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"I .. I ) I ... --'1'''-''' tn' .- 4....__...~v.l.w....... ~OU::CI~ C" ., ~ 2~G:':~l\~:~ I...:ET:=:G OF 'rli2 CI'l'Y ",. .lJ....w CIT'; CF OCCE2, FLOnI;:)'. '-"'0iTC'r; ')0 10('") .. '-.J"'; U,-,.i. ..... , .J,__..) ....~T ..., ....uJ...,J...,J C:" ...,,........, ..ll......LJ fresert: ::o:'land, Larsden, H~' zellief, 1 0 '_~:1l...::: .- .....1 COU11Cl lmen: = :a: OY lIo'v,ell -, t ,osen : J:~0:1e 'T'he ""eet"...,,... ,.,,,", <"' ,.",,1 ea' to o,..r1e'" h" Councl'lI' e'" 'Re; c.1 'T (~. 'u"'r, I T ..&, .u,;, -.....6 't,.-.,;:) ......(...i.-'-_ _u... l..., ... .. ...... .......... I......v u. ./ 1. T1.,e ".;r'l.....es of t-J.-,r '~st 'Y'''''''''''1~'r r':>"".....;"~, 1'e'.1'""",c"- h 'C'(~ l' .......__..J.. _ l.J V.,:..;,C 1..('"....1. ..I. '...;;0'...(, c..... ....__C 0_......0 L __1....0. J... '^"o /'\,......l.t \"., -l....", '-'"/ ..., c.1 t', '" "ec'. 1 "'''''e-l'';"""" 'e'rl "l'C-""t 13 ~l.O(.,3 ,'c.l~e re r1 ,~' c,n ..e '-'1- ~~-~, '''' V_'.o [' _'-' .I. "0'-'''' , / '-' .1", ~. c.,...1.... e:.fproved. Coa!1cilue:.n :.c.rsden r:nde u. motion th.J.t Council C'l-'rrove the folloH~n.:; , :':'113. CO'~.r.cj lr:.i:tYl I:olle:.nd secor..ded the r.,otion. Voted and C""rried. ( A ) FROI: GL;;=:-, ",L Fur~ J : George r:.~< :::::..~ ~ r - .:::ter De}:. Eefund F1orid~ =:~l;:;; c':'pal J:1dges ',ssoc. T" 'J. In Ck'lQO'.TSki - .J" ter ;:)e}-. lle.:und Sac Oliver - .~ter DeVt. O. G. :::'r.1:i tL - '..Tater Dept. J. :. Jernisan - Sent. Dept. '.:~ ~.~ Gar:' - :ant. Dept. George J:arner - :::t. DeLt. 1,[,e- H'." "n,.;::',.. _ (' j- De')~ .L~ -'- ..j...1i "--'.l...__v..... V'J. 1 >.J. Jen~j_e Oliver - ut. De~t. ::. C. .i2de - St. 0el)t. 20" l:; c'1c.rds - St. 1)ect. . . ".rt' .'lr ::ib6ir s - Flor~d2 Telephore ~or~. =:-r:'"'r::... :~~J.ls - Fee~ ~. :=. Jr.:. C 8 .:e:: - Fire Dept. Cr:: sse' 's rress Oeaee (}"12.: Jervi ce 7.50 5.00 7.50 82.57 ,.., r\ , 1 f 0 . L.f-__ 57.17 59.75 53.05 57. ()5 55.51t 5S.75 50.69 ;?o.oc 52.53 5.00 1;.e.oo ,..,,.., 0C: Ii. 1-..) "0 .., / -- / ..,)""'" 3.75 r).... 5'7 c......... I 7t.4l ,)7.1'7 -c 7'" :; ,., ) ':- ~ (\,.. :,) .. ) ,.. '7 (...- ,), . -.) 55.54 5<;.75 57.65 .., , '7 ?r, -- i.-V 25:2.3:) 127.56 50.ClO 1 += . 41 J 5.50 20.0G ... ,- .. ,.., 1 J.2..r:.~:.. GO. i"lY...C:1 :=c.r i Cl-i'tler' G. G" ~ Li t I. T T T C "r""'.: .......... 'Y'l v. ..L. U _....i. w'-^- .:~ 11 Gr,:-;' Geor;::;e };c r::>er ~ ~e':"\ =- ~ ~-r:.i tr' Jen:-; e Cli ver L C. .::: c.e Po:- :2.~ c1 ~ rjs l.ero:' :"l.rner - r,1' j ef of r oli ce rn:- =r:f~nber - Pol: ce Del)t. :.j 1 1 ~ ";' r. p~. ger - fol:ice Lept. I'2r',-nrr, :":,115 =- l)0~ic'2 Def>t. ~3r r 1"':.~t'" = =~ lIs - C: erl( J':'.C~.j3 .~:_ll:; - Oifjce helr ',rth-lr ::j Gg: rs Co"r:c-;Jr:-'n l ~rsden :-":.,nde Z, r;ot:.on to g~ve Councilr..:: l~cid l)er;-'; s:::;: or to h''..1:' 5(1i) feet of l:ose for the Fir:; iF;} L.rt:-::.ent. Co' '....c~ '1"['.;'"l :;; zellie: ::;econded t.:le r..otion. Cour.cilLe:-: 1:2 z el1i 8':, = ~.J.rsden, Holle nd 2nd round::; vot eC. '.:.2:S. :~0::10 ' 3 . C,qrr.; ec. u-~c n.': r.o:1s2-~~ . COll:'1Cj 1; C.'1 Ec-' ~ell ief 7.