HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-1963 r:n;UTEJ OF THE REGULAR I\illETHJG OF THE CITY CCm:CIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JUNE 18, 1963 Present: Councilmen: T,I2,rsden, Pounds, Holland, Hazellief Mayor HOive11 Absent: Councilman Reid The meeting wa s called to order by Councilman Tf1arsden at 8: 00 P. h. The minutes of the last regular meeting held June 4, 1963 were read and approved. 1 Councilman l.:nrsden made a motion that Council approve the follo'lling bills. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Voted and carried. ( A) FRm.1 GENERAL FUND: I Elmer Potter - ,futer dep. ref. W. H. ~urst Agency I.:ary Hinds Crissey1s Press Engels Killer Bearings Board of County Comm. Winter Garden Lt~ber Co. The Bray Hardware Orlando Paving Co. Davis I.Ieter & Supply Florida Metal Craft, Inc. Goodyear Service Store Anderson Electric Rebuilders Western Auto Assoc. Store I,:rs. Mary V. Tanner Roger Henry Clarence E. Carrier S. & J. Saw & ~ower Center Mid-Florida Gas Co. Ha\rthorne Hardware Glenn Joiner & Son Sargent Sowell, Inc. H. I'I. Bowness Sam Oliver - ~ater Dept. O. G. Smith - Uater Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensle~ -- Santo Dent. Will Gray -"Santo Dept. . George Harper - St. Dept. Melvin Smith- St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. \'lade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - St. Dept. H. E. Flewelling - St. Dept. Dill'.' I,Ial t bv - Poli ce Barbara r,Iilis - Fees Ray Enfinger - Police Sam Oliver - ',va ter Dept. O. G. Smith - '.later Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. :lill Gray - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. rIel vi::1 Smi th - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. ';Jade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - St. Dept. Leroy Turner - Police Chief William R. Hager - Police Dept. Barbara ~ills - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk Nathan Reese- Labor Youth Center Ha~rthorne Hardware Co. Don Brown - Life Guard Sam Oliver - '\'later Dept. 7.50 650.35 14.40 25.00 5.50 14.26 1+-9.00 26.45 7.05 54.00 41.90 59.16 16.60 12.75 2.47 4.25 89.00 120.00 4.95 1.50 511-.34 27.10 44.13 339.82 84.87 78.41 57.17 57.65 59.75 53.05 57.65 55.54 59.75 57.65 4.50 67.50 15.00 152.J 6 84.87 78.41 57.17 57.65 59.75 53 .05 115.30 55.54 59.75 57.65 167.20 127.56 50.00 142.41 74.00 48.62 I Councilman II~zellief made a ~otion to notify the people of Ocoee by newspaper and posters that Orange County has taken over the innoculation and licensing of dogs in the City of Ocoee effective July 1, 1963. The:" \vj.l1 have until July 15, 1963 to have their dogs innoculated and licensed. Councilnan Pounds seconded the motion. Councilnen Pounds, r.:arsden, Holland and Hazellief voted yes. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilrr.an Hazellief made [' motion that City Attorney, Spencer Cross, be instructed to draw an ordinance to abolish ordinance d406, being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages in the City of Ccoee containing alcohol of more than 8~ of alcohol by weight: Providinga penalty for violation. 1 Councilman Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, r.Iarsden, Holland and Hazellief voted yes. I'To no's. Carried unanimously. Councilrr.an Hazel1ief made a motion to authorize r.:ayor Howell to hire a lifeguard for $25.00 per week for July and August. Councilman Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, r.:arsden, Holland and Hazellief voted yes. No no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Holland made a motion to adopt ordinance 71433, being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, annexing a certain tract of unincorporated land lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee and situated in Orange County, Florida, to-wit: The existing Right-of -\"lay of State 2.oad IJo. 5-4.3 8 from the South City Limit of Ocoee Southeasterly to the South Right- of-\'la;T line of State Road No. 50 at 1.:inorville, lying wi thin 30 feet, more or less, of either side of a Center Line Survey described as follows: Begin at the Point of Intersection of the Center Line of State Road No. S-438 \"li th the East-",lest Quarter Line of Section 19, To:'mship 22 South, Range 28 East, bearing :Jorth 88025' 00" East, said Point being on the Center Line of Geneva Street at the Southern Extremity of Bluford Avenue, City of Ocoee, run thence South 25055' 00" East 1135.12 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Easterly and having a radius of 2,333.31 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 407.92 feet throught a central angle of 10001' OO", thence South 350 56' 00" East 545.35 feet to the beginning of another curve concave to the Easterly and having a radius of 6,416.57 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 438.63 feet throught a central angle of 30 55' 00", thence South 390 51' 00" East 774.67 feet to its Point of Intersection with the Center Line of State Road No. 50, said Point being on the South Line of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, thence Due south 75 feet to the South Right-of \vay Line of said Road, thence from the existing Right-of-:~y of State Road No. 50 from its Point of Intersection with the Center Line of State Road No. S-438 at I,:inorville ",Jesterlj" along its Center Line to the Southerly Extention of the exi sting "1Jest Right-of -Hay Line of a Graded Road running ITortherly \vi thin 30 feet, more or less, of either side of the Hest Line of Section 19, TO\Vllship 22 South, Range 28 East from State Road IJo. 50 to the Story Road at the Southwest Corner of the City of Ocoeej lying within 75 feet of either side of the State Center Line Survey described as follows: Begin at the Point of Intersection of the Center Line of State Road No. 50 with the Center Line of State Road lJo. 3-438 at I\1inorville, said Point being on the South Line of Section 20, TO\'mship 22 South, Range 23 East, run thence Due -.lest 1152.26 feet to the beginnin~ of a curve concave to the Southerly and . having a radius of 68,754.62 feet, thence along and to the center of said cur~e 176.67 feet throu~h a central angle of 00 17' 40e to a point 0.69 feet South 00 Ob' 50" East of the Southwest Conner of said Section, also being the Sougheast Corner of Section 19, TO\'Inship 22 South, Range 28 East, thence alo:1g and to the end of said curve 176.66 feet, thence South 890 42' 2011 ~est 2451.86 feet to a Point of Intersection at the South ';:uarter Corner of said Section 19, Thence South 890 42' 35" :lest 2209.84 feet to another Point of Intersection, thence South 890 15' 551l -.lest 433.31 feet to a point 2.75 feet South 00 44: 05 II ECtst of the South\'lest Corner of said Section 19, Thence South 890 15' 55 II -,'lest 30 fee t, more or less, to the Southerly Extention of the existing "Jest Right-of-','!ay Line of said Graded Road. Councilman Hazel1ief seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Holland, I.Iarsden and Hazellief voted yes. lJo no's. Carried unanimously. 1 1 1 I 1 Councilman Pounds made a motion to adopt ordinance )433 being an ordinace of the City of Ocoee relating to tax on cigarettes; fixing rates, providing for collection and use of proceeds; ~nd other\'lise pertaining to the levy of such to.x. Councilr:mn Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Hazel1ief, I.:o.rsden and Holland voted yes. IJo no's. Carried unanimously. Councilman Hazellief made a motion for City Attorney, Spencer Cross, to Vlrite to the Federal Government to find out information a.s how to get finanicial aid for installing a sewer system. Councilman Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen Holland, Hazellief, I.:arsden, and Pounds voted yes. No no's. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilnlan Pounds made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Holland seconded to motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 10: 55 P. I:. A.ttest: &~~ ~?7/~ . Clerk