,:il:or- - police dept. ]prbara !:ills - cler}: C. ~ : . T~ 1 eke r 6.0C 100.00 7.50 17.69 3 r\ .-\ .00 211.20 27.60 210.80 $3.('0 J 74.27 I" 1)4 15:~O c "~ ,/ ......./ It.75 s.no 1.15 8.50 23.52 $8.93 339.72 12.05 1,500.00 8h.b7 78.4l 53.05 57. ()5 5':'.75 53.05 57.f)5 55.5/+ t:;9 7; .",; . - " 57.S5 29.40 37.00 2$.55 1,108.00 le'7 .?O 152.36 I ,.. s. ~rj t;~: 7.50 137 . 56 3EL 55 I42.41 45.04 84.87 7P. . L~.l 53.05 57.65 5S'.75 53.05 57.65 55.5!;, l)O 7c:, 37 : 6]' IOO.OO 758.2') IS'.50 5().('') 7 .50 L~. 00 s;:;.. Cl~ ver J. I. Jernigar. (H- ~ c; !J<;Dsle:' }jll Gray ~eori?e liD ~'P?r Le1vl:1 ....:7lltn Be::J.nie Cliver E. C. .:ade TIOY P.i c:-!Clrds I:!'.1ersenc:' Fnrd FJorida Power Cor~. H. 1:. Fle""rellin,3 - st. dept. J. E. Griffi~ - Fees Chilton S tj 1] - vlDter dep. ref. Barbara 1:i113 - Fees SO'T cilrr.a:1 :Irir:::d2r' r "',de 3. ::'ot:;.on to don,"" t c ~40. 00 to the .Jest Orange '.:o.ter :::ki CI'th of Ocoee for their ::';ki Tourn:'rTent T:ny 5, 1';63. Council- rna,: 1;;1z81] ~ ef 3ecoJ'lded t}",e r.otion. Co~a'.cilr::en !:arsden: E,zellief: :'o'l'Y'ds ()nd l:ollpnc. vo+ed -:::::::. :~o noT:::. C;1rried unariLousl:". S01l1iciln.,Cln ::~rsd8r: L: de a f'oti on tL" t the Cit:" he-lll dirt for the fO'Jr:dn.tior of the ne',: First In pt i st Church. Councilr.an Pounds secorded The ['otion. Councilrr,en ==arsden, rounds, I:azel1ief and Eol la'Y'd voted Y=::';. :;0 no T s. Ct1rried lmc::micolJ.s1y. Co'mcilrrnn 1:011p:,d rinds '1 r.'otion to r'2scind the rr.otion Gl.de at the previous neeting give =3ss Lillian ~~guire a quit claim deed to the property on the '.:est Shore of ~t['rke L21~e until furtter 2dvised by our Ci t" At tarne" =rencer C. Cros s on tLi s :::i t 'J.ation. Counei lman . . :>::; e11i ef secor:ded tL:; ...otion.. COi..::1'2il::-,211 ::oll",nd, II:... = el1i ef : ~2rsden and ro~nds voted YEJ. =~ no's. Ccrricd unaniffiously. I CO'll1cilr...:m E:ol1c nd LD de a L,otiO:1 to don,,,- to ~lOO. 00 to the Oeoee ~ thle"'vic :lssoci..- tior:. to help ',:i tt tl-:e e:i.:p3nse::; of taking the basket- ball tec:.r.: to t~le tou:-n<:>'::.ent3 in G2inesvi1le. C:o')ncilman':~ rsden secorded the coti 0:'.. CO::.:~c::"lr:,cn Ilo1l::...nu, I :':".I'sden: Ha zel1ief, and !'o').r:c~~ '[oLed Y:..... :~o r~J' 2. ':"lrried ~.l11:lnir.O:l32.:r. and Tulula St. Counci1:-,:2n :=:lrsde:1 :.8.de [; :- :otiO:1 to :1,,'..;e t~e str,:=.. t on the North or Starke, Lake ::i.lver ::t&r '::oo.d 811 tLe ',![1:- J }'rOll..:;l1 :::'coec. COUl-:cilr...:.'..Xl l.;::,zelL_ef se conded tlie ~ot i ,:):1 . COllY' cil[',~~:1 ~::: r:::der;" He'.::; e1li ef: EoI1C'.nd and T1011ndc- ,rotAd V"',~ -'0 ""'0'" ('~rr~":l(i lU'lrr.l"r'o""l'r .a ........::..> " __ .....~_ . ... ..... _. '_::. _1. __...... ............ ..~ ..A..:.J.......; . T:,ere cc.:.nl; no f'-crt' er '")d~o11rr~ t:.I.i:: rlee~irlS. ':pOi.': sOT1 cj:' "..d~ o'....rned '~lJ,sir:ess COH:1ci::,.:;r.. ::011 ::,_:1 ::l':',.de 2. r:1otion to Sounc:..lmar.. :.0 rsden seconded tl-l\~ :y,otion. There- ct ::"0:35 ? .1=. ":.t test: ~~-~ C1erl: I 1