<: de Cl rr.otion to ',lri te '.rth....1r ::e.[2=-1 n letter of ~~v:t~tion to all Elected Count.. Gfficir]s t- (' 1-1 e Lt, bor :;:)a:- Cele bra tion. Councilman T"larsden seconded tl':e r;,otion. COl.mcilnerl L""~\..:Ll::.ef, ;:cr",Jc;n, lc~nlL :'~:J :.::llc r<'::' "oted -::.2":. 1:0 no's. C'lrried un' LiL,ol.~:::.,l~'. Counc~JL.:-L =.<1rsder.. r.:..dJ ( !dotion to z:-Jo1Jt Crd":'l':-Ar.ce" ~.., ~eir.b "'r: ord":'r.9nc2 of the Cit} oi' Gcoee, c,r..r.c:;e Count:, Flor~dn re:2..~ing to obstructing j~st':'ee .r..d frOV1J~ng 2- I en3.: t: '::or t::e violc.tion thereof. Councilr:.::"ll Loll:...nd seconled t: e rr.ot':'on. Counci1r:.en I.2..r3uen, ;,:;~lLnc.i, rOClr1d_, 2..rc. !:rzelJe.'f \cted :.r::.:'. ::0 r:G'u. Gcrried l..m'~lnil'.,ouslj'. " .o.w-":.J..\..A. Councilr.,an ::cllr:-..nd li,ade a Lotion to adopt Grdino.nce 1,:4) C J2iL[; an ordil1cu:ce of tLe Ci tj of Ocoee, FloriJo declaring tLe intenti.on of tl.e C. t:. of (icoee, ?lor~do. to C l1nex a certa:.n trc ct of ~!,incor- llor~ted J.anc. l:-~:1g; cont':'guo lS to the I,unicip,c.l lJo.,nd:l:.~':'e~:':' of the C~ t.' 0: Ccoee ::'l.d s~ t wted j n Cro.nge Co.....n t: Florida, LO-Hit: "-'el;--' r. I,Q" ~', +,,- '~or'" of r, - Cor o.~ n ;.' O+' 'T:' ~,,,. .LJ b-!... ....,I-y/( -,--,I.r ..Lv. .1. L,,!J.. .... ~... ...... 1......,.. ..... .l.w....t ..L~.I,.I. ')L C L,P t't "a~'- 1')20 fL '--',.." ..1.. 21 C 4D -"t 'er-+- 130~, """;''/*1'''<'''' ...L . .LJ..Jv~.) G. ......"""'-lv,u. t+.,/. u j,. . .1"0\....1 .._\..... ,...,..... .,.~.....- , .....'-..,...L Vol':' .C' ..l. ..L L- . Co _-Lr cil.. .:--. ::0 r~sden .3 e condecl tlJ.e :Ol~Lds ~-r.d I:.:l:e11ief voted Y.2..J. r;,otion. Councilrl.eE Lol::'<.' id, I'L r .:>Je:, :;0 :~G I u . Cc ITi.ed unaniuo\.L-,=-:-. Cc v.:,cilL,an I:~ zell':'ef Lode .J. n',otion to Hri te The ;;ouston G,-' s C01:-l,t-''::''r.y, I Flor ':'00 lov;er Corp, ,J'':'nter G<"rden, Fla., :J.nd Lid-Florid3. G,.J COI".I!,-_E} .,'inter GEJ.rden, Flu. and ask tLerr. to have c. re~resent&t':' Ve l,resent 1 . l' 1 dr' " , C /"3 -. . 1 <::.t O~_lr next reguJ..c.r n.eetlng to iJe ne - ...,el-'te:,,:Jer .J, J.)'v. LOUr:Cl-L- 11'.3.2". 1 :arsden secondec. the Lotion. Counc:.l;"en I:c::z,~llief, ~.0.r 3den, l'o:.lnds ar:d l:olland voted Y.2S. ::0 :",JO T o..J. Carried unClr~ir:~o~sl:". Co .mc:lr..::n IO'J.nds made :l Lotion to buy 25 10Clcls of cl.:lY for tL8 Street :Jept. Co;..mcilrr,an I=.:lrsden seconded tLe motion. Counciln.en Founds, l=c,rsden, Hazellief and Holland voted YES. 1;0 I;C T:::'. C~rried unan~moJsly. TLere Leing no further busj.ness Councilr:,a.n I:arsden rTl.:lcle Ct Lotion to c::djoUrlJ. t:.i sLeeting. Councilruen l:.::~zellief seconded tIle . ,m C" d' , to'5"'1" L.ot::.or,. H,ere'J.ponounclJ. OJ. J ourr~ea 3 - ,/: J.. I d.. '.ttest: &~ //7" /Y #~ ~--_. GI ~n: I I j