HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-1963 I.:INuTES CF TEE HEGuLi.R i,~ETIl;G CF TEE CITY CCL'I'!CIL OF TEE CITY OF OCOEE, FLCJlUD:. E2LD ,'.l!GUST 6, 1963 Present: Councilr.;.en: Founds, Reid, Lc:.rsden, H3.:6ellief and ho11and I.:q'or Emlel1 :.bsent: I.one The meeting was c211ed to order by Councilmen Reid at 5:00 I-'.r... The cinutes of the last regular ceeting held July 16, 1963 and speci~l Deetin~ held July 23, 1963 were read and approved. I Counc: lrr..an r:arsden rr.2.de a r:1otion the.t Council a~prove the fol2.o\l=-ng tills. Councilr:1Lll1 E:::.zellief seconded the notion. Voted and c2.rried. ( /") Fnm: GEEE:t ,L Fulm: I S. V. Cole-'.Jc:.ter Dep. R2f. Jol:nn:' Fl'1Y" , :an-.lDter Dep. f:.ef. 221. 02" ver- .::1. ter De})t. J. T. ~er~jGan-~ant. Dept. Ot:. s llens2.e:'-Sc~nt. Dept. r, IJ Gra,-_C'0~t DeDt Geo;ge II2r;;~-6t. bept. l,;el v-:.n ..Jmj th-.3t. Dept. Bennie Oliver-~t. vept. II. C. '.:8.de- 3t. Dept. no:' Ri chards-~t. Jept. Bank of '..rest OranGe f,rthur ::i g[;il' s-U fe Guard Dobby Jar~er- :~ter Dep. Ref. DDrhar2 r.:ills-Fees .!. fI. ..rurst,'~[;enc:' HUGhes Suppl:', Inc. Colonjc:l.l Corners Er::met t Tanner Cypress Ladder Fnctory 'Jest l',11to Parts ~tlantjc C~emjcals, Inc. Pounds l'h2.rrr:a c:- H. 1.:. Jmmess Lero': T'lrner-Chi ef of Poli ce P.a:r E:1finger- Pol:. ce ..Iillic:.D [. I:o.ger-Police 3arbc r1. r:ills- Polj ce 3e.roo.ra I.ills-Clerl: Clifford Eolley-.futer Gep. Ref. Seabert '':ishon- .later Jep. Ref. Florid.::. Power Corp. Conrad's Gcrage Oti S l:er:sley-Sant Dept. Sac 01 j ver-.fa ter Dept. J. I. Jernjgar:;S2nt. Dept. '.Jill Grc:q-::J,:mt. Dept. Geor~e Ilarper-St. Dept. r:el vin Sn:i th-St. Dept. Bennie Oliver-St. Dept. E. C. .:e: de-St. Der;t. Roy Richards-St. Dept. Jo~n Gunn-:~ter Dep. Eef. ~rth'lr liiggin3-Lir'e Guard r:ary i.::I nds-Police 5.00 2.37 82.57 57.17 57.r)5 59.75 53.05 57.65 55.54 59.75 57.65 1201.50 20.00 1.IO 18.00 620.00 613 .52 15.50 136.20 17.11-0 45.00 96.25 19.68 295.26 167.20 152.36 127.56 50.00 ; 4";' ,',1 - '-. r 7.50 J .42 87(.79 20.85 115.30 82.57 57.17 1\0 7C:: ,/ '/. ,/ 53 .05 57.65 55.54 59.75 51.65 5.13 20.00 22.45 I Councilman IIazellj ef rr.ade [', motion to po}" dues fer Judge Griffin to joj~ the Florida I~lnicipal Judges hssocintion.Councilman ~Lrsden seconded t:1e Loti 0'1. Councilrr,en Founds, Holland E~ zellief and I,:C" rsden voted Yes. 1;0 no's. Carried unaniLou.sl:r. Co'mcilDan 1;2 z ell: ef r..ade a r:".otion to adopt ordin:-, nce /I '436, bein6 ar ordinance of the C~t~ of Ocoee, Orange Count~, declaring the ~ntention of t~e cit: of ocoee, Florida to annex a certain tract of 'lY".ircorporcted 12nd 1:--; ng contiguous to the r..unicipc,l boundaries of the cit' ~f ocoee and situated in Or3nge Count~ Florida, To-wit: ;f ;;' ) of ',;-;.'] f.r,..., J f C . ") 0 m. <," ');; ~ " , "'-J '. ,..w;-, 0 ..:"" 'T o. 