HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-1964 SS
Councilman Miller made a motion to cancel any taxes against
Lots 54 to 56, Slock ), Town of Ocoee, in the name of Anna
~orningstar and to authorize City Attorney, Spencer Cross to
write a l~tter to that effect. CouncilQan Pounds seconded
the motion. Councilmen l\Iarsden, Pounds, Miller and Bracewell
voted YES. EO NOIIS. Carried unanimously.
Councilman ~,1arsden ma~e a motion to donate $10.00 to the
Elks Club for the Char2,tv 3al1. Councilman I'JIiller seconded
the motion. Councilmen flarsden, 1::ille1', Pounds and Bra c8\IJell
voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanirno~sly.,_
Councilman Po~nds made a motion to authorize City Attorpey
Spencer Cross to draw an ordinance propibiting the sale and
possession of alcoholic beverages for anyone under the age
of 21. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Councilr;1en
Pounds, I;lo.rsden, r.liller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO; S .
Carried unanimously.
There being no further business Councilman ~~rsden rn2de a motion
to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion.
Thereupon Council adjourned at 9:45 P.~.
Attest: .
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esident of' Council
BEnD FEBRUARY 27, 1964
Present: CouncilI:1en, I-Tarsden, Pounds, Hill er, 3rc::.cet"lell and Reid
Hayor Hm'rell
The n:eeting VlaS called to order by Councilr.lan Reid at 1: 05 P .1'1.
Councilman I3racevlell n:D.de a motion to hire a part-time policeman
so the regular policemen could have one day off each week. . Council-
man Pounds seconddd the motion. Councilmen Bracewell, Pounds,
Miller and r,J~arsden \'oted YES. HO I'W T S. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business Councilmc:n Harsden nade a motion to
adjourn this meeting. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. There
upon Council adjourned at 2:10 P.E.
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