HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-1963 SS Griffith Tire Co. Kale Uniforr::s Glenn Joiner L Son Northwest Truck Parts Florida r,:etal Craft, Inc. lioltzclaw Construction Co. Orlando raving Co. Holr.",es Electric Kissar' D1Jilders Lodern Stat:or:er\" Sa~ Cliver . J. I. Jernigan Otis J:ensley ',Jill Gra:" George Harper I:el vi n Smith Jennie Cliver H. C. '.lade 20" Richards JE~se Shackelford - ~futer Dep. Ref. \rthur I:iggins Charles Fler.".ing - 'dater dep. ref. 1+-4.15 4.05 45 .23 55.00 56.66 483 .51 108.00 697.90 28.80 10.65 82.57 57.17 57.65 59.75 5; .05 57.65 55.54 59.75 52.65 7.50 20.00 7.50 1 Councilman r:arsden r.:ade a r.:otion to adopt erdinance /;435 being an Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, repealing Ordinance rJo. lyOG of said city Hhich said Ordinance No 40S prohibited the sale of alcoholic be~erages in the City of Ocoee containin~ \lcohol of more than 8/J of Alcohol by weight nc::.d declaring that Ordin,ance 110. 406 be ITull, Void and of no effect. Councilman Hazellief seconded the motion. Councilmen I.:arsden, Hazellief and Pounds voted YES. 1;0 no's. Carri ed unanimously. Councilr;1an HazelJief made a motion to instnuct our Ci ty Attorney to draw an ordinance declaring their intention to annex the following described pr9perty: HE?, of the rE~ of the NE~ Section 30, Range 28East, Tovmshir- 22 30uth. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Hazellief, Pounds and T:arsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. At this time SIlencer C. Cross made application to the Ocoee City Council for a license to put in a Dar and Package S~ore at 125 ".1. r.:cKe:" Street, Ocoee, Florida. 1 Councilman I.arsden r~.adc a mot~on to transfer ~2, 000. OC from the Interest and Sj nking F'md to the General Fund. Coun cilman Founds seconded the n,otion: CouncilLen llarsden, Pounds and Eazellief voted YE:::'. I~o no! s. Carried unanir.:ously. There being no further business Councilman Ilazellief made a motion to recess this meeting. CouncilLan I:arsden seconded the motion. Thereupon Council recessed at 10: 15 f .1:. ,~ttest: &4/lL-- ~ Clerk // Chairman r:INUTES OF 31 ECI;,L I.:EETIIIG BEL ~ULY 23, 1963 1/ ./ Present: Councilmen: Pounds, Reid, I:olland and I<arsden I.:ayo'r IIowell A,bsent: Councilr.";an Eazellief The meeting ','Tas called to order by Councilmen Reid at 6:30 P .r.T. The p'lrpose of t~je n:eeting l'fctS to go over the tax roll and re- assess any ne'd b:'lildings or addi tions. I CO'..lDcilr.-.an l:arsden r.:ade a motion to have aEt~cial meeting for the tax: con,plaints on c,ugust 13, 1963. Councilman Pounds seconded the r:,otion. Councilmen T:arsden, Holland and Pounds voted YE3. No no's. Carried unanimously. Ttere being no further business Councilman Pounds made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman I~rsddn seconded the motion. Thereupon Council o.djourned o.t 9:JO f.L. ;,ttest: / C) L ~~ ~acc ../..A-~ Clerk