'Jectlon.) , 10,inunJ.[' .... ~011th, l_anp"e 2$ E3.st. Counc:; In:C.n I:ollc nd seconded the notion. CO~J.:-.cilr..en oPounds, Iiollan, I:nzell:Lef, and I:arsden voted YES. :'To 2':0' s. Carried unanimously. CO"l~ci1r-.t:: :'a:::e::'lief r::,de & r;:otj""n to D.uthorize Florid~ 10,-er to j r'sti"' ~l D. 20,000 lnmen I" gl-:t behind the Shopping C8nter or: ::,dl ver __~ t'"' r I:oc..d. CO'l.!"' C'; lr..o.n l:arsden seconded the r:1otio~. C01~1r:.C~ l:::en i:,:rsrl-:;r., ::aze}.l; ef, Pounds, and Holland voted YES. no no's. Carried unan~~o~slj . Ttere being no further business Counci1m&n Holland made ~ ~otion to recess th~s neet~ng. Councilrr:an i~arsden seconded tLe r..ot':"on. Tl-:ereu,DC!l Co~_ulc::l recessed at 10:15 P.rI. '" t t est : ~--~-------- Clerk '- --ii;: L-- , nalrman of Counc~l I ~.:Il'~UTES OF SI'ECJ: flL IESTllrG F;;'T D "UGTJ" T ' 3 IQ63 .. ;...i...J.l-J .. \. '...." ..L, ./ ::'resent: '" '1 0o'_mc~ n.en: I>,j-or Eo'::ell ro~nds, Reid, Hol1cnd ~nd r~rsde~ .'..~J3er:.t : CO .U1C: l:-:.an L:-: s e=--l i ef T:'.8 :..eet':"r:.g \'!e,s cc:3..1ed to order l;~ Counc':"ll:.c.n reid at G: =-5 ~ d.. Pounds 00I.Llci=_1..,,-,:-JI..c.de 2.. Lot':"on to leclve I IS. Tho!.i&Go:-l'.J t['.;.xe:: <:. ~ '1"'700.00. CO'J.rlC ':"lr:cn I:oll:L1d se cor:.deC: to r..oti or; . Counc':"lDen roll:~.nd, :.","Tsden, c r_d :"'o"'J..r.l.Q 3 vo~ced YS3. ~~o riO T s . CD.rr.i eel 11ncl11iL.OU31~.. Councilman Pounds made n motion to change Chiles taxes from 05,500 to $5,100. Councilman Holland seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Holland and f~rsden voted YES. No no's. Carried unanimously. C""I.~ C"Jr.:1 :'rrsden f>locle a L.otion Lo leave I.J'. Collins t':'l.zes D.t ~=-,OOO. Counc:.lm2:1 Pounds seco.lded the r..ct':'on. Counc':'lr;ier.i. 1:-'OUrlJs, ::ollD.nd ~,-r.d I:2rsden voted Yes. I,Jo no's. Carried unCl.nir.lously. Coui:cil;~.cUl Pounds r..ade :::.. a~ 1 ~s"" "e"r '''')2(0 00 ~ ,.J..C.. v .I \..A. , yt..., '-. . Gotion to leave ',Iil1Drd r.:c.ddox IS Died for lack of second. tc.;-:e s I Counc':'lL.D.r: }~oJ.lc.nd r.lade a r::otion toinstruct our Ci ty /.tt:.orney to drc.w an ordinance declaring our intention to an~ex the fo:lo1;;ing descrEJed propert:-: BEG L1-97. 64 FT r; OF S d CGR OF 1:.J : O~ ',- T 1 T)'--' " 2 J 9 4r:' T7Il' E l 3 ')0 Frp " 2' 0 I 0 F'" ., 1320 ......,., r , 1'1..1 " nUl. d ,+. 'c l' .... "- 'J. \J "T-;;''-j-O '1 .i l'.L .l.CI :: trJ ~ lor Dc,rL. Councilr2an I,Iarsden seconded the rr.otion. . .-- J. Ccur,c':'lr..en : :2.rsden, I:ol1and and Pounds voted Y.2;S. ::0 no I ..;, . C~rr~ed ~naniLousl~. ere e ~ ~ ""'0 I l'r 1eI~ us' ness CO"llCilT..~an :,:c.....rsden me c:e D. r::': . ',':" l.. G.d _~ _, ".:.1 - - .:. "'" 00 D-djo'.trn t11':"s r.:eetir:g. Councilr.:.an l:olland seconded the r::'Lereupo:-: CO'.mcil ac:.jo':r:led al 10: 15 Po' 1-:. l..otiO:1 Lotion. '.-l:,test: LS?~~-- Glerl: I